
TTMS- High School!

Story written by fenncyer (with bobskittle as the publisher) If the characters from “The Ten Tales of the Misunderstood Sigma” or “TTMS” were ordinary high schoolers.

bobskittle · Realistic
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22 Chs

VS The Unstoppable Duo

As both we're making their way to the ball, haiseism seemed to get faster and faster

"Oh crap I gotta get faster if I wanna beat this guy"

Haiseism makes it to the ball first and he smirks "Heh you might be able to adapt to my playstyle but you're still trash"

Cheeks gets so mad that the nexts she says slips out of her mouth "KILL YOURSELF"

Haiseism then giggles like a little bitch and goes straight to the goalie, cheeks instantly does a turn and goes straight to haiseism, as haiseism was about to shoot, he could feel cheeks aura behind him as if he was receiving backshots. He hesitates to shoot but his body acted on his own and he shot the ball but this time rei was able to catch it

"Good job rei"

"Thank you cheeks"

"Weren't you the best soccer player? You're nothing."

Haiseism is now more than determined to win

"Alright everyone get back in your positions, whoever scores next will be the winner since this match is taking too long" All of their eyes widen from the shocking news

"I need to win this, I have to level up my mentality and speed, fuck it I'll use it, I'll use my special move "flow""

"Flow;" makes Haiseism faster, stronger and have a better mentality but haiseism doesn't know that cheeks also has something like that, although for cheeks it isn't fully developed.

They both get in their positions and wait for the countdown

"3...... 2....."

time seems slow for both of them "ONE" they both kick the ball that it goes straight to the top,

Haiseism thinks fast and jumps and gets it with his chest, he dashed through cheeks and made his way to rei, cheeks thought in an instant

"what if I throw myself so Haise won't score"

Cheeks dashed and made her way to Rei, Rei was confused as to what cheeks was doing but still trusted her nonetheless, as Haise was about to shoot, cheeks throws herself in order to prevent Haise from scoring but she felt nothing, it's as if Haise never shot the ball, she looks at him and sees that he never shot, it was a fluke to make her get out of the way.

Cheeks now knows why they call them the unstoppable duo (Lucas ain't do shit skull) haise then kicks the ball with all this might, the kick was so strong that rei had no chance of catching it, and she didn't, HAISE SCORED AND WON THE WAR


cheeks accepts her defeat and just stays laying on the ground, soon after rei came up to her and said

"Don't worry, you did fine sweety, you're the real winner in my eyes" Cheeks gets a little emotional but decides to hide it "Thank you rei, I love you"

"I love you too" Haise then spots the two and makes his way to them.

When he got to them, he offered cheeks his hand "Get up cheeks, you did well, you made me use my secret move"

Cheeks accepts his hand and gets up, both of them shake hands, as if they both acknowledge each other.

"So I got acknowledged by the unstoppable duo huh, that's cool" they both laugh