
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

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Track 06 - Red Devil

Now Playing...

Artist: Stig Baasvik

Song: Ominous Theme 1

 Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1ekZoyHvG0

The large man stepped up to the front door. A quick shake of the knob indicated it was locked. Despite the obstacle his smile remained. He merely lifted his sweater exposing a toolbelt hidden under it, a wide assortment of tools. A dense cleaver, a serrated steak knife, a knife sharpener, a thin skinning knife and more. A typical meat butcher's inventory.

It also briefly exposed a large belly, flesh white as snow, not having seen the sun in a long time. What it also exposed was a thick vest, hidden underneath the sweater.

Once upon a time the large man was known as Bob. A skilled butcher, darkly circumstances lead to his 'retirement'. He felt emboldened to be back now, feeling an empty void in his stomach.

He took the steak knife and, wedging it with the skinning one used it as a makeshift lockpick. It didn't take much effort but with one quiet, but firm push he smashed through the lock, unpinning the mechanism.

He moved slowly, with much care, as a wolf would a sheep.

Satisfied he grabbed the knob, his hand covering it entirely and opened the front door. He was greeted by a dark room, light just barely entering in from the moon.

Image: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/Red-Devil-999190725 (image by Psychofox21)

As he stepped into the living room he looked around. First for the kitchen, then for the bedrooms. He was excited, and made little attempt to be quiet, non-slip shoes rocking on the wooden floor. He practiced discretion but did not queue into the sleeping blue monster in the corner, nor did he know of the sleeping terrorist in the room across.

The former stirred slowly, large eyes settling on the large man standing in the living room. The check lasted seconds.

Huggy did not know a man like that.

Huggy hadn't seen a man like that.

He looked a bit like that 'cloud-guy' but more red.

Plus the way this man hunched, it could not have been him.

As the large man looked around Huggy knew what he needed to do. Determining if this man a friend or foe.

He let out a soft quiet inquiry of a growl.

The man heard him and turned, smile wide as ever. He looked over Huggy as the monster towered over him. Huggy opened his mouth to him, showing a void of sharp teeth that extended infinitely inside him. As the red devil looked at him, he just laughed. "You're a cute one aren't you? Come 'ere." The man chuckled.

He pet Huggy, first scritching under his head. As Huggy knelt down in obedience, he moved to the monster's head, giving him a good scratch. The sharpness of the devil's claws felt like bliss to Huggy. "Did you know that pig is a common slang for cop?" Huggy nodded, not knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Now let's keep quiet." He said and pulled his knife out. "I'm here to surprise someone." He whispered. His voice was husky with a deep baritone. As he spoke it sounded just barely above a growl with a deep, threatening murmur. And with each word his smile heard through it.

Tabi's door was closed but that didn't mean he couldn't hear outside. While he may have felt safe sleeping here it didn't mean the months of sleeping in the woods went away. He had become fine tuned to sounds he didn't recognize. Huggy's growl was a 'safe sound', he would sometimes watch nocturnal animals run around outside. The quiet chuckle of someone talking to Huggy was not.

He awoke, flames flickering in his eyes. He didn't move at first, needing to judge if he was having a nightmare. He still didn't fully trust his subconscious to not play tricks on him.

Results were inconclusive. He got up, casting the blanket aside and kept the light off. He crawled to the door, already reaching for his knife. Peering under it he tried to keep his eyes dark, so as to not stir attention.

A pair of shoes that he didn't recognize.

A laugh he didn't recognize.

And unlike Huggy, he saw this immediately as a threat.

"Now then, let's find my prize~." The devil remarked. There were closed doors. He figured one of them had to be a bedroom. He went for the one closest door, on the right wall, before the kitchen.

Your bedroom.

The door was ajar, nothing lit in it. Huggy watched closely, unsure if you were even in there. Knife held high he entered, looking around.

Nothing but a powered-down computer, a charging phone atop a desk and an unmade bed. The window had been left open, your doing to air out the place earlier. As the curtains fluttered in the window one thought crossed his mind. Had the target ran away?

"Gone?" He asked Huggy. Huggy shook his head, pointing towards Theo's house.

"Ran away?" Again Huggy shook his head, pointing again towards the house.

"Ah, over there?"

Huggy nodded.

If Tabi had black paint he would have placed two streaks on either side of his face. He was ready for war. He had equipped on himself two handguns, his hunting knife and a string of wire. As far as he was concerned there was no trusting this intruder. Not hearing Huggy outside he decided the 'blue guy' must have fled or worse. He had dressed up, donning his usual hoodie, pants and shoes. Ready to run if the need arose.

He sent off a text, warning that there was an intruder and to either stay at Theo's house or get ready for a fight. He was as quiet as possible, waiting for the second the man would enter his room.

Your phone went off catching the attention of the devil and Huggy. He picked up the phone carefully, reading the text. His smile grew wider.

"Oh? There's someone else in here?"

Huggy nodded. "Where boy?"

"He pointed back out to the living room."

"Alright. Looks like I'm gonna have a feast tonight." He said hungrily. He used his free hand to pick take out the knife sharpener. Slicing against it, he sharpened his knife.

Before entering Tabi's room the devil paused, going into the kitchen. Huggy watched him curiously. Grabbing a pot he filled it with water and put it atop the stove. "Just doing a little preparation. Don't worry. There will be plenty for both of us." Huggy nodded in anticipation. He could go for food.

"Now tell me where this other person is~" He said to Huggy.

Tabi's heart sank as he heard the ding in your room. He didn't know Theo's number, removing that possibility. He heard the footsteps coming towards his room as well as that distinct slicing sound from the sharpener. His first instinct was to raise the gun, open fire but he hesitated. No, that's the last thing he should do. His soldier's spirit kicked in, taking control.

He flicked on the lamp. He moved some of the boxes, allowing for a makeshift wall, closed the closet, leaving it just slightly ajar and ducked behind the boxes, just as the door opened. As quiet as he could he picked a bullet out of the gun and held it, the wire in his other hand.

The devil stepped in, looking around. Tabi had laid some ground rules against Huggy, not wanting the creature in his room. And tonight for the first time it worked out in his favour.

The devil entered alone, looking around the room. The person had awoken, he surmised. But where were they? The blue thing had stopped just short of the door, either scared or not believing anyone was in there.

Tabi watched closely from a crack in the boxes. He held the bullet carefully, watching as the devil's eyes darted around the room. When they weren't looking he chucked the bullet at the closet, knocking it slightly.

The sound got his attention instantly. He put away the sharpener and gripped his knife tighter. He grin somehow grew wider too. "Come out~" He said casually. He walked slowly and methodically to the closet, now noticing it ajar. "Can't hide from me."

Image: (Versus Velseb) - https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1731408781207101943 

With his attention fully on the closet, Tabi stepped out from the boxes and tip-toed behind him. He stretched out the wire, gripping it in both hands and wrapped it around his hands.

With a triumphant move, the devil flung open the closet, knife ready to gut the poor sap inside. But there was nobody inside but a pile of clothes and guns.

"Huh?" He remarked. But that was about all he could, Tabi jumped upon the devil's back and pulled back the wire, trapping his neck at the mercy of Tabi's grip, the wire cutting off circulation.

The figure fell forward, dropping the knife as he hit the closet. Tabi pulled as hard as he could, to him it was a life or death situation.

The figure was coughing, no doubt from the lack of oxygen and the wire threatening to crush his neck. It took a second to register but as Tabi choked him, he realized. The devil was not was not choking. He was laughing.

"That's the best you got?" He said with a voice like gravel. He got up and lurched back, hitting Tabi against the wall. He dropped the wire and fell to the ground.

Turning to face Tabi he got a look at the goatboy. He bent down and picked up the wire. "You brought me twine? Perfect for binding. You know goats are most commonly used for soup? I think that would be perfect~"

He mused as he stared at Tabi. "Your meat's gone, but I could what left of ya for stock. Mmm-hm." The devil expressed little emotion, instead keeping the twisted smile since he had first walked up to the house.

Folding up the wire he pocketed it as Tabi got his bearings.

"Did you know that goats are commonly served in the Balkans, as celebration for Easter?" He asked. Tabi didn't respond. "And Easter did just past~" Tabi was no stranger to being threatened, shot at even, but the way the intruder spoke disturbed him. "You're sick."

The devil just looked back, same smile as always.

Kicking one of the boxes in the way, Tabi moved. Making as much space in the room, Tabi drew the gun and opened fire, several bullets hitting the devil. He merely took it in stride, slightly wincing at the pain.

"Haha! You're gonna have to try harder than that!" He shouted and lunged forward.

Tabi stepped out of the room, tripping in the process.

Now Playing...

Artist: Clement Panchout & MXXN

Song: The Easter Ripper

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVoCG_3VVU0

"What the hell was that?" You instinctively draw your gun, Theo reacting to the sound as well, hitting his head on the desk he was under.

"I don't know. Have you any messages?" Theo asked. You reach for your phone, remembering too late you left it in the house.

"Shit. A-And I think it came from my house." Came out of your mouth, the realization hitting you. It was Tabi. Without even thinking you start to run back home. Theo stops you, hand your shoulder.

"You aren't going alone. Allow me." He commanded. You nod. Theo takes charge and runs to the lobby, you following worriedly.

As Tabi tripped he saw Huggy looking down at him, unsure what was going on.

The devil stepped out into the living room, still as happy as ever. Huggy looked at both of them, confused the by appearance.

"What are you doing! Kill him!" Tabi ordered.

Wait a minute, that guy wasn't a friend. He was an enemy! The knife. Tabi on the ground! He was a villain! Huggy's thought process narrowed, now understanding the dynamic.

He hissed and lunged at the devil, knocking the both into Tabi's room.

Tabi got up and ran to the bathroom, hoping that this had to be a bad dream. Taps running, he rapidly sluiced water in his face. "Wake up. Wake up damn you!" Tabi shouted at himself in the mirror. It had to be a dream. It had to be! From the other room it sounded like pure violence, no doubt Huggy unleashing on him.

A scream by Huggy made him realize this was real life. He ran back out, again gripping the knife in one hand, handgun in the other.

Huggy ran out of the room, slash marks present on him, fluff seeping out and crying. Tabi didn't pay much attention has Huggy ran out of the house entirely, terrified for one of the few times in his life.

Stepping a bit slower, the devil came back out, visible cuts on his face, one of his horns chipped, no doubt a result of Huggy. Despite the maiming that Huggy did he still unfazed.

"Bastard!" Tabi jumped at the devil, knife ready to stab.

"Oh? Little guy's got fight. I like that." He smiled as he put away the knife and drew the sharpener, parrying Tabi. He easily blocked and knocked it out of his hand. In the same motion he gripped the sharpener and slammed it into Tabi's stomach, knocking the goatboy to the wall.

Before he could get up the devil grabbed him by the throat and easily lifted him up.

"C'mon. Let's get you started~" He said gleefully and walked into the kitchen.

In no time at all did he find the cutting board and had placed a pot of water on the stove. All while Tabi struggled, desperately looking for some way to break this man's grasp. It was firm but just enough to let Tabi barely breathe.

He forcibly slammed Tabi onto the cutting board and drew the knife again.

Stepping into your front yard you catch Huggy screaming as he trips and lands onto Theo's fence. You heart froze as you saw it, noticing Huggy's wounds. One of his hands had been slashed as well.

The sight was so unexpected you nearly choked. Even though it was just fluff it was as if seeing your 'dog' attacked. It made you sick at first, then full of rage.

"Good god, is that your dog?" Theo aimed but you quickly stop him.

"Huggy, go and stay there till this is over!" You order and point to Theo's house.

He ran off, crying, trying to hold in his stuffing. The two of you ran up to the steps inside. Theo displayed no fear, even bringing a double-barrel shotgun. He pulled it from his storage just before the two of you ran out.

There was nothing in the living room but discarded guns. The kitchen light was on. It was then that you heard Tabi get slammed again. You and Theo ran in.

Inside the kitchen you witness Tabi, struggling on a cutting board as a large red man looked at the pot. He laughed clearly enjoying the struggling.

"What the devil?" Theo remarked. The man turned his attention to you and Theo, grin somehow growing wider. In the split second he let go of Tabi.

"There's the pig! Did you know that pork is the most common meat consumed in the world?" He looked ravenous, a hungry glint in his eyes. Disturbing enough that it silenced you. Back on the counter, Tabi grabbed the pot of water and slammed it into the devil's head, making him recoil in pain.

In the same manner, Tabi grabbed one of the knives out the holder and lunged at him, knife plunging into the devil's arm.

You weren't sure what 'he' was, or if he was even human. He knew you. Judging by his actions you determined he must be a serial killer of sort. But you had never dealt with any cases regarding serial killers or cannibals. There was little time to ponder as it had become a life or death situation.

The devil recoiled back and ripped the knife out, a reddish liquid filling in the hole in the sweater. It was the first thing that made him react, as he flinched in pain, smile turning to a frown.

"You little!" He growled and lunged at Tabi, grabbing the goat-boy. He held him by the neck, thick red claws around his head.

"PUT HIM DOWN!" You scream and raise the gun. For a split second you see a crack emerge on Tabi's skull. He reached his fingers into Tabi's eye sockets, Tabi's flames singing them. He winced.

The devil was about to say something but you open fire, emptying your entire clip. Some bullets hit his other arm, but most hit his figure, no doubt having little affected with his vest. It was enough to make him drop Tabi.

In the brief moment you notice Tabi's eyes had gone out.

"Too many chefs. Ruined what should've been a simple feast." He remarked, now finally pissed off. Though now bleeding from both arms he seemed fine, if slightly out of breath. He stepped forward, now ready.

"He's immune to bullets?" Theo said in disbelief.

You held steadfast, ready to load more bullets into him, Theo as well. He remained stoic but secretly terrified.

Gripping the knife in one of his hands he stepped forward again, the grin returning. It didn't last long however. The light in Tabi's eyes returned as well, now powered by anger. He got up, shaking but furious. Almost acting feral he first grabbed the devil's arm and used it to boost him to his neck where he clamped down as hard has he could, holding his shoulders from the back.


The devil again felt annoyed that this goat would not stay down. Tabi didn't care, eyes closed he bit as hard as he could, himself feeling his muscles aching as he pushed to jaw strength he didn't even know he had. It was much harder than the wire. He grabbed the nearest thing he could and slammed it into the Tabi's back. It, being your police radio. It smashed into a thousand pieces upon Tabi, the devil having also ripped the cord out by accident. Though he felt insurmountable pain, he kept biting. He tasted blood, though unsure if drawn from the devil or his own.

Getting fed up, the devil, moved his arm back and jammed the knife into Tabi's back, cutting through the fabric. With both arms free he lifted Tabi and ripped him off, throwing your boyfriend at you and Theo.

You catch Tabi, dropping your gun. His jaw was covered in blood, the bit having pierced something. He groaned in pain. You hold him tightly, knife sticking out of his back. It didn't appear that deep but was nonetheless still a pain.

The devil felt up his neck, wincing in pain. "That really hurt you know."

You take a step back, now in fear. Theo stepped forward, putting a hand on your shoulder. "(Y/N)! I have an idea! Get behind me!" He shouted.

You comply, and Theo lets loose the shotgun. The bullets ricochet, scattering all over the devil, knocking him over. Like the earlier shots it did little and he just stunned him for a second.

"Pigs to the slaughter..." He said darkly and drew a cleaver, getting back up.

"Follow me!" Theo shouted, running away. You took Tabi and ran.

As the devil got up to make pursuit, he entered into the living room, you and Theo still ahead. As Theo ran outside your attention is caught by the bag of treats the police had sent over for Easter. It had been knocked over by Huggy when he fled. Not even thinking you grab them and throw the basket at the devil.

Being nothing but a few candy bars and cards it did nothing.

It did however pique his interest. Pausing, he bent down to check, greedily devouring them. It had him distracted.

"Hurry up!" Theo shouted as he ran ahead, you following closely. He jumped his fence and made for his properly. So long as the devil was distracted you ran.

"Did you know-" The devil shouted as you two left your property.

"I knew now old chap, but we got lucky!" Theo shouted. You and he bolt to his yard. As you pass by you notice Huggy trembling in the lobby. Seeing Tabi in that state made him emit some sort of wallow. You yell at him to keep quiet and stay out of sight.

"He may be immune to bullets, but no man is immune to this!" Theo shouted.

"Stand there!" He points to the edge of his property, where the fence to the next house was. "Follow my lead." You stand at the edge, right up against the fence. He puts a finger to his mouth indicating be quiet. With a single throw he tossed a bear trap onto the space between you. Instantly it opened up.

A bear trap? You think. That's not gonna do anything.

He slipped closer to the house, holding his shotgun close. He ducked in the shadow of it, almost becoming invisible.

"W-what's going..." Tabi wheezed. "It'll be okay." You hug him a bit tighter. You hoped whatever Theo had planned would work. As you look up you realize exactly what he was planning.

And on cue, the devil arrives, his figure illuminated by one of the lamps by the house. He has his grin wide as ever. Seeing you and Tabi alone now, trembling he taunted. "Pig and goat, mhhm. Maybe I'll have a stew..~" He held the knife in front of him, ready to attack.

"This, is a skinning knife, he said. Perfect for the first part." He walked closer. You prayed a little.

But just before the devil could step on the bear trap he stopped, looking down on it.

"Hahahaha! You thought that would work?" He picked another knife out of his toolbelt and dropped it in, causing the trap to go off.

"I guess pigs and goats aren't that smart. That's why we farm them." The devil laughed.

"Aha!" Theo declared, emerging and aiming the shotgun square at the devil.

"Oh? And what's that gonna do?!" He taunted, confidence not wavering once. But Theo didn't respond, instead pulling the trigger. The devil closed his eyes, raising his arms as he braced himself for impact.

Two hits of shotshells emerged from the barrel, scattering as they exploded, gunpowder propelling them.

But as the devil braced no impact came. He opened his eyes, seeing that instead, Theo fired the gun up, himself shaking in anxiety. He had a look of hope on his face, one that quickly turned to triumph. Confused, the devil felt himself about to let out a quip. He stopped, feeling something on his head. Rain? No. Wood chips.

He looked up.

Suspended and extruded from the side of Theo's strange house were two beams of wood that held a single suspended room. At one point it had been four beams. However through weather it withered them down to two. Still, they remained strong enough to hold the room in the air. It had no windows, and you had remarked the previous day how unsafe it looked.

It was down to one beam now, Theo having shot through the 2nd last. The room weighed heavy on the remaining beam, it's wooden strength nowhere near the amount needed to keep it suspended.

The devils face sunk as did the room, the whole thing smashing upon him, the structure disintegrating into thousands of wooden splinters, beams and scrap. You take Tabi and get out of the way, narrowly missing getting hit by some of the blowback.

Between the two shotgun blasts, gunfire from you and Tabi and now the sound of a smashed room, you notice lights in the neighbourhood had turned on.

"Did we win?" Tabi whispered. His eyes remained closed, still clutching you.

Judging by the lack of movement coming from the pile, you respond, "I think we did."

"t-that's great, i think i need a doctor, i cantfeelmyback." Tabi said, getting progressively quieter.

And then the police had arrived, just at the end of the events, as always.

The next chapter will be called He Who Scares Crows.

The Helluva Boss team was considered instead of Velseb but I couldn't think of way they could win. Shoot, even a pryhhic victory looked impossible. (plus it wouldn't just be versus the team but also versus Stolas too. yeah, no way it would've worked)

odaocercreators' thoughts