
Tutorial Finished: India

The story is about a world where people have been given special skills based on their lives. Suddenly, monsters start coming to Earth, and everyone's main goal becomes just surviving. The monsters are real, but the real danger comes from humans turning against each other. We follow a guy who just wants to make sure his family stays safe in this chaotic world where people are fighting each other more than the monsters. It's a story about how far someone will go to protect their loved ones and how tough it is to stay human when the world feels like it's falling apart.

KH_R · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Monstrous Machinations: A Sinister Strategy Unveiled

*10 minutes later *

Khush: "All of the headless bodies disappeared too, as always it took more time for headless bodies to disappear than bodies with their head, which disappear instantly.

Father, you okay? You can come out now, all of the bodies disappeared."

Father: "Really? I mean, coming just a second."

Khush: "We right now are, around 20-30 m away from the shop, including crossing the road."

Father then comes out of the bathroom

Father: "What's the plan now? Just continue going from the roof."

Khush: "There are only 3 more houses left until we reach the main road. It's better if we go directly by road."

Father: "You're right. Until we reach the shop, it's best not to unclaim this property. Khush, get your crowbar ready. We'll have to break the locks on the shutter."

Khush: "Of course, father, I'm ready. Now we just have to wait for Christine."

Father: "Oh, so Christine isn't here."

Khush: "I told her she can take a rest as we're going to stay here for 10-15 minutes. She should be here by now."

*10 minutes later*

Father: "Um, where is Christine? Are you sure you told her that we would only be spending 15 minutes here?"

Khush: "Of course, dad, I told her 15 minutes. She must be eating or something."

*15 more minutes later*

Khush: "OMG! Where the hell is she? Did she forget or something?"

Suddenly, a fly lands on Khush's right ear, indicating him to open the notebook. Then the fly landed on 'sorry'.

Khush: "OMG, Christine, where the hell were you?"

"Sorry, saw monster," spells Christine by controlling the fly and landing on words and different letters.

Khush: "What!? There were monsters near the house? What happened?"

Father: "There were monsters near our house; we should go back right now."

Khush: "Wait, Father, if they attacked the house, you would have gotten a notification or something. Let's hear her out first."

Father: "Hear?"

Khush: "You know what I mean, Father. Now, will you please explain what happened, Christine? Where and how many did you see?"

Christine, controlling the fly, took some time but explained that she saw two goblins running back to their camp in the government-made apartments, possibly the two survivors from the bloodbath.

Khush: "Okay, you saw those goblins. But if they made their way to their camp, then how did you see them near our house?"

"I never said that," spells Christine.

Khush: "Wait, what? If you didn't say that, then who did? Dad?"

Father: "What do you mean, Dad? You were the one that said that."

Khush: "Oh, did I? Sorry, hehe. Now, let's talk about the main thing. How are we going to continue now?"

Father: "What do you mean? We just have to follow the plan you previously mentioned. Just get stuff from the shops and go back home."

Khush: "I don't think that's safe anymore. If those goblins went back to their camp, it means they are smarter than we thought. They must've told the red orc everything by now. I think we need to start getting ready for war."

Father: "Still, that's just speculation, right?"

Khush: "Yeah, that's just a theory, a monster theory. Still, I've thought of a plan to keep the monsters from expanding in our sphere of influence."

Father: "Theory? Influence? What are you talking about? Just explain the plan already."

Khush: "Okay, okay. As you know, the monsters have chosen the government-made buildings as their camp, which are surrounded by tall and strong walls from three sides. The only way to go in and out is the two-lane road, which connects to the main road leading inside our colony."

Father: "Yeah, so what are you trying to say?"

Khush: "And that's the only way inside our colony from the south, where they are, right?"

Father: "Yeah, but I still don't understand."

Khush: "What I'm trying to say is, if we can claim two or more houses on each side of the road, then we can stop the monsters from expanding and attacking into the north, where we live.

Father: "Like a toll tax?"

Khush: "Exactly like a toll tax, just instead of taking their money, we take their life. MUAHAHA."

Father: "Yeah, maybe calm down on laughing like a maniac next time, but overall a good plan."

Khush: "Oh, sorry, Father."

Father:'' ok,ok, Now explain further, how can this help us. What does this mean?''

Khush:''This means we can just farm them until they either stop attacking us, or we can keep looting houses and attacking any monsters we find to become stronger and stronger until we can defeat them. *smirks* It's almost like turning the tables on them, don't you think?"

Father: "That sounds... risky. Are you sure this is the right approach?"

Khush: "Trust me, Father. It's the only way to keep them at bay. *creepy grin* We'll show them who owns this territory.''