
Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The whole family can listen to my voice

A litter of boys in the General's Mansion finally gave birth to a baby girl. Father Lin happily held Lin Baoer, who was soft in his arms. [Daddy is invincible, upright, and good-looking. 】 Dad Lin heard the praise from his little daughter before he even got over it. [Unfortunately, in the end, he ended up collaborating with the enemy and betraying his country, and was divided into pieces. ] [My mother was as gentle as water, virtuous and virtuous, but she was falsely accused of being unchaste. In the end, she fell ill and died of depression. ] [The eldest brother is handsome and talented, and should have a bright future, but he is forced to marry the daughter of the spy prime minister, and ends up in a desperate situation. ] [The second brother was simple by nature, but he was taken advantage of by a treacherous villain. He became the target of the traitor and ended up with thousands of arrows piercing his heart. ] [The third brother is a business genius. He started a business at the age of seven and made a lot of money, but in the end he became a street beggar and his whereabouts are unknown. 】 【My whole family is full of loyal people, but in the end everyone died tragically. Even she died young and was frozen to death in an icy lake. 】 Everyone in the Lin family said: "Someone dares to hurt my baby. I will cut this thief into pieces!" In the end, Lin Baoer saw that the whole family was in harmony and well-being. The eldest brother became the prime minister, the second brother became a general, the third brother controlled the national economy, and the family's small The group pet finally felt at ease. Keywords of the novel: Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart No pop-ups, Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart txt full set download, Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart Latest Chapter Reading

Line_Huang · History
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Chapter 73 Becoming a favorite of the group

Lin Baoer pointed at the dressing table, intending to hint at Qinglian, but as soon as the last syllable came out, she was stunned.

  Can she speak? ! ! !

  She was stunned on the bed.

  Qinglian was too shocked to react. After a moment's delay, she suddenly stood up and rushed out.

  "Madam!! What's wrong with you?"

  Lin Baoer touched his face and blinked in confusion.

  So this is what the system just said?

  At this time, Shen Xuelan and Lin Qiming, who were summoned, also hurried over.

  They were discussing important matters in the study, but Qinglian came over and said that the fourth lady could speak. This shocked them so much that they stopped doing what they were doing and rushed over in a hurry.

  Suddenly, Shangchun Garden was brightly lit.

  "Bao'er?" Shen Xuelan rushed to the bedside, her beautiful eyes sparkling, "So what I heard before was correct, right? Bao'er can speak now, right?"

  Although they could hear Lin Bao'er's broken words every day Thoughts, but the thoughts in my heart are always different from what I say from my mouth.

  Who wouldn't be confused after hearing that soft, sweet voice?

  At the same time, Lin Qiming also rushed over, holding Lin Baoer's hand with an expectant look on his face, "Baoer, call me daddy!"

  Shen Xuelan glared at him and grabbed Lin Baoer's other hand, "Baoer, call me mother. !"

  A faint edge filled the room.

  Qinglian, who was watching on the sidelines, did not dare to speak, but she was also looking forward to who Lin Baoer would call first. After all, this could be regarded as a great event for the Lin family.

  Looking at the two soft and handsome faces in front of him, Lin Baoer wanted to run away.

  What's the difference between saving mom or dad first if you fall into the water? ! !

  Under tremendous pressure, Lin Baoer finally buried her face in Shen Xuelan's arms and softly called out, "Niao~"

  After all, she was the beauty she loved most, and no one could replace her!

  Shen Xuelan immediately beamed, hugging Lin Baoer and kissing her until she felt dizzy.

  Lin Qiming was a little disappointed.

  However, he was extremely happy to hear his baby talk with his own ears.

  One look at those three bastards and it turns out they are not so lucky.

  Thinking of this, he gloated and laughed twice.

  Afraid of neglecting her father, Lin Baoer still called out to Shen Xuelan obediently after he finished rubbing her.


  Her pronunciation was not completely accurate, it was vague, but paired with her soft and waxy voice, it also made people feel so soft.

  "Hey!" Lin Qiming happily picked up Lin Baoer and lifted her up high, making Lin Baoer giggle with joy.

  "I didn't expect our Bao'er to be able to talk so quickly. He's so smart!" He praised, rubbing his cheek against Lin Bao'er.

  [Daddy's beard is so prickly! ]

  Lin Baoer quickly pushed him and tried to speak, but she found that no matter how hard she tried, the sound she made was always only a single syllable.

  And it's the simplest one.

  "No... no..." Lin Baoer pouted, almost holding back the saliva in his mouth.

  Lin Qiming quickly turned his face away when he heard this, and then kissed her suddenly.

  Everyone was happy that night.

  It wasn't until early the next morning that the three brothers who came after hearing the news almost caused Shang Chunyuan to have a falling out.

  "Bao'er! Call the third brother!"

  "No, call the second brother first!"

  "Bao'er, call the eldest brother quickly!"

  Three people surrounded Lin Bao'er who was eating, leaving her helpless.     She opened her mouth and took the spoonful of rice in front of her with three pairs of eyes looking forward to it.

  It wasn't that she didn't want to scream, but she found that it was very difficult to shout the words "eldest brother, second brother, and third brother." She tried hard for a long time but could only call out the first word.

  "Okay, okay, what do you look like!" Shen Xuelan glanced at them, then smiled and pinched Lin Baoer's face, "Baoer, be good, call me mother."

  "Niao~" Lin Baoer shouted obediently.

  After calling out initially, it was much easier for her to speak later.

  "Hey!" Shen Xuelan was delighted and couldn't help but glance at the three brothers, her eyes full of pride.

  Faced with their mother's show off, the three brothers felt miserable.

  Lin Zhiyu glanced at Shen Xuelan resentfully, and stretched out her official uniform with a sigh, "It seems that Bao'er doesn't like eldest brother, so eldest brother can just leave."

  Lin Bao'er:!

  Why didn't you do this again? !

  Lin Baoer wasn't sure whether Lin Zhiyu was pretending or really sad, but seeing his sad look, she was still heartbroken.

  After swallowing the mouthful of food in her mouth, she still tried to shout those two words while suppressing her expression.

  "Da... da..."

  Lin Baoer was a little discouraged because she couldn't pronounce the last word.

  But even so, Lin Zhiyu was very happy.

  His eyes flashed with cunning, he patted his two younger brothers on the shoulders with satisfaction, and left proudly, "Bao'er, be good, big brother will come see you later."

  Unexpectedly, he succeeded first, Lin Mobai and Lin Ruqian People felt annoyed and unconvinced.

  When they looked at Lin Baoer again, Lin Baoer had already buried herself in Shen Xuelan's arms and pretended to be asleep.

  This is so tiring! Find someone else!

  She decided to play dead.

  The two of them felt disappointed.

  Shen Xuelan smiled helplessly, wiped the rice grains from Lin Bao'er's mouth, and comforted: "Don't worry, guys, Bao'er has just started to learn how to speak, how can he call someone so quickly."

  "She worked so hard just now, but it was nothing. She is just afraid that we will be disappointed, so we need to give her more time."

  She sighed with tenderness in her eyes, "She is still too young and has a lot to learn."

  In this way, the two of them settled down. .

  For several days in a row, Shangchun Garden was bustling with activity. Lin Zhi Yu Lei couldn't come over at midnight. Lin Mobai and Lin Ruqian came occasionally at noon. In the evening, Lin Qiming took up Lin Baoer's time. The whole day was full, but Lin Baoer could hold it back. broken.

  She almost doesn't even have time to play by herself!

  At noon that day, Lin Ruqian had just arrived and placed the green snake at Lin Baoer's place, intending to let Xiaoqing play with her.

  After being able to speak, Lin Baoer's communication with Green Snake became smoother.

  For example -


  Lin Baoer threw the glass ball out, and the green snake rushed out to pick it up.

  One person and one snake were having a great time.

  During this time, even Shen Xuelan became comfortable with the green snake and no longer feared it at the beginning.

  After getting tired of playing, Lin Baoer lay down on the ground to rest. Just as he was recovering his strength, he suddenly saw a green snake crawling to the side from the corner of his eye and climbed onto the pillar, then opened its mouth... and started to grind up and down?

  Shocked, she sat up suddenly and crawled over.

  [Huh? ]

  She poked the green snake and opened its mouth curiously, and saw a small white thing coming out of the green snake's bare fangs.

  [Xiaoqing, have you grown teeth? ! ! ]