
To the...

To that person I am not overly associated with(?),


With all the words ever made, been written, spoken, read and published for about a gazillion number of times, I can't seem to find the right words to describe how things have wrap up. How we met. The reason we part. Who wants to stay. The one who let go. Do we say 'Sorry' or 'Goodbye' or we just spoken nothing? Do I 'thanked you' and you did the same in return or is it the other way around? Did we make promises like the old times? Have we sit then talk and sorted it all out? What finish line did we reach? Are we done now?

This blankness in my memory is as hazy as the fog that hangs around, slithering and wrapping the whole forest making it the most mysterious and dangerous part of the world. I never know which way to go. Never knew that a gaping cliff is nestled right in front ready to swallow an uncareful traveler like me. I never knew... and then I'm free falling in that deep crevice. Everything flashed in front of me just like what other says when it is ending. All my memories of the past. My success, my regrets, my reason of happiness, my sadness, all of my anger, my everything. And then one blurry image of me and you. Even at the face of my demise, at the end, everything we have from the start are corrupted.

I already fell and reached this bottom, broken, and then a magical hands came and whisk me away and shaped me. Now I walk but still patching and reworking myself up. Time will heal even itself. And after that I'll run back to that magical hands and hold it until infinity cease to exist.

Not Yours