
Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The whole family can listen to my voice

A litter of boys in the General's Mansion finally gave birth to a baby girl. Father Lin happily held Lin Baoer, who was soft in his arms. [Daddy is invincible, upright, and good-looking. 】 Dad Lin heard the praise from his little daughter before he even got over it. [Unfortunately, in the end, he ended up collaborating with the enemy and betraying his country, and was divided into pieces. ] [My mother was as gentle as water, virtuous and virtuous, but she was falsely accused of being unchaste. In the end, she fell ill and died of depression. ] [The eldest brother is handsome and talented, and should have a bright future, but he is forced to marry the daughter of the spy prime minister, and ends up in a desperate situation. ] [The second brother was simple by nature, but he was taken advantage of by a treacherous villain. He became the target of the traitor and ended up with thousands of arrows piercing his heart. ] [The third brother is a business genius. He started a business at the age of seven and made a lot of money, but in the end he became a street beggar and his whereabouts are unknown. 】 【My whole family is full of loyal people, but in the end everyone died tragically. Even she died young and was frozen to death in an icy lake. 】 Everyone in the Lin family said: "Someone dares to hurt my baby. I will cut this thief into pieces!" In the end, Lin Baoer saw that the whole family was in harmony and well-being. The eldest brother became the prime minister, the second brother became a general, the third brother controlled the national economy, and the family's small The group pet finally felt at ease. Keywords of the novel: Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart No pop-ups, Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart txt full set download, Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart Latest Chapter Reading

Line_Huang · History
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Chapter 12 Temporary mission?

"Absurd! How can a man only rely on others? Even your teahouse is the first pot of gold given to you by your family. You..."

  Just as he was about to say something big, Lin Ruqian ran away and hid with a "ouch" Behind Shen Xuelan, there was a look of grievance.


  Shen Xuelan said helplessly: "Husband, the third child is still young. He will naturally understand those principles in the future. There is no need to rush to force him."

  Seeing his mother supporting him, Lin Ruqian was extremely proud and walked towards Shen Xuelan. When I got closer, I looked at Lin Bao'er, who was as cute as pink and jade, and couldn't help but sip, "My sister smells so good, so soft, and so cute!"

  Just smelling it will make you forget all your worries!

  Lin Baoer, who was about to fall asleep, was woken up by his nibbling, and she muttered dissatisfied: [Is Third Brother a pervert? ]

  Lin Ruqian's smile froze at the corner of her lips, and then she looked aggrieved.

  My sister said he was perverted!

  Wuwuwu, his father kicked him and was fierce, and his sister called him a pervert. Wuwuwu...

  Lin Laosan's expression was as aggrieved as he wanted.

  Lin Baoer's eyelids were so sleepy that they started to twitch. After complaining about Lin Ruqian, she fell asleep in Shen Xuelan's warm arms.

  Suddenly -

  [Ding! The temporary task is started. Does the host want to start the task? ]

  The mechanical electronic female voice suddenly sounded, and Lin Baoer shivered.

  Temporary duty?

  She already knows the five-year ending in the book and is familiar with every step of the Lin family's journey. Why would there be a temporary mission? Could it be that...when the second brother went to the Prime Minister's Mansion today, something changed and he was in danger? !

  [Open open! ] Lin Baoer shouted urgently in his heart.

  [Ding! A temporary mission was released to save Lin Zhiyu and Lin Mobai. The mission was completed and five hundred points were awarded. ]

  Lin Baoer was shocked.

  Five hundred points? !

  This is the most reward she has received since the system was established.


  [Huh? What happened to the eldest brother and the third brother? ]

  The system only issued tasks and did not explain the ins and outs. She was very confused!

  "Why haven't the eldest brother and the second brother come back yet?" Lin Ruqian muttered in confusion, "It only takes a quarter of an hour to go back and forth between the Prime Minister's Mansion and the Shangshu Mansion... Even if you want to eliminate the firefly imprint, you don't have to wait like this, right? Something else happened. Why!"

  "I'll go take a look." Lin Qiming also felt something was wrong.

  Lin Baoer hurriedly waved her hands and screamed: "I want to go too, I want to go too!" ]

  She has to complete the task! "Bao'er, don't make   trouble

  ." Shen Xuelan held Lin Bao'er in her arms and coaxed softly, "The more you expose yourself, how can a little baby's body bear the pain?"

, Big brother and second brother will get into trouble! ]Lin Baoer was very anxious.

  He kept twisting his body restlessly in Shen Xuelan's arms.

  [Beautiful mother, I am great. I will definitely be able to take care of myself and bring my eldest brother and second brother back safely. ]

  Shen Xuelan looked slightly hesitant after hearing Lin Baoer's voice.

  Several things Bao'er said have indeed come true, but she is only half a month old now... How can she afford to go through all the trouble?

  Seeing that Shen Xuelan was unmoved, Lin Baoer cast his eyes on Lin Qiming and secretly prayed: [I hope there will be a twinning relationship! Daddy, daddy! You must take me with you! ]

  While praying, she did not forget to climb on Lin Qiming's body with all her strength.

  "Dad, take Bao'er with you." Lin Ruqian became the person who believed in Lin Bao'er the most, "I believe in Bao'er."     Lin Qiming only hesitated for a moment, then carried Lin Bao'er on his back and said solemnly to Shen Xuelan: "Madam, I will never let anything happen to Bao'er and his two children."

  Then he ordered Lin Ruqian not to go anywhere tonight. He stayed with Shen Xuelan at home and then set off.

  Lin Baoer felt the ancient Qinggong!

  The night wind whistled past her cheeks, and she felt a little...frozen in her head.

  There are only a few hairs on a baby, and they really don't need to be blown.

  Lin Baoer hurriedly hid her little head behind Lin Qiming, and then she felt a little warmer, thinking about what happened.

  Based on what Lin Ruqian had just revealed, she guessed that something happened when Lin Mobai visited the prime minister's house at night, leaving a flaw, and her eldest brother Lin Zhiyu went to wipe his ass with him.

  He hasn't come back yet, so he must have been discovered, right?

  "Lin Zhiyu! It's you?!"

  A roar came from below.

  Lin Baoer looked down and saw Lin Zhiyu and Lin Mobai being surrounded by a menacing man and others. The situation was not good.

  Lin Qiming immediately jumped down.


  Lin Zhiyu and Lin Mobai, who were surrounded, were overjoyed to see him appear, but when they saw that Lin Baoer was still carrying behind him, they were stunned.

  Lin Baoer tried her best to reach out to Lin Zhiyu. Lin Zhiyu noticed her movement and held it, but suddenly felt a small warm thing in the palm of his hand. When he looked down, he found that it was a candy.

  Lin Zhiyu looked at Lin Baoer, then immediately lowered his voice and whispered to Lin Mobai.

  Lin Baoer was so close that he could hear it so clearly that he couldn't help but feel silly and happy.

  [Brother is awesome! We are indeed brothers and sisters, we understand each other very well, hahaha! ]

  Lin Zhiyu, who was praised, lowered his head in embarrassment.

  "Your Excellency, Prime Minister." Lin Qiming raised his hand to the Prime Minister without changing his expression.

  Lin Baoer looked at it curiously and clicked his tongue.

  The little old man was not tall, wore a simple gray robe, and had a yellow complexion. He looked very simple, but his triangular eyes could not conceal his calculations and viciousness.

  Seeing Lin Qiming, his eyes changed, and he softened his sharpness slightly, "Master Lin."

  "I think he came to the Prime Minister's Mansion because he was dissatisfied with me, the Prime Minister's Mansion, and actually sent two children to visit my Prime Minister's Mansion at night, uninvited, like this Is it the rules of your Shangshu Mansion to behave like a villain in Liang Shang? "

  Before, he had thought of winning over the Shangshu Mansion.

  Especially Lin Zhiyu, a talented young man with great potential. He really wanted him to be his son-in-law, but the Shangshu Mansion made his wishful thinking come to nothing one after another. Plus what happened tonight, it was hard not to let him. I doubt if Shangshufu knows anything.

  Lin Qiming was calm and frowned, "Has the Prime Minister's Mansion been robbed?"

  Lin Zhiyu reacted very quickly.

  "Dad, my second brother and I were on our way to buy candy for my sister. We saw a thief sneaking around outside the Prime Minister's Mansion, so we stopped." As he spoke, he opened his palm and held out a small candy. exposed to the air.

  Lin Mobai also nodded, and said seriously: "I think that man's martial arts is very strong, especially his light kung fu, which can be said to be as light as a dragonfly touching water. Prime Minister, it is better not to waste time with us and hurry up to chase the thief! Otherwise, based on the thief's light skills, he might have to flee outside Yanjing City!"

  Lin Bao'er, "..."

  At this time, does her second brother still have the time to brag?