
Turning Point of the Life of Elaina

Go Eunha, pushed herself too hard at work and she collapsed right in front of her computer. She then mysteriously transmigrate's to a body in a fantasy world...

Cocooa_Vu_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Prologue (3)

"Wait, this is..." Flabbergasted by what she had stumbled upon, she started to try and collect her thoughts and calm down.

"Elaina Fel Freech? I knew it"

"The novel I haven't even finished reading, 'Till sunrise' had a Viscounty with the surname of 'Freech'. Wait did a character named 'Elaina" even existed?"

In the original novel, the 'Freech' Viscounty was a Viscounty that held an important role in the plot of the novel. An important character that would appear in numerous chapters by the name of 'Damien Fel Freech' was speculated to be the side villain of the story by the readers due to the deeds that he had done previously, though that speculation is not official.

"Damien Fel Freech, the speculated side villain is the only character that I remember with that surname in the novel... How on earth am I supposed to remember their names when I last read that novel a month ago and I didn't even finish reading it yet..."

"Wait should I ask someone? Oh yeah that young lady that gave me that delicious meal, should I ask her? But where is she?"

Then conveniently, that very same young lady knocked on the door and entered the room, then soon took the plates and utensils that Eunha had just ate from.

"Excuse me" Eunha tried to say.

"Yes, young miss?" The young lady answered.

'Ah sh/t, what should I ask her? Would it be too suspicious if I ask something about the viscounty?' She thought.

"Um, can you please give me a glass of juice" She mumbled.

'Oh gosh, that was your perfect opportunity to ask about this place Go Eunhaaa!! Oh, wait... I think I know what I should ask her.'

"And can you please take me to the library?" She said.

''Of course, young miss'' The young lady said and proceeded to clean up the table where Eunha had just eaten from.

Afterwards, the young lady escorted Eunha to the library.

As they entered the library, Eunha was fascinated by what she saw.

'Oh my gosh look at those, they look really expensive too...'

The young lady then left.

'What the... Isn't she supposed to be here with me in case something happens?' She thought.

'Welp whatever, at least someone won't be watching me when I'm searching for the Information that I need.'

''Ahh I only want to know who Elaina Fel Freech is...''

As she looked everywhere, she finally found something that was useful.

''Wait'' She mumbled as she flipped a page and she looked closely, she finally found out who Elaina was.

| Elaina Fel Freech, |

| The only daughter of Viscount Von Freech. |

'It was a different Viscount in the novel though...'

She thought as she continued to read the information.

| Crasil Freech, the late Viscount had two sons. |

| Von Freech, the first son, and Daneald Freech, the 2nd son. |

''What?'' Her mouth had dropped.

"Wait, this is..." Shocked by what she had just discovered.

To be continued...