
Turning Tides: War of the Gregwald Strait

A story of WAR, TRIUMPHS, DEFEATS, HOPE, DREAD, LIFE, DEATH, AND BROTHERHOOD. The Tale of an Dashing Upstart Officer of "His Majesty's Gregwald Royal Marine Corps" Set during the "War of the Gregwald Strait" in the "Old Imperial Era" Will the "Kingdom of Gregwald" win and restore the Balance on the scale or will the "Aedaria Empire" win and tip over the Scale.

HPP3_AT · Fantasy
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Prologue: The Trip To Fort Wayne PT1

Turning Tides


The Trip To Fort Wayne PT1

Your sitting inside a cabin room of one of the Locomotive's Carts reserved for the Cornets.

The sound of the Locomotive Chugging Along seeps into the carts.

You can see the progress of the New Road Construction lessening and lessening until the Old Dirt Road returns as the Locomotive leaves Atemun City behind.

There's nothing but forests and plains now.

You look back at the pocket book on your hand.

You pick back up the pen and continue on your Journal.

<Journal Entry #1>

<27th of Summer, 1642 OIE>


I am Anteus Val'il Sandoval.

The 3rd son of The Count of Callistia, Born on 08th of First Winter, 1626 OIE, in Sandoval Manor, Callistia Territory, The Dukedom of Atelier.>

<I shall write an Journal Entry weekly, so that i may document my experiences as a future Officer of His Majesty's Gregwald Royal Marine Corps, and so that something might to be sent to my House when... The day i expire arrives.>

<As of this day, i am in one of the new Locomotive's headed to Fort Wayne, Protasio Territory, Dukedom of Gregoria. The home of His Majesty's Gregwald Royal Marine Corps.>

<But First, i shall explain the current predicament we've had ourselves introduced to.>

<2 weeks ago i had bought myself a commission from Anchor Square to join the Royal Marine Corps as an Bane Blooded Officer of His Majesty.>

<I did this to find an source of Honor and Merit for myself and my father, Aurelius Val'il Sandoval The Count Callistia, as i hope to strengthen our House more since my House had Chosen my older sister, Corinthia Val'il Sandoval, as the Heir Apparent.>

<Since my older brother had joined the Royal Knight Corp, a revered corp of knights composed up of firstborn nobles whom serve His Majesty directly. My brother's reason of joining was to give our house more recognition from the Dukedoms despite already being the Richest House in the Dukedom of Atelier and maybe even one of the Richest in the Region.>

<One of my reasons I bought the commission was because...>

<6 weeks ago, the Aedaria Empire had declared a so called rightful claim over the Gregwald Strait, despite the Kingdom of Gregwald owning and controlling the Strait since the Kingdom's Founding.>

<After the declaration of ownership, ships from the Aedaria Imperial Navy started harassing passing ships claiming a Tax of Passage.>

<At first the Kingdom of Gregwald turned a blind eye towards thess indiscriminate harassment and only sent out Small Patrol Fleets from His Majesty's Gregwald Royal Navy to Patrol the waters.>

<However, 2 weeks ago the unthinkable happened, the Aedaria Imperial Navy fired upon ships of the Gregwald Merchant Fleet and even at some of the Small Patrol Fleets.>

<In retaliation, His Majesty, King Gregory Val'il Gregorios, declared a War of Retaliation against the Aedaria Empire.>

<Upon hearing of this news i had decided quickly that i shall fight with my fellow Country men to dispose of these invaders and cement His Majesty's Kingdom as a Naval Superpower once more.>

<I may die and many more as well but...>

<I shall hope to see my family after we are victorious.>

<End of Journal Entry #1>

"Huh", you give out a slight sigh. You feel... Weird, you don't know if this is excitement or dread, you can even feel The Bane inside you react to that emotion.

You stop writing, and put your pen back inside your journal and close it.

You look up around.

Right now, you are in a Cabin Room with 3 other Fellow Cornets like you.

The Two Fellow's oppositely seated near the hallway openly but shyly converse, its clear their both strangers to each one another save the short introductions all 4 of you made when seated.

Whilst the fellow in front of you is just... Skulking. Although you can tell that he has most likely gone through quite the hardships based on how he is purposely and intently skulking to compose and fix himself up

You and the other Fellow's on board had recently departed from the Atelier Station. And but of course the Cornets got the luxury of nice Seats in Cabin Rooms near front of the Locomotive while the Enlist's in the rear have to sit on wooden uncushioned seats while touching shoulders and kneecaps with other Enlist's to their sides and front.

You have nothing to do anymore so you guess you shall decide converse with the other Fellow's as they are also of nobility.

Most officers are nobles, and nobles are almost exclusively Bane Blooded Families since Bane Bloods have been quite proven to be more superior to Normal Bloods specially through the field of Leadership.

You hope that you shall meet and converse with some Fellows while on this trip so that the mood shall not dim for yourself.

Hello i am HPP3_AT, this book is actually my 2nd Book and is the first Book Series' Standalone Prequel Series.

Both Books are available in Wattpad if you want to support me there

But anyway, if you made it this far then i hope you liked the prologue and have a nice day

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