
TVD: The Tribrid Legacy

Following my death, I was convinced that my story had reached its final chapter – game over, if you will. Yet, fate had something truly extraordinary in reserve for me. I was granted a second chance, a rebirth that felt like a cosmic reset button had been pressed. I found myself in a new existence, taking on the role of Bonnie Bennett's older brother. Kevin Williamson Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters.

ParadiseHeights · TV
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56 Chs

Chapter 1.44

For the last few hours, Orion had dedicated his time to delving into the intricacies of the runes found within Esther's grimoire. With a better understanding of these ancient symbols, Freya and Kol graciously shared their knowledge with Orion, offering detailed explanations and insights to enhance his comprehension.

As the lessons on runes unfolded, Kol couldn't resist injecting a playful tone into the atmosphere. With a sly grin, he quipped, "Orion, mastering these runes is like deciphering the universe's secrets. It takes a sharp mind and a quick hand."

Freya chuckled at Kol's theatrics, rolling her eyes playfully. "Well, Kol, a little charm adds some magic to the learning process. Don't you agree, Orion?"

After Kol left, having made plans with Rebekah, Freya decided to stay and continued imparting her runic wisdom to Orion. 

"I once saw a video on the internet that started with a teacher teaching a student, and things took a rather interesting turn. If you're up for it, we could add a bit of excitement to our study session," Orion said with a sly smirk. 

Freya's raised an eyebrow, catching on to Orions's playful tone. "I think I'll pass on that for now, Orion. Let's stick to the runes, shall we?"

"For now, you say? So there's a chance it could happen in the future," Orion remarked with a mischievous smirk. 

Meeting Orion's gaze with a newfound twinkle in his eye, Freya replied, "Well, Rian, they say that the future is full of endless possibilities." 

"So, we're doing pet names now, Freya?" Orion quipped, a playful smirk on his face " Alright Fae, lets get to studying"

Orion immersed himself diligently in the meticulous study of runes, delving into the intricate details of these ancient symbols, each carrying profound significance. The initial weeks posed a formidable challenge as he grappled with the inherent complexity of runic scripts, each symbol endowed with a distinct meaning and power.

The runes, characterized by their elusive nature, demanded a tempered approach from Orion, necessitating patience and unwavering persistence. Countless hours were dedicated to deciphering their meanings, wherein he meticulously traced the lines of each symbol. It became increasingly evident that these runes transcended mere written characters; they constituted a nuanced language of magic. Over weeks evolving into months, Orion's commitment bore fruit. The once enigmatic symbols gradually yielded their secrets, enabling him to string them together with finesse, constructing potent combinations.

Engaging in the recitation of runic chants and incantations became integral to Orion's practice, allowing him to palpably sense the resonance of ancient power coursing through his veins. With time, Orion's mastery of the runes ascended, attuning him to their subtle energies. He acquired the ability to inscribe runes onto various surfaces, thereby imbuing them with magical properties. 


Having gained a more profound understanding of runes, Orion decided it was time to put his newfound knowledge to use. He ventured to the clearing in Steven's quarry. He cast a powerful boundary spell 9 feet around him, where Klaus broke his hybrid curse, and the blood of a witch (Greta), vampire ( Jenna), and a werewolf( Jules) stains, and the first death of a Petrova doppelganger (Elena). 

With Cal stationed outside the boundary to serve as both a guardian and a lookout, Eric set to work. He meticulously burned three runes into the ground—one representing his name, another symbolizing immortality, and the third embodying magic. The flames danced and flickered as the symbols etched themselves into the earth.

Satisfied with the runic groundwork, Orion shifted his focus to a more arcane task. From his backpack, he produced a bowl, and into it, he carefully combined the venom from all seven werewolf clans. Additionally, he added portions of Elena and Tom's blood, along with traces of Stefan and Katherine and a measure of his own. 

With the ingredients assembled, Orion began chanting over the bowl, the words resonating with ancient power. "Fornicationem søker, quaero er mitt, da mea umoral jeg, gi meg detfac me fortius citius ac melius ." As his chant echoed, an unforeseen consequence unfolded. The wind around him intensified, and the ground beneath trembled. Unbeknownst to Orion, the influence of his spell extended beyond the clearing, affecting the town itself.

The sky darkened ominously as heavy storm clouds gathered overhead, and a relentless downpour of rain began, driven by strong gusts of wind. The atmosphere became charged with intensity as the rain turned into a torrential deluge, drenching everything in its path. The wind howled fiercely, bending trees and sending leaves scattering in chaotic swirls. Thunder rumbled ominously, punctuating the severity of the storm, and lightning streaked across the darkened sky, illuminating the clearing in brief, sharp flashes. Nature seemed to unleash its full force in response to Orion's potent incantation 

As Orion delved deeper into the intricate work of the spell, chaos began to unfold in the town


(Bonnie POV) 

​​I found myself engaged in a conversation with Abby, who had invited me to join her at the Grill for a meal. I didn't want to go at first but her begging wouldn't stop until I said yes. 

 However, as our discussion unfolded, the weather took a sudden turn for the worse. The winds picked up, rain poured down heavily, and the once-clear sky became a tumultuous display of thunder and lightning. Sensing an unnatural shift, I couldn't help but recognize the familiar touch of magic in the air. "Orion," both Abby and I exclaimed 

"Where's your brother?" Abby asked.

"Last time I saw him, he was with the Mikaelsons," I responded.

"What's he doing with them?" Abby's eyes held a hint of fury; she didn't want her son associated with the Mikaelsons.

"I don't know. He's been quiet for a couple of days, holed up in his study," I answered, glancing at Abby. She tried to get in contact with Orion, only to be left on voicemail, 

Abby attempted to get in contact with Orion, only to find herself continually directed to voicemail, she decided she needed to go to the Mikaleson's mansion to ask where her son was. 

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To the Mikaelsons," Abby replied.

And so, we made our way there. Abby knocked on the door, and Freya answered. "Where is my son?" Abby demanded.

"What do you mean? He left earlier," Freya explained.

"The weather... Orion is doing something, and I'm not sure what," I said with a furrowed brow.

"Do you have a map?" Abby inquired. Freya nodded, signaling an affirmative response, and then she went into the mansion.

"Get it. We're going to perform a locator spell," Abby declared with a sense of urgency, 


Orion gazed down at the concoction in the bowl, his expression focused and determined. From his jacket pocket, he retrieved a mixture of herbs — ginseng, Jiaogulan, and Sage, each signifying immortality and longevity. He harnessed his magic with a wave of his hand and turned it to ash. Muttering an incantation under his breath. As the enchanted ashes dispersed into the bowl, Orion continued his chant, infusing the mixture with the magical essence of the herbs. 

While deeply engrossed in his magical work, Orion was interrupted by the voice of Cal. "I hear a group of people coming our way," Cal alerted.

"Hold them back. I'm almost done," Orion instructed. Cal swiftly moved towards the approaching group, which happened to be the Mikaelsons, and advised them to head in the opposite direction.

"We're not here for you. What's Orion doing?" Bonnie said 

"Well, too bad he doesn't want to see you; he's a bit preoccupied," Cal declared a note of warning in his tone. "Leave, or I'll make you."

Kol smirked, undeterred. "Come at us, and we'll see what happens."

Cal, without hesitation, stepped forward, engaging with the Mikaelsons. Despite landing a few hits on Kol, he was eventually overpowered. With a swift move, Kol snapped Cal's neck, leaving him incapacitated on the ground. The Mikaelsons continued, eventually reaching Orion, who was deeply engrossed. 

As they attempted to approach Orion, an invisible barrier emerged, preventing them from getting any closer. "What are you doing, Orion?" Abby questioned with concern.

"You'll see soon, Mother," Orion replied, a confident smirk playing on his lips.

Freya interjected, noting the heightened magical energy in the air, "The amount of magic in the air, Orion. You're doing something powerful. And the way the weather is... it's still continuing."

Smart, aren't you, Freya?" Orion smirked. Continuing his incantation one final time, he chanted, "Fornicationem søker, quaero er mitt, da mea umoral jeg, gi meg det fac me fortius citius ac melius ."

As the words left Orion's lips, both Freya and Kol's eyes widened in astonishment. "What... that reaction?" Klaus inquired.

"The spell is similar to the one Mother used to turn us into vampires," Freya explained, her gaze fixed on Orion. "And the runes on the ground symbolize immortality, Orion, and magic. Orion is turning himself immortal."

The revelation hung heavy in the air, leaving them all in stunned silence. Orion, still focused on the culmination of his powerful spell, seemed unperturbed by their shock.

Abby broke the silence, her voice a mix of concern and disbelief. "Immortality? Orion, what are you thinking?"

Orion turned to face them, the smirk still lingering on his face. "I'm thinking it's time to ensure I'm always around to protect the ones I care about." 

Think about what you're doing; it's against nature. Vampires are unnatural," Abby said, her voice filled with concern. The Mikaelsons exchanged glances, a hint of disgust evident in their expressions.

Orion turned to his mother, a determined look in his eyes. "Nature can more than handle herself. If she didn't want vampires to exist, then the Mikaelsons wouldn't have come back to life, and their blood wouldn't be able to turn others. Witches are too self-centered to notice that.

All you try to do is shun anything that doesn't fit into your standards. Did you know, I'm not even a witch? I'm a hybrid. I broke my curse a couple of months ago, and Oliver was there to help me through it. You hid my true nature from me. Hell, I'm not even a full witch; I'm a siphoner with my own magic," Orion declared, his eyes glowing with an intense green hue. As he spoke, he siphoned energy from his pendant, letting a vibrant red glow emanate from his hand, 

Orion erupted into laughter, the sound echoing through the tension-filled atmosphere. "My eyes don't even glow yellow, but a green color that no one has ever seen. I've searched for a reason, an explanation, but I've come to realize that maybe I'm not meant to fit into anyone else's mold," he said, his laughter carrying a mix of mockery and sarcasm. 

He then raised the bowl to his lips and drank its contents. Turning his gaze toward everybody, he used his magic to snap his neck. "See you on the other side," he murmured as his world blurred.

Just as he said that, a shockwave was released from his body, hitting everyone present and continuing outward, alerting every supernatural being in its path.

As he performed the act, the sky went dark, with flashes of green lightning illuminating the ominous scene. Abby rushed to her son and exclaimed, "What did you do, my boy?" 

"What do we do now?" Klaus said, a mixture of frustration and uncertainty in his tone. "He's gonna come back." 

"He's gonna come back, but what will he be?" Freya pondered, her eyes scanning the darkened sky.

Bonnie, still recovering from the shock, spoke up, "This magic... it's unlike anything I've ever felt. He's tapped into something profound."

Abby, her worry etched on her face, turned to Klaus. "Can he be stopped? Controlled?"

Klaus, gazing at the flashes of green lightning, shook his head. "I don't know. But we need to be prepared for whatever comes next. The power he's unleashed is beyond our understanding."

Kol spoke up, breaking the heavy silence. "Like Klaus, he's a werewolf, which would have made him a hybrid. But he said he could siphon, which means he would have access to magic. He... is going to be the first of a new species, the first tribrid." 

The revelation hung in the air, sinking in with awe and apprehension. The Mikaelsons, renowned for their supernatural heritage, exchanged glances as the concept of a tribrid — a being made of all three species a vampire, werewolf, and witch abilities — unfolded before them.

"He's creating a new legacy that defies all of nature," Freya mused, her eyes fixed on the darkened sky. 


2050 words 

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