
TVD: The Tribrid Legacy

Following my death, I was convinced that my story had reached its final chapter – game over, if you will. Yet, fate had something truly extraordinary in reserve for me. I was granted a second chance, a rebirth that felt like a cosmic reset button had been pressed. I found myself in a new existence, taking on the role of Bonnie Bennett's older brother. Kevin Williamson Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters.

ParadiseHeights · TV
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56 Chs

Chapter 1.35

Orion swiftly texted Klaus, informing him that they'd meet in Chicago but that he would arrive a day later. With that settled, he casually picked up the boy, who remained unconscious and strolled toward a quieter section of the woods, away from the eerie remnants of the charred bodies.

Once he found a comfortable spot for the boy, Orion gently settled him down and waited patiently for him to regain consciousness, pondering their following action.

Approximately 10 minutes later, the boy stirred, groggily opening his eyes. Confusion and disorientation washed over him as he glanced around. Blinking at Orion, he finally croaked, "Where... where am I?"

"Hey there, you're awake," Orion said reassuringly. "I'll give you the quick version: You're a hybrid now, congratulations! Part vampire, part werewolf. Unfortunately, your pack didn't make it earlier, but I saved your life." He extended his hand to the boy and asked, "What's your name?" Cal, the boy, responded with a weak but thankful smile, "Cal."

Still trying to wrap his head around the situation, Cal asked, "Who are you?"

Orion smiled warmly and introduced himself, "I'm Orion Bennett."

Cal's stomach rumbled audibly, and he looked at Orion perplexedly. "Why am I so hungry?" he inquired.

Orion chuckled lightly and replied, "Well, Cal, you've got a new diet now. It's blood." Cal's eyes widened in surprise, but he nodded slowly.

"Let's get you something to eat," Orion suggested. "We're headed to town for that; after that, we'll go to Chicago."

After reaching the town, Orion and Cal casually searched for a meal. They soon spotted a slightly inebriated man by the roadside. Cal shot a look Orion's way, silently asking for his approval. Giving a nod of agreement, Orion clarified that Cal could go ahead.

Cal didn't waste time and smoothly vamped the man into an empty alley. As he began to feed, Orion chimed in "Alright, Cal," Orion instructed, his voice low and steady. "Listen to the rhythm of the person's heartbeat. Once it starts to slow down, that's your cue to stop. Maintain the heartbeat; don't let it halt, or you'll find yourself with a body to attend to."

Listening to the rhythmic thump of the man's heartbeat, Cal sensed it gradually slowing down. He knew it was time to stop and looked to Orion, seeking guidance. Orion shared the next step, ". Compel them. To do this, look them in the eyes and give them an order, impose your will on them."

Cal nodded, ready to put the lesson into practice. He locked eyes with the man and issued a compelling command, his voice laced with an air of authority, "Forget tonight. You were too drunk and blacked out in this empty alley."

Cal lightly pricked his finger on his fang with the compulsion delivered, drawing a drop of blood. He smeared it against the puncture wounds on the man's neck, observing as they swiftly healed.

"Good job, Cal. You did great for your first feed." Orion said

Throughout the day, Orion gave Cal a comprehensive rundown of his newfound vampiric abilities. They delved into the intricacies of their supernatural traits, from heightened senses to compulsion.

Orion made his way to the motel and found it vacant, devoid of Stefan and Klaus' belongings. He motioned for Cal to join him inside, relaying the situation's urgency.

"Clean up and get ready," he told Cal. "We'll have to leave in a couple of hours."

Orion offered Cal some of his clothes to change into to ensure they left unnoticed. As Cal got ready, Orion retrieved a daylight ring. He subtly spelled it to conceal Cal's hybrid features, rendering him virtually like a regular vampire and allowing them to move discreetly without drawing attention.


In Chicago, Cal and Orion made their way to Gloria's bar. Upon their arrival, they were met with tension and chaos. Niklaus was visibly agitated, Stefan appeared emotionally detached as he sipped on bourbon, and Rebekah was in the process of draining a young man.

Niklaus, eager to know the reason for their delay, demanded answers, "What took you so bloody long, and who's the boy next to you?"

Orion introduced Cal, "This is Cal, a new vampire I found and decided to help until I see fit."

Orion then proceeded to ask, "What's got you so stressed? And who's the girl draining that man over there?"

Hearing herself mentioned, Rebekah interjected with a snark, "I'm Rebekah, darling, and you must be the seer my brother keeps yapping on about."

Orion, acknowledging the role of the seer, inquired, "Yes, I am the seer. What do you want?"

Persistently seeking her lost necklace, Rebekah implored, "Tell me where my necklace is. I lost it in the 1920s, and Nik needs it to discover why his hybrids aren't working. Use your seer powers and find out where it is."

Orion clarified, "My powers don't work like that, but with my magic, I can locate the necklace for you. Give me your hand, and I'll channel you."

Rebekah hesitated, seeking Nik's approval, which he granted with a nod. She extended her hand to Orion, allowing him to initiate the process. As he chanted the incantation, "ubi est haec monilia feminarum," visions flooded his consciousness. He saw Elena, adorned with the necklace, in the company of Bonnie and Caroline as they cooked together. Having gathered enough information, Orion stopped the spell.

As Orion observed the room, he couldn't ignore the stress etched on Stefan's face, and a sly smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He turned his attention to Stefan, his tone firm and probing, "Are you hiding anything from us, Stefan? Be honest now. Where is the necklace?"

Stefan laughed emotionlessly and responded, "What do I have to do with the necklace?"

Orion, undeterred, pressed on, "Come on, don't lie now. You and I both know where it is. Either you confess now, or I spill the beans."

Niklaus interjected, seeking clarity, "What's the meaning of this, Orion?"

Orion responded directly and unapologetically, "Why don't you ask your vampire bestie over there? He knows damn well where it is and has been tricking us all summer."

Rebekah, catching on to the situation, chimed in, "He knows something, brother. He just won't fess up."

With all eyes locked on Stefan, the tension peaked as Stefan lunged forward to attack Orion. But before he could move, Orion snapped Stefan's neck using magic. The abrupt silence that followed was deafening.

Klaus and Rebekah, now eager for answers, asked what Stefan had been concealing.

Orion didn't mince words, revealing the truth, "Elena Gilbert is still alive, and she's wearing your necklace as we speak."


1100 words 


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