
Tutorial Finished: India

The story is about a world where people have been given special skills based on their lives. Suddenly, monsters start coming to Earth, and everyone's main goal becomes just surviving. The monsters are real, but the real danger comes from humans turning against each other. We follow a guy who just wants to make sure his family stays safe in this chaotic world where people are fighting each other more than the monsters. It's a story about how far someone will go to protect their loved ones and how tough it is to stay human when the world feels like it's falling apart.

KH_R · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

A quick learner.

"Trying to escape, are you?" the Monster's voice reverberated through the dark chamber.

"Too bad I can't release you until you've answered all my questions," it declared.

With no other option, I tentatively took a step forward, meeting the Monster's gaze before responding.

However, before I could utter a word, the Monster made a sudden gesture, conjuring a powerful gust of wind that sent me crashing to the ground.

SFX: WHOOSH! - the sound of the strong gust of wind

In that fleeting moment, Khush locked eyes with the Monster, noting its dark red skin resembling the hue of the five Red Orcs previously slain and a prominent scar on its left shoulder.

SFX: CRASH! - the sound of Khush falling to his knees

As Khush knelt before the imposing creature, the Red Monster growled, "This is where you belong, you insignificant soft-skinned wretch. Never forget it."

"I-I apologize," Khush stammered, his fear palpable. "

"You're a quick learner, I see. I like it," the monster remarks, a hint of amusement in its voice. "Now, answer my first question."

"Y-yes," Khush stammers in response.

"But before that, may I inquire how this humble being should address a magnificent creature such as yourself?" Khush continues, feeling a surge of shame and frustration.

He contemplates the ways in which he will one day exact revenge on the monster once he gains enough strength. The monster, sensing Khush's dark thoughts, decides to play along.

"You may call me sire," it declares. "Yes, sire, please proceed with your inquiry for this unworthy human," Khush forces out the words, a sense of revulsion creeping over him.

"What is your name?" the monster inquires. "Tapu, sire," Khush lies smoothly, without missing a beat. "I cannot let a creature of such power learn my true name or the location of our settlement. It could command other goblins or orcs to attack us," Khush reasons silently.

As Khush listened to the Monster's questions, his heart raced. "Where do you live on this planet?" the Monster inquired. With a sense of unease, Khush replied, "I reside in a country called Germany, situated in the continent of Europe, sir."

The Red Monster mused over Khush's response, "Germany in Europe, huh?" Pensive, he continued, "Now, answer my third and final question before I release you." As the Monster tapped his finger on his thigh, Khush nodded, eager to escape. "Of course, sir," Khush responded, bracing himself. "What happened to my sons, the rulers of this place?" the Monster demanded.

Khush's voice quivered as he replied, "They are no more, sir. Some humans took their lives before my arrival." The Red Monster's heart sank upon hearing the news.

Closing his eyes, he began to reminisce about the cherished moments he had shared with his beloved sons.

SFX: Tap tap tap (Monster tapping his finger)

SFX: Thud (Monster's heart sinking)

SFX: Whirr (Monster remembering memories)