
The Last Fuck

Sabrina never thought that it would come to this. All sponsors were verified before being allowed in the Dorm parties. Yet here she was tied with thick cord rope, a ball gag thrust inside her split and bleeding lips as men continued to pound into her one after the other. The pleasure had long turned to pain. Sabrina knew that if she could look the liquid trickling down her legs would be red in colour, a dark red, that signalled her life force seeping out of her. Jose and his friends were a twisted bunch. She had passed out on numerous occasions since they had held her captive in the basement of his mansion. She realized that she was not the first one here, neither were her friend Rihanna and Shania. The small cells smelled of disinfectant and strong room freshener, not quite merging yet giving it a sterile odour. Sabrina heard her friend count loudly in the next room as she was whipped repeatedly. They made her count her own whipping. Shania enjoyed playing the part of a submissive but this was extreme. Just as Sabrina was feeling sorry for her friend thick vibrator was thrust inside her pussy. That only meant it was time for anal.

Suddenly Sabrina felt the hands tied behind her back loosen. She couldn't move her hands though as they ached from being tied back for so long. Soon the ball gag was also removed. A hand pushed her shoulder so that she was no longer lying on her stomach. Her legs that had been dangling off the edge for the whole night, did not have the power to support her weight. Sabrina groaned as her body rolled onto the ground with a thud to her head. Her vision was blurred and her throat was parched. One of Jose's friends pissed in her parted mouth and she gulped greedily, cherishing the liquid entering her body. Soon the other men joined in the game of pissing in her mouth. They left her semi-conscious and dehydrated as they went off to Shania who had been beaten into submission. Rihanna had been hooked to a machine for the whole night. They wanted to save the blonde for the last.

The shivers started soon after as Sabrina felt the adrenaline wear off. The men did not bother to gag Shania. Of course, she wouldn't bother to bite someone's dick off if things got uncomfortable. She was submissive by nature. When guys pushed her to her extremes she got off on it. To Sabrina, the Dom-Sub thing was role play and nothing more. However, Shania took it far more seriously. It wasn't role play. It was a lifestyle choice.

The next time when Sabrina opened her eyes she was in the middle of the woods. The men had assumed her dead and dumped her body hoping it would be mauled by animals before anyone found her. Sabrina tried to move but the most that she could manage was wiggle her fingers or flutter open her eyes. The men hadn't bothered to use a whip or a riding crop with her. They used their belts and the gashes left on her body bled her almost dry. Sabrina knew that she would have a hard time succeeding in the modelling industry with the scars that she would most likely bear. The future that she had envisioned for herself a while back, no longer existed and she didn't know what to do. Her life slipped away from her hand with the moments that went by.

Suddenly Sabrina felt sniffing in her hair. There was an animal touching her but it was not cold, as the cold wet nose of a panting dog. But this was hot like a furnace and drier. She suddenly heard a voice, a deep melodious voice speak in an unknown tongue. The animal near her let out a howl and Sabrina felt fingers probe her neck for a pulse. However, relief was nowhere to be found as she felt a hand cradle her head pulling it onto a human lap before holding her head with both hands and twisting it, snapping her neck. Thankfully the pain ceased and so did the life of Sabrina Emerald.

If only life were the true end...

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