
TVD: Stefan's Skin (DROPPED)

Reborn as Stefan Salvatore, lucky enough to score LOHP with all the books available inside the Library. Yes MC likes men and women. Yes the author is bad at spelling. No this is not good at all for all those nitpicking TVD fans. No author has no idea what they are doing, They just love the show and tried finding fan fictions read them all couldn't find any more, took matters into their own hands.

Schooldean · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 18

Stefan POV

Lucien and Clare picked a bedroom in the Castle and shared it with the kids after the children screamed when they put them in their own room. As a result small beds were pushed into their large bedroom and everyone slept together. Clare is still nervous about shifting but she is also excited I can see she looks forward to running a pack as queen beside Lucien. I remember my conversation with Lucien after the de Martel siblings left for the Biggest vampire kingdom castle.

"I don't know why you'd find me worthy but I want to thank you. From the bottom of my heart I'm grateful to you for all that you have given me and all that's still coming my way. You are right I wanted to be better than Nick. You are also right that I will do something with your gifts and make something of myself." He takes a deep breath.

"Normally I would strike on my own but for some reason I want to be close to you. To make sure you are alright. It is not normal and I assure you it's not sexual.." I stop him.

"Its because we are family now. The same reason your children absolutely hate other people taking them but they never fuss if it's me. The wolf knows me and recognize me as family." Lucien seems apprehensive and ....relieved.

"I was starting to worry for my sanity. I can only imagine the headache you'll give to whomever is your significant other." He pats his chest. I'm not amused.

"What are you going on about? I'm an absolute delight. Anybody would be lucky to have me." I say offended.

"Anyways you can occupy the biggest werewolf kingdom. we will just have to call it the hybrid kingdom But beware Nick may come for you. However I have armed you with all that you need now just recruit members and communicate with the home affairs department about getting jobs for your people." I take out a pill and give him. It looks different from the ones I gave to the de Martel siblings.

This will empower your soul and mental strength. You will never be compelled again by anyone, nor will you be influenced by those with mind powers like sirens.

If and when your kingdom grows you will have thousands if not more people in your mind. This pill also has something extra solely for my amusement." He takes the pill but raises an eyebrow at the end of my statement.

"Relax it will gift you sound power but instead of a scream like Aurora. Your growl will portray your emotions. For example if you are angry and you release a growl, those who can hear it will feel your anger and your soul will release heavy pressure on those you want to suppress. If you are happy or horny....you know the rest." I give him another one for the Alpha queen.

I draw the same magic runes made up of inscriptions and HP rune magic for ultimate protection in the air and then I make a pushing motion and the magic rushes to Lucien manifesting itself into tattoos covering most of his upper body.

The peculiar thing is that this process is supposed to be even more painful than what I did to Finn but Lucien just groans for awhile and then watches as his upper body including his wolf tattoo gets covered in mysterious symbols. While his wolf tattoo is deep black in color, these new tattoos are golden if a light land on his skin, but they will remain invisible normal times.

"What are these?" Lucien asks me in bewilderment.

"With all your power and pack mentality there is one glaring weakness to you and your rule and knowing Nick, he will know it at a glance. If you are taken out your kingdom will be easy for the picking. It is the same with the de Martel siblings but I want to see how long they survive." I say and he looks to be thinking about it too.

"Without you, your kingdom will crumble, so I have made a barrier around your body like the one i put on Finn after i took away his need to feed from humans. Now your weakness is your mate and children as well as the pack. I think I have given you all the tools to be a great ruler." I remember something and continue.

"The power to pass on your ability to shift is drawn from your mate bond. If you pay attention you will realize that if you didn't find a mate you will not have the ability to lead a pack. I was indeed surprised that you found a mate. This accelerated the next phase of my gift, which is your ability to recruit other wolves into your pack." I smile at him.

"I know I don't have anything to thank you with but just like what you said to the de Martel siblings. I am your subject from this day on." I laugh and pat him on his back. "Good" I say and I conclude our meeting now i should go to see Valery who has been waiting in the office for me.


"Miss Valery is everything okay?" I look at her and she fidget in her seat. She then makes a decision then she lifts her head and looks straight into my eyes. "I want to ask you to kill someone for me and in return i'll sell myself to you and work for you in this castle for ever." She says with sadness in her eyes.

"You don't even know what kind of person I am, I could be worse than the one you want killed. Why don't you tell me what awful thing this person did for you to be so desperate to want him dead to the extent of throwing your life away?" Sam brings in a tea set which I drink with relish, spiritual energy is really as amazing as advertised. Valery seems to be used to the used to it or she is too occupied by her thoughts and is just going through the motions.

"I was discriminated against in my coven because I was born without my own magic so growing up among the witches was not very easy for me, in the end I was kicked out of the coven. I got adopted by a nice lady it turned out she's a vampire and she has a vampire boyfriend and another adopted brother, and like me he is a siphon. This lady used to be married and she had three daughters she wanted to check before going overseas. We were given a mission to check on whether her daughters are happy.

She wanted closure so that she won't feel guilty to be happy with her new family. I went after the oldest daughter and tried to befriend her but she was cold to me the entire time so I followed her only to find that her father is negotiating a deal to marry her off to an old man. This old man has a lot of money and influence in their town but the girl is obviously not impressed with the prospect of being sold off.

That father is a piece of work, he blackmails her with her young siblings. I wanted to tell my adoptive mother but her boyfriend wants to leave soon so he tried to kill me and made it look like a robbery. He didn't know I have a vial of blood from mother incase I get injured.

I watched her mourn my death for like one afternoon and then she bought the story told to her by the boyfriend, he told her that her children are doing very well and that she should move on with a clear conscience. That's when I realized my mistake, she didn't want to know the truth. If she did she would use the cover of the night to check on her own children.

"Another thing I'm wondering is whether deep down she wasn't sending us to check her children she just wanted to get rid of the guilt. How can she not know what kind of man Julian is? There is just no way she can be blind to that extent. So I decided to kill Julian for killing me but, I want to help those children first. I want to bring them here. Please." She looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Even so I can't move on from what Julian did to me but I am no match for him that is why I ask for your help to kill him. I had been with someone during my time in this small town and got pregnant. When he killed me he killed my child. Now even if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to have children." She is sobbing now so I just push the tissue box to her so she can use it to wipe her tears.

Do I feel sorry for her? I don't know should I? "I can assure you that all you need to do is to tell the recruiters in the home affairs department and give them the location of the children. In fact you can accompany them there to ease your mind. They will be safe here and you won't even have to personally adopt them."

"About the man you want killed. I can't help you, however I know of this man and I can assure you that he has made a terrible enemy. One who will hunt him through multiple lifetimes.

He may be fine now but a storm is coming for him. Rejoice that you are not by his side because a storm does discriminate. My advice? Watch him like a story book as he reaps what he saw. In the end you will realize that you didn't have to do anything." I refill my tea cup, the tea pot is self heating. She doesn't look convinced.

"I'll believe you if you tell me what is it you know about him." She says and I comply.

"He met one of the brotherhood of the five and was targeted by him. He was going to kill this hunter had it not been for a young girl who begged him not to kill her father. She told him of the hunter's curse. He will suffer from it if he kills a hunter who is one of the five.

"He compelled that young girl to kill her own father. Just so he doesn't suffer from said curse. That young girl was turned into the ultimate hunter by a witch and now she is after him with a weapon that can imprison a vampire's spirit inside a hellish dimension where you live your and repeat your own version of hell." Valerie seems happy about this piece of news.

"That is probably why he was in such a hurry to depart." I tell her and she nods.

"I'll believe this story of yours and I'll get the girls to this place. Thank you Stefan." She smiles at me and I nod as she goes outside.

From my conversation with Valerie I realize that even after taking some people out of the script the world will find someone else to fill the gap. Lilian is home happily married but Julian still finds another woman who also just happens to have been married and required Valerie to check her kids. Creepy.

I open a screen checking for the tomb vampires. I'm going to give them to Tristan and Aurora to recruit. I don't want any loose ends in my territory. I open a portal to the tomb and take them out I bring them with me to the vampire kingdom. they are passed out from death by starvation. The vampire kingdom seems a little empty but it is to be expected. The kings just came in yesterday.

"Nock nock Majesties I come bearing gifts....sort of". I go to the Throne room and I'm impressed by the grandore. There are two thrones side by side and one has to take a few stairs to reach them from the audience floor. "Nice" I say looking around I just pick one table and say waiting for Aurora to show up.

"How nice of you Stefan to show up. We've only just separated yesterday, are you missing us terribly that you couldn't stay away?" I laugh.

"Yes" I stand up and kiss her hand while looking at her eyes. "They don't make faces like yours anymore." I say and she giggles. She takes a seat I have pulled out for her.

"Friends of yours?" She looks at the vampires on the floor.

"No. They got caught in Virginia and locked in a tomb years ago while I was in closed door cultivation. Now I'm just cleaning house. I don't want them contaminating my home now that I have enlarged my barriers to all of Virginia. I was going to do something drastic to get them of my hands but now there's this place where they can belong." I say and Aurora wrinkles her nose.

"Don't be too hasty to reject them." I point at Katherine "This is Katharina Petrova who was supposed to be the sacrifice for Nicklaus to break his curse but she escaped and he is looking for her after he massacred her family ofcourse." I say and Aurora gets interested.

"Ofcourse he did." She says rolling her eyes.

"You have a throne, watch out for her. She is too much of a hustler. She has been running fro Nicklaus for 400 years. Things like that will damage anyone. However don't be mistaken she is a bitch. Infact I say get rid of her. She is too much of a loose canon." I say as Aurora smiles at me.

"Thank you for your concern but she sounds interesting to say the least." Aurora say looking at Katherine.

"You're the King. Good luck." I stand up to leave. Aurora Stops me.

"How is Lucien?" I look at her

"He is fine I think. Nothing out of the ordinary so far. About that, how are you doing after the ocean incident?" I ask

"It's nice of you to finaly ask. Tristan told me you took out Lucien that day and left us in there." She pauts.

"The only reason you got out of the ocean was because you were in the same container with Lucien if not you'd still be there dying over and over again." I say without remorse.

"Now?" She asks

"If you went and got into the same situation I'd take you out because you are my people now and as I said, you are under my protection. However it will be in your best interest to be prudent. Sometimes I go on seclusion for years. Most importantly I did not choose weaklings to be kings of my empire. You are a queen now, don't be weak and let mere ants plot your demise. I'll be very disappointed." I say sternly and she nods in agreement.

"I have the medicine for your people ready to be shipped to your care but your kingdom will have to pay for it in the future. Right now I'm having my people prepare a batch enough for five hundred thousand soldiers. Any more than that you will have to pay for it. The system of taxes is being put in place my people will submit all the admissions to you on your tribute as a vassal of my empire. In return for my protection ofcourse." I smile at her expression.

"You didn't think I'm adopting and feeding people for free did you?" I roll my eyes.

"I am running an Empire here. Anyways we use gold and other precious stones the banking system is almost ready.

We even offer to open your own account in your name, you can put all your money in there and access it from where ever you are through this lovely pouch." I show her the pouches the bank staff copied from HP magic. I take out a large piece of platinum ore, looking at the size of the pouch, it should be impossible to carry such a large piece of ore.

"These have a portal that connects straight to your vault. There is an inscription inside which will record all that you take out in real time. When the bank offers you this pouch you will have to connect it to you by dropping a single drop of blood and let it recognize you as the owner.

"It also doesn't have to be a pouch it can be a piece of jewelry but that will cost you alot of service fee because it's harder to inscribe with runes and inscriptions than the pouch." I think about whether I'm forgetting something.

"Ow and you can increase your wealth from where you are just by putting your precious ore or processed gold and silver into your vault through your pouch.

I know what you are thinking, why don't I just manage my vault from home and ask that your people put your magic in my own home?"

"Well its because if something happens to you, your wealth will always be there in the bank until you come for it or someone you had named as a successor comes for it. Being a vampire you know that you may be lying somewhere desecrating for who knows how long. During that time someone may find your stash of wealth and take it for themselves.

"However if it's in the bank, only you will get it or those you had instructed the bank to inherit your wealth." I say and Aurora is amazed at the prospect. I wave at her good bye.

"One more thing Stefan darling. I had decided to make Tristan my king and me his queen." She says and I just shrug.


I am standing infront of the Mikelson house and waiting to be let in. A while later a woman opens the door. Looking at her with bite marks on her arm I remember why I don't want vampires in my town or in my home feeding on my neighbors and family.

I stand there not knowing if I want to talk to them now. This woman is probably the owner of this house but is now treated like a servant and a chew toy in her own home. I sigh and walk in but I wish I hadn't. There are girls on the floor in passageways dead from blood loss.

"Where is Finn?" I ask the woman. He went to New Orleans to follow a lead on a person called Freya." I close my eyes and when I open them I'm next to Finn in an old pathway leading to a creepy looking old house. Then I remembered where I saw this house. This is where Frey's body is kept in an isolated room inside a coffin."

"Creepy right?" I say and Finn jumps in fright.

"Yes. Very creepy. Why the hell are you materializing our of nowhere just when I find a solid lead to my supposed sister?" He narrows his eyes. I raise my hands in surrender.

"I just heard from that lady in your house that you went to New Orleans alone, I don't know whether to command you for your bravery or hit you in the head with a stick for your stupidity." Finn looks confused.

"This place is run by vampires who learnt from Nicklaus how to run things. As we speak you are being followed by three vampires. Do you think they are here to welcome you?." I ask sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" Finn looks to be nervous.

"Wow, lost your hearing in your old age?" I mock.

"Not the time for jokes. I need to know if my sister is in there or not. I know you can help me, this is the most I have wanted and hoped for something. I am begging you Stefan." I look at him in unimpressed.

"I'm not even here how can I help you? I can bring one of your siblings to help though. Which one do you want?"

"Kol. He's been relatively better than the rest, after the bite." I nod.

Kol materializes next to Finn. Blood on his mouth. I frown at the sight.

"Finn, how did I get here? the last time this happened was ...."

"Stefan. I asked him to bring you to help me with the trouble I find myself in."

"I sense Three vampires tracking you. Where is Stefan?" Kol asks

"Hes right infront of you." Finn says in confusion.

"Right, Have you finally gone mad?" Kol asks

"No. He is realy standing there." I wave at Kol who can't see me.

"You see? I'm not here. infact I went to talk to all of you but I found a mess there. Dead bodies everywhere not a drop of blood in their bodies."

Finn looks at Kol

"Are you guys having a party and killing innocents at home? Because Stefan just told me he is there, that how he found out where I am."

"Its not a party." Kol defends. The three vampires come out of the shadows, the don't ask anything and started attacking.

Kol changed his face to his vampire face. and ripped out the heart of the first guy to reach him. The second one speeds to Finn trying to put his hand inside his chest but getting repelled by the barrier and getting flung away hitting a tree and breaking his neck.

The last guy turned wanting to leave but Kol reaches him and brings him down trying to question him. "Why are you following him?" Kol asks but the guy just laughs not answering.

Kol gets mad and swats his head away from his body. "Wow. Kol the dreadful indeed." I clap my hands in happiness. My first Original fight was glorious. "Two more are coming. These ones wolves. I think they were tailing the tail? Anyways they are coming let's not kill the weaklings shall we?" I pull Finn in the direction of the house and we go through the gate And soon we get to the house door leaving Kol standing outside cursing.

The truth is I really just wanted to see an Original in action. I was not disappointed.

"Kol, Stefan says don't kill the wolves." Kol stills at that but he can't sense any wolves so he relaxes.

I turn both of us invisible and we soon find the room and I touch the coffin allowing it to turn invisible and also make it go through walls. When we get outside Kol is running cycles around two wolves, I send him back to his house and ask Finn which direction to go, it turns out you can just casually get yourself one of the limited cars if your family is a group of old vampires.

Finn looks at the coffin and says "I don't know if it really is Freya in there."Finn says but I ignore him, we come across a group of vampires surrounding a car. Finn knows he is weak now and his only chance is Stefan. He looks at him only to find him poking at the vampires because they can't see him they end up fighting each other. There are still others standing around so I try something I've always wanted to try I snap my fingers trying to twist their necks but all their heads explode.

"Ow my....let's not try and imitate witches again." I say looking away from the gore and brain matter.

Finn just stands there as if electrocuted. "What was that?" I tell him let's go before more of their friends show up. I cleaned up the car and we left. It's an old car that makes a lot of noise. I feel like I'm riding a big bicycle. I know they just came up with the idea of efficient wagons but.....come on. I get fed up after turning a corner and just teleported us outside the Mikelson house.

"A little warning next time." Finn gets out of the car disoriented from a long distance teleportation.

"When you are done can we wake up Freya now? Be warned that if she wakes up Dahlia will also wake up then she will come for her property." I say and Finn gets angry. I raise my hands and point towards the house.

We take the coffin to the house and Finn rushes to open the lid when he starts tearing up seeing the sleeping figure of Freya. He looks at me in suspicion. "Why did you help?" he asks me and I just give him a pointed look.

"What?" he ask

"You didn't say thank you." I look at him expectantly.

""Thank you. I would have been taken hostage if you didn't come." He says and I nod.

"I helped because I heard you went to New Orleans and that place is run by someone who knows how you look like as much as you have changed the resemblance is still there." He looks at me in question. I raise my hands and shake my head.

"Fine keep your secrets." I hear him but I ignore him and look at Freya. I remember her entrance into the show and she was badass.

"If you come into my dimension Dahlia may not be able to track her but she will be able to trace it to me. So no." I say contemplating.

"Why not? You are powerful enough to subdue her when she comes." I look at him with a bored look.

"Why would I subject myself to a fight against a woman who has been using magic for centuries and imprisoned a baby to use as a magic battery so she can recharge her reserves. Do you understand the lengths someone like that would go, to get what she wants? I'm not so arrogant as to go against someone like that for no reason." I say sitting down an a couch after cleaning it with a charm.

"And that woman is after her. She was just a child when she was taken." Finn says trying to convince me to help.

"Are you joking? You are using the fact that this woman uses children to convince me? I have children I'd like to protect too. What if she decides to run amok all over my territory killing innocents. Do you know she can empower normal humans, gifting them her power so they can do her bidding? what if my arrays don't guard against such things and my family is massacred?"

"No. Even if it was just your mother I wouldn't risk it. Much more her elder sister." Finn looks defeated.

"Are you saying she is more powerful than mother still?" Finn's eyes get wide.

"She is the first born and her family's bloodline produces powerful first borns of witches. That is why she wanted every first born of every generation." I point at Freya.

The other Mikelson siblings fill the room and I can't help but reminisce about watching the vampire diaries in my cold apartment after I moved out of our house and sold it so I can go after revenge on a colossal organization.

"Introductions are in order. Hello there I am called Stefan Salvatore. I want to say it is a pleasure to meet you but after what I saw earlier when I first came in....I'm judging." I don't say anything after that but Elijah feeling the awkward moment comes forth.

"I'm Elijah, but you already know that. Seeing as how much you know of our family. But, in the spirit of being polite This is Kol, that lady by the couch is Rebekah and as you already know Finn and our long lost sister Freya." Rebekah smiles a little and Kol makes a mock salute while Finn looks to be in pain.

"So, Now with that out of the way, are we waking her or not?" I ask but no one speaks.

"I can't believe it. I'm in the presence of Freya frickin Mikelson. Do you lot realize how Mikel will feel about this? This is the apple of his eye, the child he mourned and whose soul he prayed for....wait, do blood thirsty, village raiding, Vikings pray? Ow now I remember, to Auden...."I keep silent realizing the mood is tense in the room. The air current changed and I realize it's because I uttered Mikel's name. Elijah took a step forward. The others stood where they are but I can see the unanimous feeling of a threat in their postures. I smile. A genuine smile.

"There it is. It took a while but I finaly got to witness it. The famous Mikelson siblings bond. All that's missing is Nicklaus's threatening voice and Freya's magically induced brain meltdowns." I am feeling happy right now. I can't believe it, an actual feeling just made it way into my previously empty chest. I frown. Could my feelings really be coming back? first that feeling about mother, then the fear when I got home and found father panicking and now I'm happy?

"What in the bloody hell is the crazy witch talking about?" Kol is the first to talk.

"Something only he has seen apparently. Do enlighten us Mr Salvatore we seem to not be on the same page." Elijah, always the voice of the group.

"Something peculiar just happened and I'm a little taken by surprise." I say sitting down and coming myself back to a normal mood.

"Anyways like I asked are you waking up the beauty or not?" I'm psyched to see Fraya when she was still a victim and not the super witch of the Mikelsons. I say ignoring Elijah's earlier words.

"Like you said we can't handle the consequences." Finn says sitting down dejected.

"Chin up mate. in a hundred years it's her time to wake up on her own anyways. What I'm sorry about is the fact that she can actually get rid of Nicklaus's predicament. That is the real reason I helped." I say downcast.

"Are you certain?" Elijah asks subconsciously coming my way I nod in response.

"If there's anyone who can do it, It's her. When she does and Nicklaus realizes who had woken him up, I wanted to see his face. I bet it would have been one for the books." The room is quiet

"Wake her." Kol says his eyes changing color. I look at him intrigued. "Why are you jumpy?" I ask and look at Rebekah narrowing my eyes. I point at her "Tell me what happened that awakened Kol's familial affection for Nicklaus." She keeps her silence so I throw a rune on her to speak the truth. "Tell me." she want's to resist but the rune is very powerful.

"Nicklaus solved his bite last night." I smile and take back my rune.

"A few months later than I expected but...wait, is that why there were so many dead people in the house? you guys were celebrating?" I frown.

"Is that how it is with you people, when you are in a bad mood someone dies. When you are in a good mood someone dies?" I ask in disgust.

"I say let him try to solve Elijah for atleast a year." They all look at me in confusion.

"What?" I ask.

"You said you helped Finn because you wanted Freya to wake Nick." Rebekah says.

"Yes because I don't want him to suffer. Its must be quite the ordeal having to go through your terrible, rotten subconscious minds. To have him be woken up by a family member would achieve my goal of bringing you knuckle heads together."

"However I also want him to have personal growth and what's better than him finding out how horrible you all are? He will learn how he has contributed in each of your pains. Most importantly he will find out what you all have kept from him." I say smiling.

Rebekah and Elijah seem to be in panic mode.

"Don't worry while he's in there he will also feel all your feelings and most importantly he will feel your intentions. All will be well. After all, you all are his greatest weakness. Which is why he can never kill any of you and if he does, you can be assured that he will regret it immediately." I smile at Rebekah but it doesn't seem to come her down. Infact she looks to be ready to lounge at me.

And she does, but I run to the other side of the room. "Well atleast your co-conspirator is not dead. Infact, he is running that kingdom you wanted all to yourselves." I say and Rebekah is weeping now.

"Hey don't, please don't cry. He was going to find out anyways and from one of your enemies trying to drive a wage between you. She will twist everything you did in order to use him against you. You know him, hes a big ball of anger just waiting for everyone to do something behind his back so he can explode.

But if he finds out through your pain and despair from his tireny he will see both sides of the story. So just come down lady." Rebekah stops crying but is still looking at me with murderous eyes. I take out a new version of the old wine. This version only takes one glass for even an Original to get hammered.

She narrows her eyes at me but the temptation of my wine is too much so she takes it. More like she yanks it from me. I just comply because I really don't want to make a woman cry.

I turn to come face to face with Elijah I just slip him a bird. "Even if you cry I'm not giving you my limited additionspirit wine." I frown and side step him.

Kol has been nursing a bottle of burban and looking at it intently without saying anything to any of us. Finn is just depressed.

"You can put someone else immortal on a coma and then transfer the link Dahlia has with your sister to that person. But it has to be a magical person and they have to be in a coma." Finn's eyes shine before they dimm again.

"Where would I get such a person? not to mention we don't know the specifics of the link, it might be the one that relies on family blood. Which means I'll need to replace her with someone related to her." I shrug.

Rebekah comes back clearly drunk. She sits next to Elijah and pours him a glass, he takes it and downs it all in one go which was a mistake.

"I still think it's a shame to leave her sleeping when she could be getting ready for a showdown with the ultimate villain in her story. It would have been underwhelming considering that Dahlia probably didn't teach her everything to keep her prisoner."

"Can you stop with the bad news and say something hopeful for once?." Finn having been fed up with me says.

"Fine I'm gona go look at Nicklaus before I leave." I stand up and walk towards where I had left Nicklaus. Kol follows me but I ignore him.

"You said he will feel what we felt in the memories right? he will understand out pain?" Kol looks at me with hope in his eyes. I nod in response. He mummers something under his breath but I pay him no mind as I check on Nick. The barrier also provides him with energies so he doesn't desecrate. He seems to be sleeping peacefully but he is probably having a tuff battle inside his subconscious.

"Is all this a game to you? Some sort of entertainment?" Kol ask me. I can see his anger rising. Rebekah and the others come and stand behind Kol in silent support. I can see they all want an answer to that question.

"If I'm being perfectly honest you are all so very boring for me and I wouldn't waste my time on any of you if you were not all the only way I can get through Nick. I don't hate you people but there's not much for me to like about you either. Kol the dreadful, always angry and butchering innocent people including children. I mean how much of a punk does one need to be to butcher innocent children?

"Rebekah, always whining about a normal life when she has killed as many innocent people as her siblings. Hypocrisy at its finest. She would probably hate to grow old and become weak. But she uses it to pretend to be unhappy with all the power and eternal youth being a vampire has given her. She probably uses this same reason to feed and butcher normal human couples.

I'm not even going to Start with a man who commits heinous atrocities and then puts them behind a red door in his mind to forget them all. He then pretends to be clean and sophisticated by dressing up." I say and they seem angry. Kol is the first to rush to me but I hold him in place with my sword Intent and I don't musk it with spiritual force to soften it. He can feel the murderous danger in what is holding him back.

"Think about it. Had it not been for me, you would still be in a box. I brought you all out because I wanted Nicklaus to see that he needs his family, I underestimated his sickness since he still daggered you but I'm fixing it. Now he will understand each of your pains. I'm not even asking for a thank you because I wasn't doing this for you in the first place." I point at Nicklaus's sleeping form.

"I chose him for a reason. His way of thinking. He is the master in schemes and a serial mind manipulator. However when it comes to you, his family it's as if all that intelligent vanishes and in its place is a sickness. If he can work his feelings out he will be a great ruler. For that to happen he needs full disclosure.

"I wasn't joking to him when I said I have seen his future. He needs to grow if he hopes to change it."

"You don't like me?" I ask them but no one answers. "Well you better hope that the future changes because curing his curse doesn't make him happy. Infact gets angrier than ever. Breaking that curse is when his problems really start. I'll tell you this now because I might disappear again at some point and I might take even longer to come back." I sit down suddenly feeling tired.

"Tell him that all his problems will be solved if he just accepts that you are all he needs." They seem taken aback by this single statement.

"Are you saying he won't be able to make an army of hybrids?" Elijah has this realization.

"He will make them. But with how he treats you, his blood, the people he cares about the most, how do you think he treats them? and what do you think is the result? That sire bond can easily be broken and you can imagine the results." I look at Elijah and he gasps.

"This is why you are doing all this, you are trying to reshape his mind?" He sits down with his face hiding his thoughts.

"Are you saying he fails at his biggest dream because he is not kind?" Rebekah asks with wrinkled eyebrows.

"You hope to change the way he thinks? I hate to burst your bubble mate, but he is a 900 years old stubborn man who doesn't trust anybody." Kol says also taking a sit infront of me.

"I hate to say it but Kol is right." Finn also joins in coming in the room we are all sitting in. He takes his seat as well.

"That's why I tried to solve what was getting in the way within this family. Finn's despair and depression which leads to great pain. Next was Kol's anger but I'mon the fence about how to go about it." Kol looks at me in question. I take out a pill that I gave to my father. Then I take it back.

"What was that?" Kol asks

"A pill" I say

"I can see that but what does it do?"

"It will cure people who are suffering from access aggression." They all look at me

"What I made it for someone else. Don't be smug." I tell Kol.

However there are part of your family's upcoming unfortunate events that only yourself United as a family can subdue. I'm just an outsider and can only do so much. I have my empire to rule." I conclude with a smile.

"Can you share these unfortunate events with us, so we can be better prepared?" Elijah asks me I smile at him.

"I'd like to but if I do that then our fates will be linked. So why don't you convince your brother to marry me? then together we will roll all the people in my world. We will be king of kings." I say with arrogance.

"Ah yes, we heard about your dimension." Kol says and I ignore him. I look at Elijah who just shakes his head. I shrug.

"I am reluctant to admit that you have a tempted to help but this is a family matter." Elijah says and I scoff at him.

"I can agree not to do something like put him under like this again. I actually worried for him and I hate it. I hate being bothered like this." I say.

"What about Lucien? You made him a hybrid." Elijah interjects.

"That was his request." I say

"You just agreed to it?"

"Why wouldn't I?"



I look at them. "Lucien and I had a deal, I kept my end, given I was worried for the wolf so I added a few things." I say nonchalantly but the rest of the people don't seem to take the news lightly.