
Tutorial Finished: India

The story is about a world where people have been given special skills based on their lives. Suddenly, monsters start coming to Earth, and everyone's main goal becomes just surviving. The monsters are real, but the real danger comes from humans turning against each other. We follow a guy who just wants to make sure his family stays safe in this chaotic world where people are fighting each other more than the monsters. It's a story about how far someone will go to protect their loved ones and how tough it is to stay human when the world feels like it's falling apart.

KH_R · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

''Sticky Situation's''

"Really?" says father as he sits down, then exclaims, "Oh my god! We won!"

"Almost there, father," I reply. "Just keep attacking the weaker monsters, and we'll come out on top!"

"Alright, turret," father commands. "Use 0.05 mana to defeat all the other monsters!"

*Sounds of chaos fill the air as the monsters try to escape, stepping over the fallen bodies of their comrades. The battle lasted for what felt like weeks, but in reality, it was only 30-40 minutes. After 10 more minutes, every single unfortunate monster met its end. The invaders, with over a thousand troops, could only manage to save less than 200.*

*10 Minutes Later*

Khush: Do you see any more monsters, father?

Father: No, even the system window has stopped appearing. It seems like all the other monsters ran away. Should we go down and collect the shards?

Khush: I don't think we should. The only reason we were able to see anything was because of the night vision on the system windows. Now that it's gone, we won't be able to see the small crystal shards.

Father: You make a fair point. Let's just go back home and wait until morning.

Khush: Okay.

*We then go downstairs*

Khush: OMG! This smell is making me wanna puke.

Father: Yeah, it's too much. I can't even open my eyes fully.

*As they made their way home, Khush tripped on something and fell into a puddle of sticky, stinky monster blood.*

Khush: "Oh god, what is this liquid? It's so gross."

Father: "Are you okay?"

Khush: "Do I look okay? I'm covered in this sticky mess and it stinks."

Father: "Here, take my hand."

*Khush takes his father's hand.*

Father: "What did you even trip—"

*Father looks back to see monster bodies disappearing and crystal shards glowing.*

Father: "Um, Khush, it looks like we can collect shards if we want to."

Khush: "No, I'm not doing it. I want to go back home and take a bath."

Father: Okay.

* We then make our way to our house. *

Christine: They're making their way home now, aunty.

Mother: Oh thank god, they're fine.

* After that, we reach home. *

*Parents hugging*

Khush: No one gonna hug me?

Mother: Maybe you should take a bath first.

* The next morning *

Mother: Wake up, Khush, it's almost noon.

Khush: Z.....Z....Z....

Mother: Wake up!

Khush: Huh! Huh? I'm up, I'm up.

Mother: Go freshen up, then come eat lunch.

Khush: Okay, mother.

*30 minutes later*

Khush: The lunch was amazing as always.

Mother: Thanks.

Khush: By the way, where's everyone else?

Mother: They all went to pick up the monster shards.

Khush: Oh really? When did they leave?

Mother: Right before you woke up.

Khush: Okay then, until they come back, I'll be in my room resting.

Mother: Okay.

* I then went to my room and closed the door. *

Khush: Skill window - leadership.

* A window pops up. *

*30 minutes later*

All three of them returned and began unloading and counting all the shards they had collected.

Father: "I have counted 370 small orange crystal shards."

Shrasti: "I counted 310 small orange crystal shards and 70 medium orange crystal shards."

Christine: "I counted 100 small orange crystal shards and 40 medium orange crystal shards."

Khush: "I have 30 big orange crystal shards, 3 small blue crystal shards, and 1 medium one. What's the total? Where's the calculator?"

Shrasti: "780 small orange crystal shards, 120 medium orange crystal shards, and 30 big ones. Excluding the 3 small blue ones and 1 medium one."

"Which means if we exclude the medium blue crystal, we will have 77,800 coins," says Shrasti excitedly. "And if we go by progression, the medium one should be worth 100k, right?"

"Which means we have more than 177k coins. Let's go, we are rich," father continues while being overjoyed.

Khush: "Wrong! It's worth 20k."

Shrasti: "Wait, what? You are kidding, right?"

Khush: "Nope, I checked. It's worth 20k."

Shrasti: "Oh, come on. That sucks."

Khush: "Don't be sad, sister. We will have almost 100k coins when we sell all these crystals."

Shrasti: "I know that."

Father: "Now, now. First, let's talk about what to do with the coins, and then we have to talk about the remaining monster."

Khush: "Let's sell them first. As always, you will get 50%, and the rest will be split between the rest of us."

Shrasti: "How will you split 50% between 4 people?"

Khush: "We will divide them by 15%, 15%, 10%, and 10%."

Shrasti: "And who will get what?"

Khush: "Christine and I will get 15% each, and you, mother, will get 10%."

Shrasti: "Okay."

*10 minutes later*

Khush: "Everyone got their money?"

Everyone: "Yes."

Khush: "Now, let's talk about the remaining monster and their base."