
TTMS- High School!

Story written by fenncyer (with bobskittle as the publisher) If the characters from “The Ten Tales of the Misunderstood Sigma” or “TTMS” were ordinary high schoolers.

bobskittle · Realistic
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22 Chs


Skitta always wondered why this girl picked a fight with him, he doesn't even know her.

Those thoughts always stayed in the back of his mind and like insects eating his brain but even if he was confused, he still kept training cause bro wasn't gonna let the disrespect slide.

"I will win" skitta kept repeating these words over and over again for encouragement.

He will try his absolute best to win. Senjougi told her parents about the match and that she expects them to be there and see her ultimate victory, she even told them that if she won, they need to acknowledge her for once. The parents got a little shocked and so they agreed to go and see how this match would go but they didn't know she planned this all along and picked a match against a weak guy.

She smiled and laughed (bro think she aizen skull). "Even if I'm going against someone weak, I should atleast somewhat practice" She goes outside and decides to shoot some hoops, Skitta is also doing the same at the same time, they both get a bit hyped and decide to go for a dunk, they both run to the hoop, jump and they both are able to make it in.

"This will be easy" they both say in unison.