
TVD: Stefan's Skin (DROPPED)

Reborn as Stefan Salvatore, lucky enough to score LOHP with all the books available inside the Library. Yes MC likes men and women. Yes the author is bad at spelling. No this is not good at all for all those nitpicking TVD fans. No author has no idea what they are doing, They just love the show and tried finding fan fictions read them all couldn't find any more, took matters into their own hands.

Schooldean · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Chapter 4

Stefan POV

The medicinal bath for Damon took longer than I thought. The guy had way too many impurities in his body but after that ordeal I went straight to sleep, exhausted from holding him down like that the entire time. After waking up I continue with my cultivation, when I stop my cultivation it just after midnight so I decide it's time to make a sample of wine. I make a bucket worth and then take it to Damon who is asleep but I leave him a small note telling him to find customers for us and if all goes well I'll make more.

I then realize I don't want to waste this time and proceed to practice the arrays that I can use to keep out magic and cursed bodies and older souls.

I am not going to exclude one faction and allow another this is my territory now. I practice arrays using formations first because I will be protecting land all I need it to use the land itself. First I'll plant powerful trees that can hold large amounts of spiritual energy and the nurture these trees with qi or spiritual gathering arrays and protect them from destruction and human greed by putting invisibility inscriptions and also put diamonds underground as a backup incase the trees fall or gain awareness and leave.

I suppose I need to search for big diamonds that can hold tremendous amounts of qi. This will be a massive undertaking so I'll start with the important arrays which includes the qi gathering and invisibility inscriptions for the trees after they have gathered enough spiritual energy I will start with the prohibition arrays that will ban anyone with bad intentions for the residents be it human, monster or any of the supernatural creatures.

This array will make any of the supernatural species bounce back and unable to come in side without an invitation from one of the residence however if the person has bad intentions they can not be invited in unless it is the person who put the array formation that sends the invitation. It works like a normal boundary spell times 8000.

The first array has a mirror array formation that sends any projectile straight to the one who sent the attack. The projectile is sent back with equal the force it had come with. This is the real reason for the diamonds that will be put later to store more spiritual energy. Such an endeavor will require tremendous amount of spiritual energy. It is an overpowered skill that would have normally taken decades to master but I Stefan Salvatore possess an even bigger cheat that is the library of heavens path.

It's overpowered and without a Martial arts knowledge no one will be able to I identify the type of spell it is. I can just leave it at that but some supernatural creatures live inside the town so I'm going to allow a second attempt at entering the boundary after gaining invitation regardless of supernatural creature, not just vampires will be banned I'm banning all of them including ghosts.

After going through the first array that is when they will feel the effects of the second array. This one is a neutralizing arrays. With humans as a base anything more powerful that a normal human will be neutralized and brought to the level of humanity. Every supernatural that enters the second array will turn back to human if they possess even a drop of humans in their bodies. Vampires will start to age normally not at an accelerated rate but a day inside the array will be a day of their lives.

Witches will turn into non magical humans if they stay inside the neutralizing array, their magic will still be there but they won't be able to access it until they leave. If they still decide to stay, they will go through the third array which nourishes the living. From plants to humans and animals this place will be a haven where all inside are healthy without much diseases and grow stronger the more you live inside.

So if a vampire who has just lost his strength comes inside they will be a weakling because everyone inside has been nurtured by the spiritual energy that is directed towards helping the growth and health for the body.

I have studied how to put up arrays for a few days and with the library I have obtained only the best knowledge.

I take out the map and look at all the measurement. It will take a while to finish putting the array of this size. I need to ensure the tree saplings I have are of top quality. I check them one by one using the library and all of them can survive and even strive with influx of spiritual energy.

I continue to cultivate for a while before the sun is up. I take the saplings and go out towards the first location. The whole process begins with me inscribing invisibility, protecting from fast moving projectiles, fire, lightning, flooding, heavy objects and sharp objects on the barks of the samplings, by the end they are wriggled with inscription patterns if people can actually see them.

I made certain I am not visible to the eyes of both the living and the dead while planting samplings and putting array formations.

I will not make a mistake of ignoring the other side that is full of witches who are noisy and busybodies. So all that's visible is a slight shift in reality as the small barrier I put there take effect. After I'm finished I turn my tools invisible as well and nothing seems amiss. I repeat the process three more times and by the time I'm done its is 13 hours later.

I don't need sleep as much now I can work non stop for a full month but I don't have to because my three arrays have been put in place all that is left is to activate them but I feel its necessary to inform the Lockwood family of what's to come and for that I need to send my father.

However I am not sure if I can trust him with such a task. I'll test him first if he proves flexible I'll allow him to represent the humans but if not then I'll erase his memory of me knowing about supernatural and go to the Lockwoods myself.

When I get home I find Damon looking better and ...taller? I don't know if he straightened his back or he actually grew. "Good day brother how do you feel?" I ask him and he turns to face me checking me all over as if to search for something.

"What are you looking for Damon?" I look at him in question.

"Checking for injuries but you seem healthy so may you please explain your absence for the last 10 hours? Did you even sleep in the house?" I realize what is going on.

"I went out to make plans for the protection of this town. I'll tell you all about it but explain to me why you thought I was injured" I press.

"Well father barged in my room shouting about your disappearance and my uselessness, before I could say anything in my defense he was already upon me raising his hand to hit me. On instinct I caught his hand." He says wincing at the memory and I scowl at those words.

"He was infuriated at my blatant display of disobedience but he couldn't get out of my hold no matter how much force he used, I panicked and let go of his hand and well... he fell hitting the wall on his way down living cracks on the wall and on his body I imagine." He continued with an obvious glint in his eyes not that I can blame him.

"Contrary to what you might think, the man got back up rushed to me and raised his hand again and this time his hand was in a fist. So I caught it again and squeezed until I heard a bone fracture." He turns his expression to that of guilt and continues.

"I didn't mean it." He says and my expression hasn't changed even a bit.

"I take it he is recuperating then?" I ask him.

"He is currently drinking burban with a bandaged arm hanging out his neck. He is keeping his distance from me though.. so there's that." He say beaming. I just sigh and change my plans.

I walk towards father's study "Good day father.. " a glass comes hurling my way I catch it effortlessly and put the flying liquid back inside and then put it in front of him. He is shocked to see the glass almost full of burban as if he never through it at all.

"I see you are upset" he chuckles darkly at that comment.

"He..." I don't let him finish.

"Even a cornered harmless rabbit will bite when it's been pushed far enough." He looks at me apprehensive.

"Anyways are you sober to hold a meaningful conversation? I need your counsel on something." He sits straight and his attitude changes to serious. I call Damon in and close the door.

"Do we need him?" Giuseppe asks in annoyance.

"Father this is serious" I draw an inscription in my head and release it on the door. Both men look on in wonder as the beginning of an inscription is drawn line after line, in the end a beautiful sound isolating inscription is complete and the whole room feels different but no one can immediately realize what's different.

Giuseppe takes several steps back scared of something. "Are...are you a witch?" He asks and I want to roll my eyes.

"I'm no witch I'm a Martial artist that is drawn using my true essence" I say conjuring a bunny jumping around me. I can see he is not convinced but I have no patience to nurse him.

"What I'm about to discuss is very important I can't have it reaching too many ears. That is a silencing inscription any sound we make won't be heard outside as long as the door is closed. Now I want to ask father a question" I look him in the eyes. He swallows hard I think I scared him more than Damon.

"What do you know about the Lockwood family?" He seems taken aback by my question.

"I know they are assholes, very aggressive, filthy rich and hold a seat in the founding council" he says with some displeasure in his tone. I raise an eyebrow and look at Damon who is still looking at the inscription at the door with some kind of emotion. He turns to me and shakes his head.

"What do you know of the supernatural?"

"The council knows of vampires we've been dealing with some who come here to hunt and have killed a few villagers but we managed to hide the information...why am I telling you all this?" He looks shocked by his blander.

"Well I also put a truth inscription some where on you, don't bother looking it will remain for the remainder of this conversation." Giuseppe is very angry at that but realize he can do nothing. After all he can't even handle Damon anymore.

"So you don't know that the Lockwood have a curse on their bloodline that compels them to turn into wolves every full moon?" I start contemplating while the two men look at me like I'm crazy.

"Werewolves? Are you serious?" Giuseppe is in denial. Then it occurs to me.

"Who told you guys of the vampires? Who was the one to discover it first?" I ask looking to see if my conjecture is true.

"It was Lockwood ancestor who discovered and started the council with the founding families." As I thought.

"Do you know of the bodies back then? Ware they bitten on the neck with human size fangs or ware they shredded and mould?" I press and father looks uncomfortable as if he is going to throw up.

He moves and takes out a book from his book shelve in it are black and white photographs of what looks to be a blood bath. "This confirms my suspicion." I pick up the photos and point at a picture of a woman lying down with a torn dress.

"She was killed by a vampire, see these bite Marks all over her body? They ware done by a humanoid creature who was hungry and horney." I then move to the rest of the photos.

"They are victims of a vicious beast who is out of his mind and whose only purpose is to hunt life and destroy it. They ware eaten meat and bones. This is not the working of a vampire they hunt yes but they are conscious of their actions and they don't eat human meat they just drain them of their blood." Now both men have stood up and took a closer look at the pictures and they are indeed different.

"Different hunts by different predators." they look at me in horror.

"Are you saying that the werewolves did this? And that the Lockwood ancestor used vampires to cover up?" He is smart. I smile at him encouragingly.

He swallows and continues "This way we will look for vampires whenever there are these kinds of deaths and never suspect them because they are according to our knowledge, human?" By the end of his speech he is shaking I don't know if it's from fear of rage he was deceived they ware all deceived and used to clean up the mess made by one of their own.

"Indeed, this is a perfect way to push the blame and still leave leeway for the future generations should they also trigger the curse and be forced to turn on every full moon." I say a little impressed. 'Boom'

Giuseppe stand up after hitting the table in anger and start pacing in the office I can hear him cursing the Lockwoods and himself for being used.

"Wait, you said trigger the curse what does that mean?" Damon asks making Giuseppe holt on his tracks. They both look at me so I begin explaining.

"Its a bloodline curse that lays dormant until they take human life. Then the curse is activated and they will have to turn every full moon turning into mindless wolves who only knows to kill and eat.

I'm sure some of them have gone their entire lives without turning but it will be harder for them since they all are full of aggression and anger, they are prone to violence, accidental killing is probably more common in their family." I finish my speech.

"They need to be removed from our town. How many people have they eaten?" Damon says in disgust. Giuseppe looked like he was agreeing at first and then collapsed in his chair dejected.

"I agree with you son, but their family has a very long history here and if they just disappeared I'm sure they will have contingencies that will make all of our lives a living hell." I must say that is possible with the kind of mind that created the council.

"I called this meeting because I wanted to find out if the council knows about them and if they have been good neighbors and I have my answer." I say grabbing for Giuseppe and an inscription came out from his upper blazer pocket and disintegrating in the air.



Both asks at the same time and I don't keep them in suspense. "I'm about to activate a large array that will strip all those with magic powers of their power and those immortal will be stripped of their immortality with in the town. I wanted to check if I should consult with the werewolf pack and let them know what will happen."

"The array will only work on them while they are on mystic lands if they go beyond that all their curses and the power it brings will come back to them. But if the stay with in the array their wolves will suffer because it will be in slumber while inside but will wake up as soon as they come out. The most important piece of information is that one of the formations will nurture all life within the array."

"The people inside will be healthier and less prone to diseases so while their wolves sleep it will be growing stronger, and probably bigger so they run a chance of turning into wolves as soon as they leave no matter whether it the full moon or not and when that happens they might never turn back to humans if the wolf proves stronger than the will of the human."

"I could maybe say there is a chance if it's just about strength of body but that is a battle of will. Who would have a stronger will between a human and a wolf who is led by strong instincts? I'd put my money on the beast. Especially if they will do what I expect them to do."

Damon asks curious "What do you expect them to do?" I smile at him.

"When a human turns on the full moon they break every single bones in their bodies and then those bones are reshaped into the wolf, think about how much pain they have to endure. From a finger to a claw, the mouth to a snout. I can assure you that only child labor can come close to that kind of pain." We all wince at the thought.

"So what happens when the whole town has been turned into a place where they don't need to turn? Given a chance to avoid that excruciating pain? they will take it in a heartbeat."

"That will be a mistake, from the moment they trigger that curse a part of themselves is born it is a part that they must never suppress it like avoiding to use one of your legs. It's foolish and a mistake you'd live to regret. Especially since that wolf is not dead, its alive and it wants out. If you suppress it on purpose the first chance it get, it will suppress you right back."

I can see that they both feel sorry for the Lockwood now. "What is your council father? Should I inform them of the risks? Take into account that they probably don't want anyone finding out about their family and they will probably have me killed to keep the secret, they might murder the entire family along with the maids for good measure." I look at Giuseppe who is contemplating.

"Must you inform them?" Damon asks worried now. "If the wolves have kept this secret for this long ours will probably not be the first family to be wiped out." He has a point.

"Are we to pretend we don't know anything after all the atrocities they have committed?" Giuseppe flairs up in anger.

"Are you ready then? Because as soon as they know you are aware of their little family secret they will come for you, for us, with everything they have. They will chain you or me depending which one of us delivered the message. They will use any means to find out how we found out and then when they are done torturing us they will come for all that this house is worth." I walk to him with my usual apathetic expression and lean closer.

"Can you take them?" He is shaking now. I always heard that abusive men are cowards to those of the same size but this is ridiculous. After we both sit down I am satisfied that I made my point when I see his hand shaking.

"Its agreed then? We are not telling them." I say concluding the meeting and looking to Damon. "Time to go brother, do you want me to remove the inscription on the door father?" He shakes his head after nodding so I just leave it there since he can't decide.

I take Damon outside to the Garden. "I know the lotion needs two more days to turn from the current dark grey color to milky white so I will use these days to rid your body of all the previous ailments and then build it back up to make you stronger so that you do not become prey when you go out on business and I can rest easy. But first I want you to watch as I rid our home of pests."

I raise my hands and will my true essence to connect the arrays. For two full minutes all of Mystic falls gets surrounded by a changing landscape. First it was a translucent barrier that looked like a strong see through glass, even if people touched it they wont be hurt that why I proceeded during the day.

After that scene another wall lights up but this one if full of inscriptions it looks like golden ancient texts that no one can understand however the sight is truly beautiful.

After that the air changed to soothing, it's as if its dancing around us in delight. At once all the flowers bloomed and the whole town got enveloped in a sea of colors. If I look through my eyes covered in true essence I can see spiritual qi pouring in from all over in a steady pace.

I take a deep breath and my lungs purr in delight. "I have turned our home into a safe haven brother. I did it for you." I pat him on the shoulder and his eyes start glittering with tears.

"Get stronger soon, we can't be coopt up in here forever." He gives me a nod and goes to prepare for his bath.

We go back together and go through the same process as yesterday with me holding him inside the medicinal bath and him screaming bloody Mary. By the time I leave he is tucked in his bed all cleaned up and exhausted from screaming and trying to get out of my death grip.

I give damon the golden body cultivation from the library so he can awaken his innate golden body type. This was a shock for me that underneath all that weakness and old ailments Damon has a body type so powerful he can use a fist to fight the gods.


I am not as tired as Damon so I should probably start brewing of wine. However I realize that the news of father trying to hit Damon bothered me more that I'd like to admit so I should look for a permanent solution to this problem. Abusive people are mostly sick people who release more aggressive hormone than necessary resulting in a personality disorder.

I did a psychological study in one of my assignments to infiltrate a university professor's life and gain access to the secret project his department had been working on. He was without a doubt an excellent scientist but a downright awful human being. He excels in human experiments as if he was unbothered by conscience.

anyways I will take care of Giuseppe's aggression I just need a good recipe that will normalize his mental state and just to give this whole thing a final push I'll make his relationship with mother better by drugging them and then binding their bodies in a ceremony for newly married couples.

Even though i am not as tired as Damon I should take a rest if I'm going to do alchemy. I have found two potions that will assist me in my endeavor to build a harmonious household one is called relaxation potion, the other one is not specifically named but its function is more delicate and requires extreme caution when making it and when administering it.

After my nap I get started on the relaxation potion first. After success for all 15 tries I am confident to move on to a more serious potion that deals with hormones. What it does is reduce the agression and release the happy hormones.

After making it 15 times I come to a crucial process of fusing these two so that the patient doesn't end up hyperactive but is balanced and normal except they are less prone to violence. The best part is that its tasteless and completely colorless it can also be mixed with food, soup, juice, and alcohol. I'm just glad it's not poison.

After a moment getting myself ready I manipulate my true essence into a lotus shaped lava boiling flame, then send my essence to open the two containers that are housing the potions so they can pour into the lotus afterwards I close all the lotus petals. I adjusted temperature according to the instructions from the library.

This process is very important, the smallest details can bring all my hard work to be undone. I concentrate using the petals as instructed to change the temperature. This goes on for a full 90 minutes and the flower petals opens up showing me five translucent pills with patterns on them they are 8th level high quality pills. Which changes the game to a whole new level.

These pills will help aggressive patients get rid of the access aggression forever. They are very precious. However I had found more recipes and at the top of my head a red head with mental issues popped up. I'm going to make these pills as well and then I'll see how she turns out without her mind holding her back. a small inside voice that relishes chaos is laughing maniacally at the possibilities.

I carefully put them inside a prepared container and with renewed vigor continue with the fusion process and by the end I have 12 peak level 8, 9 failed, 7 level 5peak and the initial 5 level 8 high quality.

It turns out alchemy is really time consuming. I'm just reflecting here. The whole day was consumed by alchemy and the process of wine brewing hasn't even started yet. Another important piece of information is that as long as one is a conscious being, this pill will work so I don't have to worry about different species.

I'm giving this pill to Giuseppe tonight, why wait when this decision may save someone's life. I take an already made inscription of invisibility and use my true essence to speed to Giuseppe's study. When I get there it is empty I approach the full bottle of burban and put the highest quality pill inside then I realize there are three more of these full bottles.

Now I'm in a dilemma I did read that this pill may be used this way however i don't think I should spike all of the alcohol what if the dosage gets too much? But if I leave it to one bottle when will he drink it? What if he kills Lilian during this time?

Then I get and an dea I'll bring a raccoon through the window and then let it bite things and then break the three bottles. I go with this plan finding a raccoon is not a big deal apparently because animals are drawn to this place now that there is spiritual energy.

I take the first bottle when I notice the damage the raccoon has dealt the office I crack the bottle first and then let them fall together so I can get out. However, out of the blue my body wants to stay to witness what father will do when he sees this. I just hope he will drink first and ask questions later.

My senses come back to me and I decide to ignore this new feeling of nosy emotions and leave the place. When I get to my room it's as if two sides of my brain are fighting. I take a nap because it has been a long night, fist the arrays barrier, Damon's medicinal bath, alchemy, druggin my parents to perform a creepy marital ceremony so that father will stop being such a dick to mother, then drugging his alcohol.


The Lockwood mansion: third person POV.

In a spacious living room there are members of the Lockwood family that has any say in decisions, these are also the people who are aware of the curse the Lockwood family bloodline curry. Barnette Lockwood at the head of the table his younger brother on his right Benjamin Lockwood together with his wife Nancy Marie Lockwood.

To have the trust of the Lockwood brothers to the extent that she is allowed on the table with the 'adults' shows how much she is valued and trusted with sensitive information. One would argue that she is frighteningly cunning to have both Lockwood brothers included her in such sensitive matters.

Barnette clears his throat "I believe we are all aware of the changes happening in the town and also in our bodies. As you are all aware just because one has not activated their curse does not mean immunity to the anger, the aggression and tendency to commit violent acts. However ever since that that phenomenon it's as if all our anger and the constant irritation is gone. But I want to know what it's like for you George since you have unfortunately activated the curse?" Barnette finishes with a question to his nephew.

George takes on a contemplating expression as if to work his answer carefully. "I don't think my wolf is awake anymore, I can tell that it's there but sleeping but more like in a coma as if it will not awake no matter how you wake him. I'm also alot more relaxed and not on edge all the time anymore. However I also feel weak as if this is how I'd be without my curse activated or not." He answers honestly.

I'm not so sure if this is a good thing, does it only work on wolves? If not how are the other supernatural creatures affected? Because if this only affects our species then we are left open for the picking. This place will be overrun by vampires soon and we will be vulnerable." He scratches his head in frustration.

They were still discussing when a tall stranger walked right in without even knocking he is carrying a longsword on his back wearing weird clothing like those of assassination with long fiery red hair that almost touch the floor, but what really caught everyone's attention is the mask on his face because eventhough its hides his face you can see his lips and the smirk on his face it is obvious that he is extremely handsome but the giant sword on his back will deter anyone from underestimating him.

All the people stand up alert. "Who are you and why did you budge in my house uninvited?" Barnette start shouting in outrage at the intruder. But the intruder's smirk turns prominent at this reaction and he continues walking towards a chair pulls it and sits down and made an inviting gesture for them to sit. Left without any choice the Lockwoods sit down but they did not loose their vigilance towards this mysterious stranger.

"Well then I'll start with the explanation of why I came, what you saw yesterday was indeed my doing and before you ask who iam I will remind you that I am wearing a musk for a reason so let's just move on to the important stuff." He says as he takes an apple on the cute fruit basket in the middle of the table.

"Why exactly did to do something that takes away our power?" George being still young and hot blooded is quick to point out what has been taken from him. The stranger doesn't even glance his direction. He looks at the man in the main seat and continues to explain.

"This is my territory now, all cursed creatures will be neutralized upon entry, if they possess even a drop of human blood they will be brought down to a weak version of themselves.

Make no mistakes I am not turning people into humans this is enforced while they are within my territory once they leave their curse and magical gifts will all come back perhaps stronger than before which is why I came to inform you." He finishes the apples and continues to eat the seeds and stem not leaving a perk of dust from the apple.

The other people looking at him in bewilderment but they choose to ignore this detail. "While witches may even gain more power once they leave my territory and vampires will age normally and return to being humans who only require normal food to sustain them once they leave the aging on their bodies will stop and the vampirism will come back but the years or days they spent here will not be reversed.

You wolves are another story if you notice the air outside is much more pleasant and the plants and animals are striving, that include humans. They will be healthier and stronger as time goes by no longer plagued by simple diseases. What I'm getting at is that even though your wolf will be sleeping it will be getting stronger and mabey even stronger than it human counterpart. This is a very dangerous situation for anyone sharing a body with the wolf because it will take over the body should you ever leave the territory.

The solution to this will be to continue turning every month like you normally would otherwise you would be suppressing it and that will not end well for you.

This energy I have unleashed on this place is very mysterious it might just give your wolf it's own consciousness and awareness. You dont want to be in a bad relationship when that happens because it will subortarge you and drive you crazy so that you can lose your mind making it easier for it to take over." There is complete silence in the room with three pair of eyes looking at the stranger as if to devour him. Their eyes show accusations and promises of pain.

"Hey now 'chuckle' look at this as an opportunity to evolve imagine the possibilities of a companion who will help you hone your skills and make you understand yourself. Ofcourse you can just move I recommend a place just outside the border that way you will still be able to gain some benefits from the residual energy. The land will be superior to land anywhere else" he says with coaxing tone as if to appease a child. The people in the room did not look better.

"Almost forgot something important, if anyone with the warewolf gene resides in the territory for too long even if they have not activated their curse the wolf will grow strong enough to break free. So goodluck and happy decision making" the stranger stands up and when he is about to reach the door George rushes to him and is about to tackle him to the ground when the stranger disappears in front of everyone.

They are left with more questions than answers now as George rolls on the ground crash on the door frame making the door vibrate for a few seconds and everyone winces at his up coming bruises. After that final act they are now very much terrified of the handsome stranger.


Stefan POV

In the bedroom of Stefan Salvatore the same man materializes and then with a wave of his hand the igame of the red haired tall warrior comes off and Stefan Salvatore emerge.

Good thing I had put on a teleportation inscription embedded on one of the buttons on my undershirt all I needed to activate it is to trace the commence pattern to teleport to the location of the twin pattern left in my room. All that acting is taxing on my soul power which have not been cultivated yet.

I take a quick nap this disguise technique is from the library after compiling the best of the best disguise techniques forming one that is superior and frankly overpowered since just the first stage would make me look like anyone or anything i want.

It's just an illusion though but as long as no one can tries to touch the illusion then everything is okay the second stage can change the illusion and make it vivid to the smallest details including the voice and other related sounds it could be a chirping a bird.

The third stage is when things get serious. I have to use my true essence and mold it to my imagination and this stage allows the user to be touched. If someone wants to feel up any part that I would have transformed its it possible.

The fourth stage is the one I'm at right now the transformation is as real as anything tangible, also unlike in the third stage I will feel it if someone touches me while I'm in disguise. It's the ultimate disguise that can even fool the user if they somehow loose their memories while in disguise. It just that authentic.

"Hey I could have fun with this" I suddenly get an idea to play pranks on powerful people hehe.

There is still the fifth and then the last step possible to a lower realm like me but I wouldn't be crazy enough to touch anything related to clones and true bodies right now I'm too weak. I sigh dreaming of being in two places at the same time.

I am going to travel to a far way forest to practice my sword technique and well as learn to combine it with my spiritual energy. I take a few things and leave for my out of town practice.