
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Video Games
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40 Chs

Track 32 - A Force to Be Reckoned With

The Compound. A massive, multi-building complex in which the Dearest Family resided. The scene of the heist that you and the others had been planning. Updike input the floor plans to MALLEUS and now, for the first time you and the others had a crystal-clear view of the compound and all it's complexities.

There was little time to waste now that the floor plan was in your hands. A meeting was scheduled that very night. Everyone was present tonight. Not a soul missing.

The compound was built on a green space and hills, trees heavily surrounding the whole area. Those were surrounded by a simple black fence. Guard 'towers', really just armed gazebos lined the perimeter. They all had full communication with each other.

The compound consisted of 6 buildings of varying sizes, all surrounding a central manor, which at the bottom of contained the vault. Lila made spared no effort and skipped no detail, documenting all on the paper. Going clockwise, each building was labeled. A small storage building, a building labeled 'Barracks' with a kennel attached to it, a long but thin building labeled 'Guests and Garage' (which had the main entrance to the city), 'The Hangar', 'Mearest Studios', which shared a wall with the Hangar but more north, and finally, north of the Studios a conjoined building, a 'Mailroom' and a cross-shaped building labeled 'Church'.

The Family being demons everyone knew the church had some greater purpose.

A cliff overlooked the northern area. Below it, at over a hundred metre drop was water and a tiny beach. As you noted back then it made approach from there impossible.

Connecting them all were private roads. To drive into the compound the only option was the road leading into Guests building and parking lot. Theodore, who had not seen the actual place yet, commented that it reminded him of a university.

Lila's maps contained something you nor anyone else present was aware of. A massive tunnel system lurked beneath the compound, connecting all of the buildings. Aside from each building having one entrance, an additional pipe poked out of the cliff. It stood halfway between the top and bottom, inaccessible from either side.

Friendly buildings were nowhere to be found. Just southeast of the compound stood the 'Bandelin Bank', and due west of it a prestigious school called 'Haxe Academy'. Needless to say, security in the area was going to be tight.

A building south of the entire field and down a couple blocks lit up. This was an unlisted IRIS Data Centre, and the place Displo originally intended to command from. Though far away it was the friendliest place around.

With everything laid out. It was finally time to plan. Before anyone could start Solazar stated a date.

"June 30th. I believe that to be most optimal time to attack."

"Any particular reason?" Tabi asked.

"I believe it a perfect time as there are no major events occurring in the city. It will be a quiet night with little security."

The only people whose schedule would have been affected were Pompom and Theo. They presented their answer simultaneously.

"I'll be done school for the summer!"

"My son will be done school for the summer."

Needless to say, it caused no issues with their plans.

"Aren't they musicians?" Theodore asked. "Couldn't we just strike whilst they are out on tour or something?"

You spoke up, remembering your profile on them. "They're more executives than anything. The mostly just sign artists now, do something called a 360 deal."

"Figures." Aldryx muttered. "That they'd do something as heinous as a 360."

"I'm sorry?" Theo asked.

"It's just a contract some artists sign. Simply put they are signing themselves away, but regardless, (Y/N) has a point. There won't be a time when they are away."

"Indeed." Updike said. "Their schedules are public anyhow. They have no upcoming shows for months. They are hosting some festivals over the summer but that they can do in their home."

"Plus..." Updike said, a little quieter. "Last time they weren't home, IRIS bungled the operation and humiliated them instead of taking them out. They're going to have some tight security when they aren't there."

"I see."

"Then, does no one have any objections to this date?"

There were none.

"Good. Now let us lay down the goals for this operation."

Recalling it later you couldn't remember who proposed what. For the first time the team was unified, with ideas being thrown out, accepted or rejected. At one point Rosie got up to take a phone call and game back with coffee and pastries for everyone. People had begun to assemble into teams, skills were discussed, and the ins-n-outs were had. The only thing interruption came from Rosie having walk out again, returning with a perplexed look on her face. She spoke to someone on her phone.

"Huh? You sure?" Rosie asked confusedly. "Sure." She hung up, a confused look on her face too.

"Hey, (Y/N)? You're, uh, daughter is downstairs?"

"Pft-What?" You ask. "I don't have any kids." You were half through a croissant stuffed with cheese, pesto and tomato.

Tabi looked at you incredulously.

"I'm serious."

"Well she seems to know you."

"Maybe it's a plant." Aldryx guessed. "Or an abomination." Said Updike, hand in his jacket, drawing what you hope wasn't a weapon.

"Alright, hold on, I'll go check." Rosie nodded and left.

Even with the weird looks, you continued planning. Even with the exhaustive team it became clear that more people would be needed. The team lacked a skilled demolitionist, a 'tank' other than Updike, a proper demon (in case the Hellgate could not be destroyed), and someone who could cause a distraction. As names begun to fly out, Rosie returned.

She peered in, knocking on the door to get everyone's attention. "(Y/N)? You might wanna come out here."

"So who is it?"

"I don't know. You tell me." She didn't sound so happy now, marching in and putting a paper onto the table. "Cheating on me much?"

'(Y/N), private detective. I'll find whatever it is you're looking for.' Was written, as was Rosie's address. "You know if you needed more money you could've just asked to get paid more."

"What the hell? I didn't make this!" You recall mentioning to a few people about going the private investigator route but never actually committed to it.

"Sure, buddy."


"I made them actually." Updike said as he cleared his throat.


"Well you needed a cover job. You said private investigator, so I made a few flyers. Put them on bus stops."


"Geez. I only made a few of them, sue me. Not like I used your real number or anything. It was just a cover."


"Nobody even reads ads on bus shelters anyways." Updike said as he rolled his eyes.

"So then the person downstairs?"

"There's some frantic girl there. Wants to hire you."

There was no time for this. "But what about the daughter thing?"

Rosie shook her head. "That was some moronic worker not listening to her."

"Oh. Well just tell her I can't or something."

"She's like 12 or something, and an orphan. If you got the heart to tell her no then go ahead. I'm not that cruel."

You sigh and get up. "I'll go hear her out then. Guess we'll put a pause on this."

"I'll fill you in after." Tabi said, giving you a pat on the back.

Before you leave you glance to Updike. "You better take those all down."

"Yes, yes, whatever. It will be done."

The restaurant below was empty sans a few remaining customers. You'd gotten used to scanning the crowd and could easily pinpoint when someone who wasn't supposed to be present was around. It came naturally.

Rosie pointed the girl out, sitting at a table with one of the Belladonnas. She appeared sad, tears still glistening. The Belladonna got up and said something to the girl before standing up and walking away, taking some empty trays.

She was a 'stick figure', same species as Ruv, Sarventes and a few others you'd seen recently. Humanoid but there were features that disqualified her humanity.

Rosie stopped, speaking to the Belladonna as you went on. She didn't look in crisis anymore, just depressed. A few crumbs remained on the table.

"Hi. I'm (Y/N)." You say quietly as you take a seat.

Her eyes were a bright teal, enough that even under the light of the cafe shone brightly. Her hair was puffy and the same colour as her skin, a pinkish hue. Though it wasn't long her surrounded her head in a neatly combed 'helmet'.

"Y-you are?" She asked with a sniffle.

You nod.

"I'm Lofie." She said quietly, looking deep into you.

Despite summer having arrived and temperatures warming up, she wore a pink sweater, a bright orange scarf wrapped around her shoulders, tied into a bow. It matched the additional bow she kept atop her had. Below, she wore a red skirt, white knee highs tucked into pink running shoes.

"Move over you." Rosie said to you, butting in. She placed a drink down for the girl. "On the house." In a clear class was some sort of light purplish drink, a bunch of black spheres at the bottom. "T-thank you."

"Now." Rosie started. "What can we do for you?"

Lofie took a few sips of drink. "Can you find my brother?" She said, having to clear her throat.

"Your brother?"

Lofie nodded. "Yes." She placed a piece of paper on the table.

"His name is Radi. I've been-I-I can't find him anywhere. We got separated." She spoke very softly. If it wasn't already quiet in the cafe, she would have been inaudible.

The picture was a simple missing persons poster, the picture of the victim and name displayed. It depicted a stick figure person with a white cowlick and bright, neon green eyes. He had some kind of black hoodie with a green trim. He wasn't smiling, instead showing off a neutral look.

It was the same look you had seen just days prior. Even if you didn't already know his name you'd still would've put two and two together. Expecting Rosie to pick up on it you let her speak.

Rosie studied the picture, investing herself in it. "Radi huh? I'll put the word out. Send a few of my people to start looking." Rosie said.

"Wait. You don't recognize him?" You ask Rosie.

"Why? Should I?"

"That's clearly Nikusa's partner. I mean, he's missing the scar and his mask but it's the same guy. Obviously. And he told me his name is Radi."

"Hmph, well I only barely saw him."

"You've seen him?" Lofie asked. She sat fully up, really curious now. Her expression changed now. Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but she appeared brighter.

There had to be some reason he hadn't seen her, unless he legitimately didn't know where she was.

"Yeah!" Rosie said. "Just a few days ago. We worked on a uh-job. Job with him." She turned to you. "Can we even reach him?"

"Ask Aldryx." You said. If there was anyone who could reach Nikusa it would've been him. After all, he was the only one who didn't outright hate her. Rosie nodded and got going.

"You really know him?"

"Barely. I haven't spoken with him. He wears all black and green. Tall guy right? With a mask? Lots of neon green on his jacket."

"I've never seen him with a mask but that sounds like him." She said, sniffling again.

"How long ago were you separated from him?"

"I...don't know. I lost count." She said downcast. "We escaped from this prison. They had all these people like us. I don't know why. They wanted to kill Radi! While we were running I pressed some button woke up alone. I used my hairpin to escape."

You shoot Updike a text as she describes her prison. He denied having any knowledge of Radi prior to Flashbang. You then send another asking about Radi and IRIS. 'I'll look into it.' Updike wrote.

"We're not from around here. I...don't know where here is or where my home is."

"Where have you been staying then?"

"I found one of Radi's friends, Sumire." She spoke barely above a whisper. Whether it was her sadness talking or her natural voice it was tough to hear.

"They don't know where he is either. B-but you have seen him right? I need to find him!"

"We have someone getting in contact now. Just relax."

She sighs and slumps down.

While waiting Updike sent back a text that IRIS had no record of either person, past or present. You guess it could've been another organization. Just how many 'anti-paranormal' groups where there?

Lofie perked up at it the notification, but you sadly inform her it wasn't Radi. It still left a ton of questions though. Something just didn't add up. You rationalize it that he must have just been really edgy and off on some 'finding myself quest'.

"So your brother." You ask. "Was he always like that?"

"Like what?"

"With a mask, all dark and stuff. And, uh, radioactive?"

Lofie looked at you weird, as if she didn't hear you.

"He never wore a mask. And he was always nice. I don't know what radioactive means."

"Huh? Cause when I was with him last he didn't say much. Plus he had these powers, could fire this green liquid and stuff."

"He's never been able to do that. Are you sure it's the right guy?" She asked, the new possibility sinking in.

"I think so. Looks exactly like him. He literally called himself Radi. I don't think that's a coincidence." It starts to dawn on you that the reason he hadn't contacted her might've been to hide that. You can't place judgement as Rosie returns, another perplexed look on her face.

She motions you to get up, saying something on her phone. Cuffing the speaker she whispers to you. "It's him. I'll deal with her." Not understanding you pick up and speak. "Hello?"

You don't stick around long as Rosie makes it clear you need to talk in private. Taking it outside you glance around at the nearby buildings, lights all off.

"It's me." Radi said. "You sure that's my sister?" He sounded as 'dark' as ever.

"I don't know." You respond, a little irate. "She said she had to use her hairpin if that counts for anything."

"It is her then. Listen. You need to tell her you haven't seen me." He sounded a little more worried than the first time.

"Little late for that. She already knows."

"Well then you gotta tell her you were wrong. She can't know."

"Why?" You ask, already gearing up to say it's not edgy to abandon your sister.

"She can't, alright?"

"Not good enough."

"Argh." Radi grumbled. "You're just like her."

"What was that?" You hear someone ask from the other line. It had to have been Nikusa. "N-nothing." Radi said hurriedly.

"A-anyways. Just send her away."

"You still haven't said why. I can't just turn her away. She's just a child." You say, echoing Rosie.

"She's 17." Radi said plainly. "Look, that's not important. She can't see what I've become."

As the conversation continued it became apparently that he was just like Tabi. Even mentioned that he couldn't because he needed to get revenge. "I've become a monster, alight? You happy? God, you're horrible." He muttered.

Definitely like Tabi. You approach it as such. "I've seen your wanted poster; you look the same."

"That's not it. She won't understand. It's better if she doesn't know."

"She's 17." You shoot back. "Just tell her you got powers, it's not that complicated."

"Gosh, shut up! You think I don't know this? I can't see her till I get better, alright, just drop it. I see her again, even if takes a few weeks, months-"

"You know she's homeless right? Wandering around lookin' for you. It's better she at least knows you're safe and getting better. She's staying at one of your friend's house, oh and he doesn't know where you are either." You respond, voice raising a little. You still could not comprehend why he was so against telling her. You tried to control but were getting irater but the second.

"Geez, I'm gonna reach out to her, once-"

"No! Just talk to her now." You shout back. "You know she only found me 'cause of a random poster someone made of me? What if it was some bait? What if she had been hurt trying to find you? You need, must, tell her you're fine so she stops looking for you."

"..." There was no immediate response from Radi. You continue on.

"Oh, and what if the Family found her first? Specially since she's going around telling everyone who you are-"

"Enough, fine! Put her on. God, you must be a cop or something." Radi said. "No wonder I thought you were a fed." He muttered.

"Thank you." You turn back. That outburst did not go as unnoticed as Rosie looks at you with a sly look on her face. You give off a nod and re-enter, sitting back down, Lofie watching you expectantly. Handing off the phone you mutter, "For you. And give it to me when you're done, I'm not through with him."

With a wonder of what Lofie heard from you, she starts talking. It's slow at first, worried it wasn't Radi. Upon confirmation, something about a 'hairpin' her face lit up. You tune out most of the conversation, thinking more about Radi. There was something you wanted to ask, making assumptions from your conversation.

Lofie's expression perks up and a smile starts to form. She still had a look of concern but now with some relief. She concludes her discussion and hands you the phone.

"What do you want?" Radi asked. He didn't sound any more at ease, still annoyed. Like Tabi.

"We're gonna be hitting up some friends soon. You and your tall friend want in? We're gonna need all the help we can get."

"Same deal as Flashbang?"

"Even bigger."

"I'm in. Consider her in too. It's time we end this."

"I'll keep you posted."

"Do that." Radi hung up and you give the phone back to Rosie.

"Thank you very much." Lofie said. Starting to get up, you ask, "All good now?"

She nodded. "Yes! He said he'll see me once he's done his job. I just wish I could help."

"Oh you have, in more ways than you think."

"I can't wait to tell Sumire. They're gonna be happy too."

You nod and return to the meeting room. Rosie chose to stay behind and talk to Lofie more, see her out.

The plan was still in hot progress as roles were assigned and scenarios were planned for. Clearly teams had been officialised as evident by the many holograms of everyone. You even inadvertently saved time as they were in the midst of discussing if Nikusa could join. Eventually Rosie returned too, concluding her business with Lofie.

Eventually, after completing losing track of time the plan finally lay out in front of everyone. While it was just the first iteration, the fact such a plan existed was cause for celebration.

Someone had taken the initiative and named all the teams. There was a total of 6 teams, each made of 3-4 people. A scratched off note on the hologram indicated someone had suggested the entire team as one just raid the place but that was rejected.

The names made little sense, but they were distinct. "I don't understand the team names. Are we even gonna use them?" Nikku said.

"Heh, probably not." S added.

"Regardless. We will use them for planning." Solazar said. Being the first plan, it was indicated things would change a lot.

Team Fortran [Tess, Solazar and Amelia] were set to command from the IRIS data centre, Tess and Solazar watching the cameras, Amelia watching the magic in the air. That is, unless another magic user was recruited. Pompom wasn't sure if her mom would be able to join.

Team Lisp [Nikku, Nikusa and S] were to go in first, wreck what they could and ultimately take over the mailroom. S would get in and start to tamper or make them untrustworthy. Apparently S was also to be given a mech suit to pilot, Theo building it.

Team Python [You, Tabi and the Andromeda Brothers] would be next in once security was disabled. Nikku, with her voice could re-route guards and open the path for the three of you. Tabi would melt open the vault if it couldn't be opened conventionally. Tabi was to be equipped with 'white phosphorous' and you and Aldryx with bags would simply go through the cellar to manor, make way to vault and grab what you could fill.

Theo interjected, something on his mind. Theo had a question. "How much is this Family worth. I mean, we have so many on our team. Are we sure there is enough money to go around?"

Tabi laughed. For him it was revenge, but he liked Theo's honesty. The Family was just a mark in his eyes.

"Their net worth is in the hundreds of millions." Updike said curtly.

"Are we so sure they'll have it there?"

Updike snickered. "Demons are materialistic. They'd wanna see the money there instead of a bank account. For them the number means little compared to a stack of gold bars."

"I see. Fascinating!"

Team Zig [Kapi, Huggy, Theodore and Updike] would be next up. Approaching from the north they would make it to the inlet, scale the cliff and enter the pipe midway. Naturally someone questioned how such a feat could be possible for them.

"Huggy will carry me up." Kapi said, though it took a bit of mental gymnastics to explain to Huggy what he would be doing.

"I can simply climb." Updike said, nobody further questioning his strength.

"I will either build spring legs or simply build a platform that will carry me upwards." Theodore said, nobody questioning his robotics.

From there they would navigate in the tunnel system and eventually meet up with Team Python to help steal.

Things got a little shaky here. Nobody was able to guarantee that Teams Python or Zig would not be discovered at this point. Even under optimal conditions the uncertainty remained. As a result a massive distraction had to occur.

Team Haskell would have to come into play. It was decided that someone would have to break into the compound and cause a distraction. Thanks to intel from both Agoti and Tabi they knew how the Family could summon demons.

That had a Hellgate somewhere on the property. The distraction team would do just that. Blow it up. Based off Lila's notes everyone assumed that to be the building labeled 'Church'. It would have allowed countless demons to be outright summoned, and while nobody had any doubts the Family couldn't summon them they would not have been able to do so at the speed of the gate. It had to be taken out.

The first choice was Radi, though further discussion would be required. Ultimately a demolitionist would be needed. The candidates for this were Radi and Pompom, though whether or not either could destroy it was unknown.

Three possibilities were discussed. Either find a demolitionist or get an archdemon to block the gate for the duration of the operation. With no clear winners it was determined to discuss that later. The final possibility you randomly thought of, recalling someone you had met in TGG.

"What about Valerie, that siren girl? She's one of your prisoners, right?"

"We have stopped calling them prisoners but yes. She is under my care. And no, absolutely not. She is a Zilla level abomination. Far too dangerous."

"What does that mean?" Nikku asked.

"She effectively destroyed the Nexus Harbour with her waves. And those she hardly controlled. She's too powerful and erratic."

"What level am I?"

"Don't concern yourself with it." Updike brushed her off.

"Aw, c'mon Starline. What is it?" S asked, attempting to do puppy eyes from his hologram.

"Can we get back on track please?" Tess asked quietly.

With the gate gone, mailroom compromised, and vault hijacked an escape was needed.

Team Cobol [Rosie, Radi, Pompom and a taskforce of Belladonnas-IRIS-TGG] would collect everyone and escape. Radi, using his nuclear powers could melt the road and create roadblocks for pursuers. Rosie, alongside several others from IRIS, TGG and her own clique would grab everyone and drive.

Rosie, wanting a little more action also volunteered to scale a nearby building and take sniper shots, possibly acting as another distraction in case one demon got too curious. Pompom wasn't happy about being 'support' again and protested, only stopping when Solazar stated this was just a draft, that things would likely change.

Everyone would head north until the outskirts of the city were reached. When close enough Zardy would be able to appear, hide all treasures and destroy all evidence. From there everyone would be teleported to the data centre where they could split, then the money would be distributed from Pompom's house or even laundered through Rosie's, Blackjack, IRIS, TGG, etc. There were options. Depending on the speed of the chase, retreat to the data centre was also possible.

"We'll play it by ear." Rosie said.

On the topic of Blackjack, Updike two things to say. "First, I went looking for Blackjack to speak to him about recruitment or laundering the money. Suffice to say I couldn't find him. He appears to have vanished. The employees claimed not to have known where he went."

"Weird. I'll go to the arcade and look for him." Kapi said. "Probably got scared of you."

Updike grumbled, not saying anything further. It would make sense a demon would avoid him. "The second thing is that the crew from that arcade battle still owe me a favour. It is possible they could be a distraction crew."

"Could we use them for blowing up the gate?" Tess asked, not knowing what Updike was talking about.

You looked to Kapi who shook his head. "Not likely." Updike spoke for you. "Fodder maybe but I personally can't seem them coordinating something like that...they are more entertainers than soldiers, to put it lightly."

The plan wasn't without its faults. With a high importance bank and prestigious academy flanking the southeast and west, surveillance would be strong. And even if they weren't targeted there was no telling they wouldn't help out the Family. A route was determined, north, along the cliff onto the highway.

Even then, if police were called or nearby surveillance caught anyone those would have to be stopped. It was Theodore who proposed an E.M.P. or S to hack everything.

"Electromagnetic Pulse." He said confidently. "Simply put, a bomb that explodes in electricity, shutting down all systems within range." Theo got excited at the idea, even going ahead and announcing he would deploy one in the shell he planned to make for S. It would detonate once the crew was out of range. "I, of course will need some necessary parts and objects."

"I'll supply them. We'll talk." Updike said.

The other issue Tess brought up, though it'd been sitting at the back of your mind since the Carnival formed. "There's no way we won't be seen, right?" She spoke up. "Plus, aren't they gonna know it's us? They already targeted us once..."

When it came to that risk, you, Tabi, the Andromedas and Updike already accepted it. If the Family wanted a go afterwards they were welcome to try. It didn't occur to you that Kapi, Tess, and the others didn't need or want that target on their back.

Pompom already had the answer, annoyed it was forgotten. "Mom taught me a spell a long time ago that can erase minds! Or at least make it so the last few hours didn't happen." She said happily. "It's called damnatio memoriae! I just gotta cast the spell on each of them and poof! They forget all about us-In fact! That's why I gotta be with the main teams!" Her ears perked up.

"We should theoretically be able to boost the spell power remotely, or at least use amplifiers to ensure it hits a perimeter. Of course, if we do this then no killing the family members. They need to be alive to get the spell's effects." Updike said, looking to Tabi. Solazar and you also glanced to him, instantly figuring Tabi would be the most opposed.

Tabi groaned. "Fine."

"We'll need to get the teams to scatter them too...I will see what my people have in inventory."

Pompom's ears drooped. "So I can't run in then?"

"As I said." Solazar said. "We shall see."

With no more suggestions on the table, the meeting wrapped up.

Tabi summarized it for everyone. "We need a demolitionist or a demon to destroy the Gate. Any objections?"

There were none. Everyone was on the same page.

Radi joined the party!

 Radi's Card: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1764655616524480936

The next chapter will be called The Tank.