
Tutorial Finished: India

The story is about a world where people have been given special skills based on their lives. Suddenly, monsters start coming to Earth, and everyone's main goal becomes just surviving. The monsters are real, but the real danger comes from humans turning against each other. We follow a guy who just wants to make sure his family stays safe in this chaotic world where people are fighting each other more than the monsters. It's a story about how far someone will go to protect their loved ones and how tough it is to stay human when the world feels like it's falling apart.

KH_R · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Chapter of P.O.V'S

Man, it's so strange uploading chapters but not getting any 'support' or intraction. It's like I am talking to myself.


Suddenly, another being appears behind the mysterious figure, without saying anything. The mysterious figure, upon seeing the new arrival, remarks, "It seems someone enjoys playing with fire. Let's go find out who has truly crossed the line."

The figure behind nods and vanishes, followed by the mysterious figure.

Meanwhile, in Khush's perspective,

he mutters, "I'm back at the starting point," as he reaches the throne room door.

With a tense and frustrated expression, he wonders, "Dad is still not here. Did something happen to him? No-no-no, Khush, stay positive. Dad must have found some treasure."

He considers messaging his father.

Five minutes earlier, in the father's perspective,

he thinks to himself, "Finally, I'm here. Now, let's search for the ladder."

After a brief two-minute search, I finally locate the ladder. Retrieving it from the apartment building, I begin my journey towards the car.

Suddenly, a soft chime interrupts the quiet afternoon. Intrigued, I set down the ladder and turn my attention to a pop-up window on my screen. "What's this?" I mumble, recognizing it as a messaging window. Curiosity piqued, I wonder who could be reaching out to me.

With a quick glance at the sender's name, I realize it's Khush.

Another notification appears, prompting me to read his message: "Where are you?" I ponder on the identity of the sender before responding, "Just found the ladder, heading to the car now." A moment later, another message arrives: "Ok." After estimating the time it will take me to return, I hoist the ladder once more and continue my journey towards the awaiting car.

Khush's Perspective: "10-15 minutes, huh?" I mused to myself.

"I'll just rest until then," I decided. "Where can I find something to sit on?" I pondered.

"Can't sit on the road, too hot," I reasoned. "Oh, I know," I said quietly. With that, I headed towards the throne room.

Once inside, I climbed a stair and settled down to relax and pass the time. After a minute or two, I heard a buzzing sound.

"What's that noise?" I wondered aloud.

"Where is it coming from?" I asked myself. I then descended from the stair and began searching for the source of the noise.

After a minute of searching, I discovered that the noise was emanating from the room with the artifact.

Feeling scared by the noise coming from the mysterious artifact, I made a hasty decision to turn around and flee.

In my panicked state, I accidentally collided with an unseen obstacle, causing me to stumble and fall.

"Ouch! What did I bump into?" I pondered aloud. As I looked up, I was puzzled to find nothing there.

"Huh? Why is there nothing in front of me? I could have sworn I ran into something," I questioned.

Dismissing the strange occurrence, I determined to get back on my feet and make a quick escape.

However, to my bewilderment, I bumped into an invisible barrier once again as I attempted to run.

Feeling perturbed, I cautiously extended my hand, only to feel an unexpected resistance. "Wait, no, this... this can't be happening," I muttered in disbelief.

Despite my rising fear, I resisted the urge to panic and tentatively reached both hands forward to confirm my suspicions.

Unfortunately, I am trapped inside an invisible wall.