
Tutorial Finished: India

The story is about a world where people have been given special skills based on their lives. Suddenly, monsters start coming to Earth, and everyone's main goal becomes just surviving. The monsters are real, but the real danger comes from humans turning against each other. We follow a guy who just wants to make sure his family stays safe in this chaotic world where people are fighting each other more than the monsters. It's a story about how far someone will go to protect their loved ones and how tough it is to stay human when the world feels like it's falling apart.

KH_R · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

A Saddened Goodbye

*The 3 brothers made their way to the throne room, but are stopped by guards outside the room.*

Durotan: "Let me go in, you puny guard!"

Guard: *Sound of heavy footsteps approaching* "Sorry, but I can't let you in, Prince Durotan, Prince Mogor, and Prince Thraug."

Thraug: "Why? Brother was the one who called us."

Guard: *Faint sound of distant voices and mechanical beeping* "I know, Prince, but the eldest Prince Grommash just finished setting up the communication system and received a call from King Aldric."

Durotan: *Sound of frustration* "Watch your tone, soldier. Aldric isn't a name your puny mouth can handle."

Guard: *Nervous tone* "I apologize, Prince."

Throug: "It's alright, soldier. Now tell me, are you sure that the call he received is from Father Aldric?"

*In the background, muffled voices and the faint hum of the communication system can be heard, creating an atmosphere of tension and anticipation.*

Guard: "Yes, Prince."

Mogar: "OMG, we are so dead. Elder brother must have told dad everything. Brother, please let me run away."

Durotan: "No, if you run away, dad's gonna be even more pissed."

Thraug: "Yes, if he found out that his son ran away from danger like a coward, he's gonna turn the whole world upside down to chase you and beat you up. Now guard, ask our brother if we can come in."

Guard: "As you say, Prince."

*Sound of knocking on the door*

Guard: "Sire, your three younger brothers want to come in. Should I let them?"

Grommash: "Let them."

Guard: "Yes, sire."

*SFX: The guard opens the door at them*

Grommash: "So, Durotan, who do you think I was communicating with?"

Durotan: "Father, brother."

Grommash: "Right. And what do you think he asked?"

Durotan (fearfully): "About how we were doing?"

Grommash: "Wrong." *SFX: Grommash grabs Durotan by the neck* "He asked how Gorgrak was doing. What do you think I said?"

Durotan (struggling to breathe): "I... don't... know."

Grommash: "I said to him that Gorgrak-"

*Before Grommash can finish his sentence, a mana bullet fired by Khush hits the force field surrounding the camp.*

*SFX: The mana bullet collides with the force field, creating a sharp, crackling sound.*

*Background noise: Ripples sent all around the camp, creating a faint, echoing effect.*

Grommash: "What the hell was that?"

*Grommash releases his grip on Durotan's neck, and the brothers start making their way outside to see what happened.*

Durotan: "Gorefang."

*Gorefang appears out of thin air.*

Gorefang: "Yes, sire."

Durotan: "What was that, Gorefang?"

Gorefang: "Seems like something collided with the force field set up two days ago around the base, sire."

Thraug: "It was a mana shot, not that powerful, but a mana shot."

Mogor: "Mana shot? Do you think softskins have the power to fire a mana shot powerful enough to shake the shield?"

Thraug: "As I said, it was not powerful but was launched at a very high speed."

Durotan: "Then does that mean someone in our territory has the power to break the force field? If yes, then why would they openly attack us instead of concealing it and firing at the right time?"

Gorefang: "It seems like it was a warning shot, sire."

Grommash: "What did you say? Are you telling me that a bunch of softskins are warning us!?"

Gorefang: "I just said what I thought, sire. I apologize if I spoke too much."

Grommash: "Who allowed you to say what you thought, old man? Remember that the only reason you are with us is because father asked me to keep you as a butler. Never forget your place."

Gorefang" I apologise sire"

Durotan: "Gorefang, could it be an act of provocation from the softskins? Perhaps they seek a confrontation."

Gorefang: "It's possible, sire. But we must tread cautiously and gather more information before making any hasty decisions."

Thraug: "Gorefang, leave and check if the core is damaged or not. Increase the Mana intake of it and feed more humans to it."

Gorefang: "Yes, sire."

*Gorefang then disappears out of thin air.*

Grommash: "That old sack of bones thinks he's better than us, just because father recommended him."

Thraug: "But I don't think he's wrong, brother. That did seem like a warning shot."

*In the background, the low hum of the mana core grows louder, accompanied by a faint crackling sound.*

Grommash: "You too, Thraug? Do you really think a bunch of softskins are powerful enough to warn me? Warn me!?"

Thraug: "Then how do you explain the disappearance of Gorgrak?"

*The surrounding area is enveloped in an eerie silence, broken only by the distant howl of a mount*

Grommash: "That's... Well, he..."

*The crackling from the mana core intensifies, creating an unsettling atmosphere.*

Thraug: "You can fool father, brother. Not yourself. Accept it, Gorgrak is dead."

Grommash: "Thraaaaug!"

* Grommash grabs Thraug by his neck, his grip tight with emotion.*

Thraug: "Accept... It bro..ther, he is de.ad. Gorgrak is .... Dead."

Grommash: "No, it can't be. Gorgrak, my brother, he can't be dead. I refuse to believe it."

* Grommash then releases his grip on Thraug's neck and starts to weep.*

Grommash: "Thraug, you don't understand. He wasn't just like a brother to me, he was more like a son. I watched him grow, I watched him cry, laugh,kill and now... I can't accept that he's not here anymore."

Thraug: "It's okay, brother. We understand. He was our brother too. But what's done is done. If Gorgrak were here, he would have laughed at you now. Don't cry, brother. We are with you, we all are."

Mogor: "Yes, brother, I am with you."

Durotan: "Me too, brother."

* The brothers embrace Grommash, sharing the weight of the loss. In the midst of their embrace, Grommash catches a glimpse of Gorgrak. He sees Gorgrak smiling at him, a bittersweet expression, and then Gorgrak fades away.*

Grommash: "You are right, I am sorry. But I swear, brothers, I will take revenge."

Thraug: "We will, brother, we will. Now, let's make a plan for that revenge."

* All the brothers then make their way inside the throne room once again, their minds filled with determination and a resolve to avenge Gorgrak's death.*

Durotan: "You are the smartest one between us, Thraug. We will do whatever you say. Isn't that right, big brother?"

Grommash: "Yes, Thraug. We will do whatever you say."

Thraug: "Thank you for trusting me, brothers. Now, first we have to accept the harsh reality that we are not the predators here, but the hunted. We are at the mercy of a 'Shadow stalker' like being, who can likely see our every move."

Grommash: "So what should we do, Thraug?"

Thraug: "Brothers, we must use our wits to outmaneuver the softskins. I propose a daring plan - we will set out under the cloak of night to invade the north at midnight tomorrow. With the cover of darkness on our side, we can ensure the element of surprise. Our swift and decisive strike will catch our enemies off guard, giving us the advantage we need."

Durotan: "It's a bold plan, but it just might work."

Grommash: "I like it. Let's prepare for the attack."