
TVD: Stefan's Skin (DROPPED)

Reborn as Stefan Salvatore, lucky enough to score LOHP with all the books available inside the Library. Yes MC likes men and women. Yes the author is bad at spelling. No this is not good at all for all those nitpicking TVD fans. No author has no idea what they are doing, They just love the show and tried finding fan fictions read them all couldn't find any more, took matters into their own hands.

Schooldean · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 14

Nicklaus POV

it has been a few years 5 years to be exact since I lost the whereabouts of my siblings. I can feel the crippling paranoia settling deep in my subconscious. I can only imagine what they are going through at the mercy of lesser men. My mind is going overdrive coming up with horrors my family is going through while I am here helpless. I have questioned my decision to dagger them, did I make a correct decision that day or I made everything worse and now I can't go back in time to take back my decision.

5 years ago

I walked in with a coffin holding Elijah inside and Finn looks at me in distaste and then he looked towards the other side of the house. Rebekah comes out she throws a dagger at me. I look at Finn who just continues eating food ignoring me. I realise what Finn has done so I rush to check on the rest of the coffins and I find all but one open with the previous occupants missing.

I barged in where Finn and Rebekah are and asks "Where is Kol?" Finn looks at me with amusement in his eyes.

"You are mistaken if you expect me to guard a bunch of coffins like some creep. What would I do anyways if the enemy comes through that door? do you expect me to fight them off with my measly human strength? The people you have rotting in coffins have powerful Original vampire abilities, they can protect themselves." Finn say nonchalantly. He always hated keeping them like that he is just using this as an excuse.

"To answer your question Kol woke up rather famished so he went to feed or did you expect me to guard him while he hunts and butcher innocents?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow.

I look at Finn realy look at him, he has changed a great deal since his transformation and now he is not so depressed and more of a pain in my ass in other ways such as removing daggers from my other siblings. I look at Rebekah who has been ignoring me after throwing that dagger at me. I hold my face in my hand and contemplate going after Kol but then it occurs to me, let him go do whatever it is that he wants to do but if he doesn't come back on his own then the first thing I'll do upon seeing him again is shove a dagger through his chest. Satisfied with my plan I look at Rebekah who flinches at my look but stubbornly continues to ignore me.

I sigh at the sight of my baby sister scared of me but then I remember what is going on. I harden my resolve and face her. "Rebekah we need to be United if our enemies are as powerful as I've heard. Otherwise we will fall" I try to reason with her but she is still not talking to me I sigh and remove Elijah's dagger he just sits in the lounge also not talking to me but he did show a little surprise at seeing Rebekah and then proceeded with ignoring me.

I can hear them talking and laughing together when I'm not there but the room becomes quiet when I walk in. I wasn't bothered at first but now three days later I'm all fed up. "Are the three of you going to ignore me forever? what about our vow? are the three of you going to isolate me for all eternity?" I hear a laugh coming from the main door and Kol walks in covered in blood as usual, he is the opposite of self control.

"Do you see why I dagger you the most? always leaving a trail of dead bodies for Mikel to follow. You are always so reckless that I have to clean after you as if you are a child" I say exasperated but Kol looks at me in amusement.

"Are you sad that your family doesn't want you? welcome to the party mate, I've been here for a thousand years. Atleast your problem is temporary while I have to be around people who constantly isolate and betray me. All I ever get is judgement and isolation from you lot, atleast you can say you have that in common. I'm the odd one out, never loved, forgotten, the one who was never part of always and forever" I look at him with heartache.

"That is not true, where did you get this nonsense about you being singled out and never loved? you are my blood and I need you by my side." Kol looks a bit taken aback but he is engulfed in a hug between all the siblings including Finn.

"You have always been loved Kol we just don't know how to satiate your anger, you are so full of anger that I am always asking you where it comes from but you never tell me. I have always known Finn's problem but yours always elude me. In the end I am left with disappointment in myself for not knowing how to make you feel better." I say with tears in my eyes.

Kol drinks alcohol but keeps quite. Finn says something that has me frowning.

"Maybe your little boyfriend will know what's making Kol so angry and he might have a solution." I look at him sternly hoping to make him shut up but that only serves to increase the interest of our siblings. I lower my head and leave the room I can hear Finn going on and on about the events that took place because of the witch who wanted to marry me. This is all so embarrassing and to top it all off, this witch is responsible for our current predicament.

"You are saying that if Nick went ahead and married this witch we could all get werewolves?" Rebekah says sounding like she is holding a laugh.

"No listen Rebekah that kid is bad news why would he arm his enemies if he realy wants to court Nicklaus. I say he is crazy and powerful enough to destroy Nicklaus just so he can build him up however he wants." Finn tries to reason with them but..

"Says you who got exactly what you want without even asking." Kol chips in with sarcasm.

"I agree with Finn in remaining vigilant and most importantly exercise caution when dealing with an individual who is clearly unstable. What if he gave Lucien a wolf so that Nicklaus will be troubled enough to ask for his help?" They all quiet down at that.

"I have a suggestion, call him and ask for help before we all face whatever Lucien castle has turned himself into. Prevent that swine from even coming close to any of us. He gave him a wolf? perhaps he can take it back" Kol says and I have to stop this train of thoughts.

"No, I will not be cornered into marriage with a man just because I couldn't handle a fake hybrid. You are all forgetting something, Lucien doesn't have the white oak nor does he have knowledge of what it can do. This means he is grasping at whatever means that can hurt me which I strongly suspect it to be his bite." I tell them and they all contemplate.

All except Kol who doesn't look convinced. "I say let's find Lucien and kill him then throw a party and forget about him all together." Kol days with murder in his eyes.




I, Rebekah and Finn are in agreement. I look towards Elijah he just looks at us and then he speaks. "Are you all forgetting someone crucial here? I would think Nicklaus would be the last person to forget him considering what we had witnessed him do as a mere human. Imagine what he can do now being a powerful old vampire"

"You are right Tristan is the most dangerous of them all. Atleast Lucien is an emotional person and therefore easy to deal with. Tristan is like a wall unless we find a way to use his sister somehow." I say and Elijah looks at me in question but I just shrug him off.

"We are at war." I say to him. I won't be held down by emotions for Aurora who brutally broke my heart.

"Why would they work together I thought Tristan bullied and tortured Lucien in his dungeon? What hatred for the lot of us that would bring the two opposing sides together?" Rebekah asks but no one has an answer.

"Fine hide your sins" Rebekah folds her arms looking straight at Nicklaus who just smiles at her.

"Its safer to assume they are working together at this point. Even if Lucien has got himself a boost he won't be stupid enough to come for us alone." Elijah always the voice of reason.

"I for one say that we must ignore the mutt. He clearly wants attention from Nicklaus why else would he choose to become what Nicklaus is? Let's rather focus on finding our dear sister Freya." Finn says casually.

"You say we have this sister on a word of a stranger who by the way also gave Lucien his upgrade? I call bull shit" Kol says and the room quite down at the reminder.

"If you lot won't help me I'll find her myself. Why would a brother need his siblings help to find his long lost sister?" Finn storms out with tears on his eyes.

"He has certainly changed from the moping and miserable Finn to young and hot blooded. No matter what his motives were, that young witch did bring our tempemental and stubborn brother back to us, even if he had to reverse the years on him to do so, I say miracle worker." Kol says in a rare moment of affection.

"We did let him rot in a box for almost a millennial it's not too much of us what he's asking. Infact we should be rejoicing that he is looking forward to something at all after how he used to be. You all remember how he used to be right? I for one will do anything not to see him that way again. we've let him down before let's atleast try to help him with this one request." Kol press on and I can see Rebekah crying now and Elijah comforting her while holding his own tears back.

"Ow bloody hell, we are in the middle of war there's no time to scawer the earth for a long lost sibling. We should be coming up with ways to crush our enemies instead. As we speak that Stable boy is plotting our demise and who knows what diabolical plans Tristan will have for us?" I say interrupting the moment.

"Nicklaus, our brother has only but one request. While you have a multitude of enemies let's indulge his simple request of finding one of us. Our family is incomplete, one of us is out there suffering from God knows what. Don't feel left out you can help us then there'll be plenty of time to deal with your old friend Lucien.

This is what your family requires of you and you will do well to accommodate this one wish after all the pain you've caused each of us." Elijah rants while holding the crying Rebekah, Kol keeps nodding clearly agreeing with this ludachris plan.

I realize I'm outmatched and outnumbered so I just speed out of the house to make my own plans since no one will listen to me. I'll make them listen. I think with my features hardening. I wait until all of them are in different rooms and dagger each of them silently. When I'm done I move each their bodies and give them to my people who will travel to a safe location with the coffins so that Finn doesn't get the chance to remove the daggers like he did last time.

Back to the present.

That was the last time I saw my siblings, I often wonder if all this would not happen had I just done what they wanted. I realise I am to blame for their disappearance and whatever horrible ordeal they have been going through all this time. I am so desperate I am even thinking of accepting whatever deal the young witch throws my way as long as I get to see my family again.

"Little prince, I'm back. Did you miss me? I sho as hell missed you.." Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Stefan materializes infront of me in the exact couch he sat on all those years ago. The resemblance however ends there he has grown up to over 2.5 meters tall his skin looks almost translucent he has completely changed his childish look for an ethereal appearance that is handsome beyond imagination.

The open gap in the upper part of his shirt shows an even more sculpted chest. It's easy to imagine how beautifully structured the rest of his body looks. His voice has lost the slightly pich tone for a more manly but still pleasant voice. His face is smooth still, a careless look and one might think him a maiden but that would be a mistake because even though he is beautiful, it is still clear he is a man.

He looks at me with a slight frown on his face. It makes him look like he is pouting which is cute. I widen my eyes at the thought, why would I entertain such thoughts about another man.

"Are you ignoring me because I took long to come back?" He looks at me confused I cough slightly in my hand to hide my embarrassment at ogling him so much. It's also interesting that he doesn't realize how good looking he is.

It was pretty obvious I had lost focus because of his beauty but he didn't realize and instead he felt ignored. How peculiar. "It's been a while, why are you here? have you come to gloat at what your creation has done?" He tilts his head but does not deny or confirm anything.

"I went to retreat to increase my strength many years ago, I needed more power to create a strong barrier around my home to keep things like you away. I have only just recently come back and as soon as I came back I began the grand project of putting up that barrier now even the gods can't force their way through." He says with pride in his voice.

For some reason I believe him but I also believe him to be holding back some crucial information. "What of your deal with Lucien then? what benefits did you give him to make him so bold as to attack me his sire?" He shrugs and doesn't answer.

"ANSWER ME" I shout with anger in my voice.

From where I'm sitting I can see amusement on his beautiful face. "Such a violent temper Nicklaus, you couldn't do anything to me when I was still a child, do you think you can do something to me now just by merely shouting at me?" He does that action where he tilts

his head to the side.

"Fine. I can't force you to tell me then why don't we continue with those sessions and then you can answer my question afterwards just like last time?" I relented. He beams and takes out his file that is bigger than the bag it's come out of.

"Now where do we start? Ah yes...How has living with this version of Finn been like? are you happy?" He asks and I close my eyes.

"We were fine in the beginning I enjoyed his change very much. That was until he started going on about looking for Freya all day long. You can see how that can sour my mood." I say partially blaming him for our siblings going against me which resulted in me daggering them then ultimately loosing them.

"Do you not wish to find Freya?" He asks

"Yes I do. However not when time calls for arms against my enemies. Who have gained power beyond what we could predict and therefore plan accordingly. You who was in a position to answer my questions disappeared without a trace and all they were yapping on about was finding Freya" I say frustrated.

"When all this was going on what was your solution?" He leans forward looking me in the eyes.

"I daggered the lot of them." I answered him immediately.

"Now? How do you feel about making that decision?" He asks

"I wish there was another way. My intentions were to keep them safe, I don't regret daggering them I regret letting them out of my sight" I say and he looks at me with what I assume to be disappointment. He sighs then looks at me.

"You can go ahead and ask your question." He says looking at me with those empty eyes.

"What exactly did you give Lucien?" I ask

"A wolf with sonic speed and a bite that will make those bitten suffer from a dementors curse. It is a curse that feeds on negative emotions and memories, it eats away at your soul the longer the bite remains.

Depending on how strong the victims soul is and how intense the negative emotions are the victim will die a slow agonizing death with all the bad things that have ever happened to them as the last memories. Or the victim will slowly loose their minds turning into the very worst version of themselves killing anything they come across." He says and I am sitting at the edge of my sit now.

"Why? you did this to my fam..." I don't get to finish.

"Let me stop you right there mr 'I daggered the lot of them' do you really think this is my fault? all I did was honor my deal with Lucien what happens next is all on you. You and your family have run rampant on this planet with little regard for anyone but yourselves and your pettiness have gained you a lot of enemies." He takes a breath.

"All you were supposed to do was to stand together, but do you see what you did instead? You have subjected your siblings to a fate worse than those daggers all because you couldn't compromise.

They just wanted one thing and that should have delighted you. That was your opening to show your family that you are not that bastard you have proven to be all this time. If you had joined them in giving them that which they desired they in turn would have been thankful to you and you would have all been closer for it.

But what you did was return to the self defeating cycle of paranoia and proceeded to strip your siblings of their own will and desire. You are sick and in need of help so I'll provide you with a chance" I am silent now because this young man has not said anything incorrect.

"I'll give you your siblings back." I stand up and wait for the rest..

"My help is not cheap, I'll only do it if you allow me to transfer the memories of their suffering from the last few years to you. One by one you will have to go through what they have gone through these years under the bite." I am sweating profusely just imagining what's to come.

"I will not leave you without hope. There is a cure for the bite" I look at him with my eyes shining..

"The first way is to counter the bad memories with good memories. Try to concentrate on something that makes you happy, this shouldn't be that difficult you've been alive for so long that surely you have mastered your own desires." I contemplate and realize this is not going to be easy at all.

The second cure is Lucien's blood given willingly. It will not work as a cure if it's taken from him by force. Curtsey of mine, I cant have him kidnapped and cut open to be bleed dry by some creep." I look at him with murder in my eyes and he just raises his hands in mock surrender.

"Lucien's wolf is a creation of mine even though it's only made from a spirit it is still a wolf. As you know wolves are very sensitive creatures. If he is tortured in anyway it will be damaged and broken. The results will be a wolf prone to anger and violence just like yours." I still at that information. This witch always manages to make me speechless.

"Anyways do you agree or we leave your siblings where they are?" I jolt up and look at him.

"Why not just help me out like you did with Finn? why are you making me go through all this? what's in it for you?" I ask with worry for myself.

"You messed up big time here. I want you to know the consequences of your impulsive decision. There realy was no need for what you did. Which means you did it out of pettiness and spite because they were not following your whims like good slaves that they are. God forbid they wanted something for themselves.

Something that threatened your position in their lives. Who knows what will result from bringing this Freya person into your lives? so you resolved the issue the only way you know how, by putting them in their place." I get angry at the accusations but he just gives me a look and I stop in my tracks I forget how powerful this little devil is.

"DO IT!!" We both turn our heads to find Finn with a face full of tears. I didn't tell him that I had daggered our siblings and especially not the reason for it. Now that he knows it's my fault and that they realy wanted to help him and I stopped them he must be infuriated.

"Finn listen, we needed to be United..." He just laughs with pain in his eyes.

"United? REALLY? according to Stefan we were plenty United but you wouldn't have it. Being United in our goal is exactly what put daggers in each of their hearts. If you have even an ounce of the little brother who used plants to paint and get excited when discovering a new color for his painting. Take the deal and save our siblings from your foolishness and selfishness." Finn is crying while ranting at me.

Stefan is quiet and just pensively watching the show. I look at him and "Do it" I say and he gets on his feed making a pulling motion and three figures materialize from nowhere and as soon as they see living people they pounce but Stefan holds them down with magic than he looks at me. "Remember you will be suffering from each of their negative memories and feelings so all you have to do is find out what makes each of them happy.

I'll give you all three bites but only one will take effects at a time. After you have solved that person's deepest desires try to imagine that person having that which they desire the most, that will break the curse.

After solving one bite, the next bite will activate. First is the easiest Rebekah, then the relatively complex Kol then the hellish difficult Elijah.

I'll put your wolf to sleep so your emotions are not rampant. Good luck I hope you know your siblings because this may as well be the last time we meet." Then only darkness enveloped me.