
TVD: Stefan's Skin (DROPPED)

Reborn as Stefan Salvatore, lucky enough to score LOHP with all the books available inside the Library. Yes MC likes men and women. Yes the author is bad at spelling. No this is not good at all for all those nitpicking TVD fans. No author has no idea what they are doing, They just love the show and tried finding fan fictions read them all couldn't find any more, took matters into their own hands.

Schooldean · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 13

Stefan POV

I look at everyone in the room. "It is bigger than the Original earth. I made it so cultivators such as my brother and me can enter and also all the supernatural creatures just no human can enter this place without an invitation or a key which I will personally design."

They look to be digesting the news. "Is it like the other side?" Tristan always the sharpest.

"Yes but in my world people can be born and there are 4 seasons a year. However time flows different in there. I think 12 days here is 1 day in there." They all look at me in surprise.

"Time and space magic is very complicated and I'm sure it'll work itself out somewhat." I say nonchalantly.

"Do you guys want to be the first residents?" They all look at me like I'm crazy. I roll my eyes.

"Brother we are abit worried, what if your door leads to a black whole and it devours you the moment to go through it?" I smile at him.

I see so this is why they they are all here watching me like hawks. It's so I don't walk into my doom how adorably misguided of them but I'll play along.

"Are you telling me that after creating an entire planet dimension I don't get to see it because my brother is worried I'll die?" I say exasperated.

"All we are saying is send a goat first see if it survives then follow." Aurora chips in.

"I'm a little more powerful than a goat, thank you very much" offended.

"Fine then I'll go" Damon says and I frown.

"How about this, I'll recover and then I'll go there myself." I look at Damon with warning in my eyes and he raises his hands in mock surrender.

"In the meantime why don't we entertain ourselves with the Original siblings." I conjecture up a screen and some popcorn.

"You said you'd find our siblings its been years and who knows what the crazy de Martel siblings have them doing all this time. Finn you better fine them or.."

"Threats? really? at a time like this you think threatening me is a good idea? I'm not a witch anymore but I found one." Finn says with tired eyes.

"You mean the useless one."Klaus says in annoyance.

"If you'd stop killing them maybe we'd make progress" Finn says. "I don't understand, did they get stolen? how can three powerful vampire Originals just disappear out of thin air like that?" Finn mummers low.

And the screen shows the other Mikelson siblings clawing at each other with black eyes.

"Don't tell me you are worried about them" Lucien says look at them and smile, "It's not them I'm worried about it's you." I say.

If an Original dies all those turned from their siline will die at the same time. I can't tell them this information because they will figure out that there's a way to kill an Original.

"What are you not telling us Stefan darling?" Aurora pokes me in the arm narrowing her pretty eyes at me. I just smile at her and get to experience a rare moment of Aurora blushing. I use the distraction to slip out. I hear them betting on who is more powerful and who will suffer the most between the bitten siblings fighting on the screen.


I spend the next day building small robots they are more llike people who operates on rune-magic, after constructing their bodies I put spirits newly constructed spirits into them turning them into self-aware beings.

I make about 1500 human size robots and then I infuse them with memories of rude magic inscriptions arrays and other knowledge about construction. The construction knowledge was copied from the memories of humans renowned for their genius in structural engineering.

I use the disguise technique I learn from the library to turn them into normal human beings they look like human beings and when they speak they sound like human being

Afterwards I take them all to the new world, when we get there we immediately starts construction of a city but we only start with the castle. A majestic Castle made out of stone we use elemental magic I also gave them the ability to use elemental magic so they can melt stone and shape it however they want so now we have a huge Castle two days later which is 30 days on the old world.

This Castle has only walls for now, with holes where windows and doors are supposed to be. We have to start afresh and make doors from the wood in the forest. After that we go to the to the beach and make glasses we must produce glasses. We mass produce glasses with inscriptions to make sure that they are indestructible.

After that we joined hands and put the doors in the frames on the Castle. We put windows also my own little soldier army has been great at putting up the castle and shaping the colours and making it turn great all around.

The windows have sparkling glasses on them and these guys have been infused with inscription to ensure they don't get destroyed. I have the huge Castle that can house around 9,000 people it's very big but I also want to surround it with a city like King's Landing.

However I'm going to make my castle far away from the city in case someone decides to bomb the city or something I don't want to be implicated. I am going to put a lake between the city but first I need to complete the construction of my castle I decide to make 1500 more soldiers and their job is to go to the old world and buy furniture, paint and lots of things that a newly built city will need.


Now that's done I can move into my own castle a world away from the world so after making the soldiers as I passed them with the purchasing of furniture, paint and carpets.

Done with the little things and move on the big thing. Building a city I move on to making the robots who are responsible for building a city. I just put the knowledge in them and then I go back home to my Manor.

Getting home I find everyone worried and discussing something in hushed tones ask what's going on and they tell me, I have been gone for over 5 months that's not surprising considering that one day is 15 days in the new world. I tell them that, they are still not very convinced about my state of mind, I hope to convince them by taking them to this new world which they agree so I take them except for the Children.

Myself, Damon, Tristan and Lucian we all go to this new world where my castle has been built just in time for the rest of the 1500 guys to come back with furniture so we can sit on things.

We discuss the importance of having this new world the fact that if we have this world we don't need to mingle or hide ourselves from the humans and in the future when the technology develop there are bombs and there cameras recording vampires feeding on human. I might just ban vampires from entering the new world, No offence to vampires but most of the Vampires feed on humans and they are not careful it's really just amazing how come the supernatural world hasn't been discovered by the humans.

I decide to make this world so that I can have world I call my own and discussing these, I tell them that I'm going to open schools there will be witches maybe one for vampires and they will be many types of magic so I'll have different schools for different types of magic. Maybe I can put all of them in one school but just make it huge in size.

That is all for the future as of this moment I should focus on people. I need to construct myself a set of experts that I will rely on to run my empire. First I made 6 experts for HP magic, Alchemy, then I separated alchemy into potions and herbs from HP and elixirs and pills from cultivation. Arrays master, inscriptions master, space magic time magic master.

Three women and three man. After using the disguise technique all six members were ingrained with knowledge of relevant school of knowledge. They are tasked with using this knowledge to improve and modify the the empire's technologies. From electricity to heating floors and air conditioners for cooling.

Next is the experts responsible for management such a small council will ensure there is enough food for all parties inhabiting the city. In that note vampires will be able to consume and be full from the food supplies because all of it will have large quantities of spiritual energy.

The most edible is the crystalized spiritual energy called blood crystals. They provide three times the energy found in human blood. Vampires will find it more suitable as it will diminish their cravings for human blood the more they eat these crystals and they will become stronger the longer they eat them instead of human blood.

The human food will be filled with spiritual energy along with the animals reared for eating as well. This will boost the physical ability of humans and the taste is superior to regular food. These officials are numbered 8 units and again 4 males and 4 females. They are made from superior spirit beings and look like normal humans. They have inscriptions on their bodies that will help them grow in strength.

The officials will also be responsible for the welfare of all who reside in the city also responsible for building connections with the outside world and offering our products for sale.

Soon my castle is ready the magic has been used the castle is running like a well oiled machine with bright lights and warm baths and showers. I have to move in soon and enjoy my life of luxury in a castle like a king.

I wonder if I should bother with continuing courting a spouse or I should go ahead and ignore my needs for socializing and love life to become a hermit and shave all my hair. I won't make any decisions before looking into Nicklaus's handsome face without feeling a need to get close.

I take the inscribed jade slips that will allow entry into this world. My superior spirit beings are doing work way ahead of time and pulling out inventions that leave me speechless.

I use the key and bring most of my clothes into my royal chambers. My bedroom is mostly made up of old style furniture but whe floors are marble and the bed is big and comfortable with covers and sheets of fine quality. I'm told the workers went around the world getting me the best of the best fabric for curtains, bedding and even floor carpets they are called rags.

Iv never realy thought about how much comfort these medieval times can provide. Especially with the equivalent of electricity rune magic has proven to be able to provide the comfort I desire now I just need a beauty in each arm.

I move to stand at the balcony I'll be able to see the view of a magnificent garden from here very soon and the smell of flowers in the morning will entire the room as soon as I open these balcony doors and the glass windows separating the balcony and the outside world. Apparantly the weather is unpredictable and should there be a storm, it should not affect the furniture in the balcony. That is why there are large glass doors outside the balcony.

I am still dreaming of a bright future when my brother comes in frustrated.

"Stefan who are the women working for you here? They can resist my charms." I laugh at him.

"I suppose it's time I teach you what it means to be an overlord." I say and take him to a place with lavish furniture for relaxing in the room. I teach him how to make spirit beings he makes a small rabbit spirit.

I tell him that it is part of him and is mostly only loyal to him and he should never betray and abuse this bond. I take him outside and help him construction a men using clay and then I soften it and pull all the necessary outside limbs and small details such as ears and fingers.

I then use magic to turn it into a men with hair and now it's a human body and all Damon needs to do is to make a spirit being of superior grade and place that in this body. I show him how to copy memories from one person and put them into his own creation.

Damon is very happy about creating his own army of beauties who can massage and will never hurt or betray him, I chase him away and I wonder if I can create a computer but obviously a magical one that can download information into my people's brains.

looking into the library I come up with spiritual beings with a massive memory and a psychic ability to transfer knowledge into the brain like an AI. I just  need to make this AI small and advance like nanos. I'll give this project to a new person I'll make just for such things.

The city is under construction, my people hunted down those with construction ingenuity and copied their memories. Using these memories a magnificent city is underway and other projects are not suspended or put on hold but more powerful people are (made) put in charge.

I should check on Nicklaus I do miss him and i wonder if he misses me dealy as well? Just an afterthought. I am ready to see if he is ready for a negotiation with me. I look outside the balcony to my my kingdom well more like a city but it looks good, the construction is half way through because my construction workers don't need rest the city has a Mall inside I know it sounds ridiculous but it will be a beautiful Mall because of the magic, it will be bright inside they will be magical elevators, tiles on the floor and walls, glamorous ceilings with magnificent lighting. I saw the plans and I have to say my people are geniuses or the people whose memories they copied are geniuses.

I'm just happy that my castle is complete and the furniture is almost complete the place is full of luxury and the kitchen has the best chefs because I sent out my people to copy memories of the best chefs in the world they had teleportation rune so it was easy for them to get to all the places with good chefs. They even copied the memories of chefs that cooks for the president of America as well as the Royals of England.

After taking care of everything I realise that I have nothing to do because I have people to complete the tasks. I have accounted for almost all the areas that require expert knowledge. My castle is great there's even a throne room. I call everyone to leave with me back to the manor. On the way I converse with Damon and he tells me about Katherine being in the tomb this time and rotting away with her friends.

I am surprised that Damon let her suffer like that considering how much he loved her in the previous life and just how far he was willing to go to get her back. The moon stone was hidden away by Katherine before she was put in the tomb. Damon seems happy that Katherine is suffering and I had to remind him that she has not done anything to him in this life. He argued that she would have, if she was given the chance.

After we get home we all sit in a dining table and allow the servants to serve us food I give the vampires the crystals and they enjoy them immensely saying blood has nothing on this but I ignore them after telling them that these are what the vampires in my kingdom will be eating which lives them shocked.

I go to cultivate for a while telling my guests I'll be at closed door cultivation. My cultivation is that of body cultivation and I have finally decided to improve physical strength by adopting the style of the heavenly dragon technique.

Strength is represented by the number of dragons imprint growing in numbers inside the soul space. Each increase in their number will boost my strength and I'll get abilities as more and more dragon prints I get. The ability I'm most looking forward to is the petrifying eyes. it also happens to be the first ability. I will complete the requirement of having 500 000 dragon prints to gain this ability.

"What I like about this ability is that it is also the eye of truth. I can distroy all hallucinations with it. I can also see the inner workings of a magical residue and figure out the working of whatever spell. For instance I can see all hidden tricks on a curse such as the one put on Nicklaus.

According to the show, his mother put a contingency to prevent him from making hybrids should he one day break his curse. I want to surprise him and dazzle him with knowledge perhaps he will finally be conquered by my charms.

Time is relative when you are cultivating. Its comes as no surprise that I emerged from my cultivation half a year later but having failed to reach the retirement to gain the petrifying eyes. It's no big matter cultivation is for the strong willed I'm distracted thinking about how Nicklaus is probably worried sick about his family so I have decided to go see him.