
Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The whole family can listen to my voice

A litter of boys in the General's Mansion finally gave birth to a baby girl. Father Lin happily held Lin Baoer, who was soft in his arms. [Daddy is invincible, upright, and good-looking. 】 Dad Lin heard the praise from his little daughter before he even got over it. [Unfortunately, in the end, he ended up collaborating with the enemy and betraying his country, and was divided into pieces. ] [My mother was as gentle as water, virtuous and virtuous, but she was falsely accused of being unchaste. In the end, she fell ill and died of depression. ] [The eldest brother is handsome and talented, and should have a bright future, but he is forced to marry the daughter of the spy prime minister, and ends up in a desperate situation. ] [The second brother was simple by nature, but he was taken advantage of by a treacherous villain. He became the target of the traitor and ended up with thousands of arrows piercing his heart. ] [The third brother is a business genius. He started a business at the age of seven and made a lot of money, but in the end he became a street beggar and his whereabouts are unknown. 】 【My whole family is full of loyal people, but in the end everyone died tragically. Even she died young and was frozen to death in an icy lake. 】 Everyone in the Lin family said: "Someone dares to hurt my baby. I will cut this thief into pieces!" In the end, Lin Baoer saw that the whole family was in harmony and well-being. The eldest brother became the prime minister, the second brother became a general, the third brother controlled the national economy, and the family's small The group pet finally felt at ease. Keywords of the novel: Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart No pop-ups, Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart txt full set download, Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart Latest Chapter Reading

Line_Huang · History
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120 Chs

Chapter 1 Dressed as a little doll


  A loud cry penetrated the door, and a little baby with a red body fell to the ground.

  "I've given birth to a little daughter. Congratulations to the master and his wife on your daughter!"

  "Okay, okay!"

  There was a commotion around, and Lin Baoer's round and dark eyes looked straight at the middle-aged woman wearing an ancient costume who was holding her. Looking at her soft little hands, she realized belatedly that she had traveled through time, and into a newborn baby.

  Strange memories also slowly flowed through her brain.

  Good guy!

  She actually saw what her current home would look like in the next five years.

  The Lin family was full of loyal people, but they got involved in royal battles. In the end, they were framed as collaborators and treason, and the whole family was executed.

  Even she, a child, was thrown into an icy lake in the dead of winter when she was four years old, and died early.

  She didn't do anything bad in her previous life, so if she traveled through time and became a newborn baby, she would die at the age of four.


  Determined not to die prematurely, she must think of a way.

  The first thing is to protect her family. When her family is well, her little baby will be protected and she will live longer.

  "Madam, thank you for your hard work!" A tall man strode in and stood by the bed, looking at his wife on the bed tenderly.

  Lin Baoer was also placed on the bedside by the middle-aged woman.

  "Husband, we finally have a daughter." A tired but happy voice sounded beside her.

  Lin Baoer felt herself being hugged by warm and strong hands.

  [Hey hey hey! Slow down, don't throw me. ]

  Lin Baoer shouted in his heart.

  Lin Qiming, who just held his daughter:?

  Who was speaking just now?

  He looked left and right, but no one spoke.

  Shen Xuelan, who was on the bed, saw that his expression was wrong, and asked with concern: "Husband, what's wrong?"

  "Oh, it's okay." Lin Qiming was convinced that he heard wrongly, and he walked up to his precious daughter with a smile and said, "Our daughter will be called Lin Baoer from now on. , is the treasure of our whole family!"

  [The same name as my previous life. ]

  Lin Baoer thought silently.

  Lin Qiming's expression suddenly changed, and he stared at the daughter in his arms, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

  Did he just hear what his daughter was saying? !

  Seeing Shen Xuelan looking at him, Lin Qiming immediately returned to normal, but he was still extremely shocked in his heart.

  How could he hear the voice of his newborn daughter?

  Lin Baoer, who didn't know that her voice was heard, was still thinking in pieces.

  [Don't mention it, dad is pretty good-looking, even a general fighting on the battlefield can look so handsome and gentle. ]

  Lin Qiming's face instantly smiled.

  His daughter praised him for being handsome and gentle, and it turned out that only his daughter was the caring little cotton-padded jacket.

  [It is a pity that four years later he was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and ended up being quartered. ]

  Lin Qiming's smile froze, blood flowed all over his body, and his body was cold.

  In the end, he was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason? !

  [Dad, don't worry, I will definitely protect everyone. ]

  [Resolutely not to die early! ]

  Lin Qiming came to his senses and gently touched her little face, "Daddy will definitely protect Baoer and everyone in the Lin family from now on!"

  Shen Xuelan smiled slightly: "Why are you so serious all of a sudden? My daughter is still young, you She couldn't understand these words. "

  That's not necessarily the case. What if our Bao'er Bingxue is smart?"

  After saying that, he placed Lin Bao'er next to Shen Xuelan and said, "You haven't taken a closer look yet. Come on." Let your daughter stay with you."

  Shen Xuelan smiled softly, "Okay, where are the three monkeys?"

  "They have finished school late today. I have sent someone to pick them up and they will be back soon."

  Shen Xuelan nodded lightly. , holding Lin Baoer gently with one hand, his eyes as gentle as water, and said: "We Baoer will still have three brothers to protect us in the future. We must live a happy and worry-free life."

  [My mother is so beautiful! ]

  Shen Xuelan made a move. She seemed to have heard someone call her mother just now.

  Lin Baoer had no idea and was still setting off fireworks in her heart.     [Sure enough, those memories are the same. My mother is as gentle as water and extremely beautiful. ]

  [I hope I am half as beautiful as my mother, I am not greedy! ]

  [Please! ]

  Shen Xuelan realized later that what she heard was the voice of her daughter in her arms. Her daughter kept   praising

  her, which made her feel soft, and she coaxed gently: "Bao'er is so cute. He will definitely be even more beautiful than my mother in the future!"

beauty! ]

  [I looked ordinary in my previous life, but with good genes in this life, I will definitely become a beauty! ]

  When Shen Xuelan heard her daughter's thoughts, the corners of her mouth rose quietly.

  She also understands that her daughter can have such thoughts right after she is born. If something goes wrong, if others find out, it will definitely lead to death.

  No one can say anything about this matter.

  Lin Qiming, who was watching his wife and daughter enjoying themselves, had the same idea at the moment.

  No matter what he hears, it will rot in his stomach and no one can know it.

  The couple looked at each other and hid their thoughts.

  The third youngest of the Lin family rushed in at this time, shouting that he wanted to see his sister.

  Lin Qiming kicked him on the butt and lectured him: "Lin Ruqian, please keep your voice down, you're making me cry. I'll serve you with a stick!"

  Lin Ruqian, the youngest of the Lin family, rubbed his butt and smiled, "I know! I ran away on purpose. In front of the eldest brother and the second brother, I came here specifically to see my sister. Where is my sister?"

  Lin Baoer, who was lying on the bed and heard nothing but his voice, rolled his eyes.

  [Hurry and show me Lin Laosan! ]

  Shen Xuelan heard her thoughts and helped her turn over, just enough to see Lin Ruqian's round face.

  [At the age of seven or eight, I haven't opened my eyes yet, but I can tell that my facial features are very good-looking. He will definitely be a handsome guy when he grows up. ]

  "Dad, we are back. How is your mother? Where is your sister?"

  Two teenagers came back in a hurry, with beads of sweat on their foreheads. They had obviously jogged all the way back.

  When Lin Baoer saw the two of them, his eyes suddenly lit up.

  [Is this the eldest brother and the second brother? I know you guys are good-looking, but I didn't expect you to be so good-looking. ]

  Lin Zhiyu, the boss of the Lin family, is wearing a moon-white brocade dress, with a gentle breeze and unparalleled gentleness.

  Lin Mobai, the second eldest son of the Lin family, is dressed in black and smart. He is polite and energetic.

  "Hurry up and give me a hug, little sister, this is our baby!"

  Lin Zhiyu stepped forward and stretched out his hand, but Lin Qiming slapped him on the back of his hand.

  "You kid, be careful, Bao'er was dropped." Lin Qiming glared at him fiercely.

  Shen Xuelan smiled gently and said, "Give them a hug. They have been looking forward to this sister for a long time."

  "I'll come!"

  Lin Zhiyu happily stretched out his hand and carefully took Lin Baoer from her mother's arms. The appearance of a humble gentleman.

  [The eldest brother is so good-looking and has really white skin. He has completely inherited my mother's advantages. ]

  Lin Zhiyu: "Huh?"

  "What's wrong?" Lin Mobai, the second eldest son of the Lin family, didn't know why and excitedly approached Lin Baoer.

  Lin Ruqian, the third eldest son of the Lin family, also wanted to hug his little sister, but unfortunately she was a little short, so she could only circle around her two brothers, anxious.

  Seeing his two younger brothers and parents looking at him, Lin Zhiyu shook his head, "It's okay, I just think my sister is really cute."

  "Of course my daughter is the cutest, do you think she is just like you three monkeys?"

  Lin Qiming Disgusted.

  Lin Zhiyu stared at Lin Baoer, with a hint of inquiry in his gentle eyes.

  Was it my sister who was talking just now?