
TTLDC - Hogwarts University

The Thousand Lives of a Dual Cultivator - Hogwarts University During the War against Voldemort, Dumbledore and a group of Ministry employees came to the conclusion that children needed more protection, the entry age at Hogwarts was raised to 17, the names in the archives were protected by a huge spell where only the Nameless would have access from the age of 11. Pureblood and Half Blood families began to receive collections of books at their doors, they were basic and harmless knowledge, among these books the most involved defensive magic. The Mugglebrons were visited once a month by the Nameless to teach them about the magical world. Thus a new way of living emerged. But they didn't expect what was about to happen. Society has undergone greater stratification between purebloods versus half bloods and muggleborn. The pureblood children were only homeschooled while the others attended muggle schools until high school. Thus, purebreds are even more behind in subjects such as arithmancy and, of course, common sense. In the midst of all this, a pureblood named Kai Mao is born, descendant of a long line of Wizards from Asia, his father Feilong Mao and his mother Matilda Nott were Deatheaters without much expression, but fanatics nonetheless. His father falls under the Order of the Phoenix after Voldemort's defeat and, months later, after giving birth to Kai, his mother joined the search for the Dark Lord and ended up succumbing to Ministry forces. Now we are at the moment when Kai enters Hogwarts and his soul finally awakens. His first words are: “F*ck” ------------------------------- Because of what he deed in his first 10 reincarnations the universe thinks he likes to save dying worlds of their destruction. When in reality he only tried to live a debauche live every time before he ascend and reunite with his harem. Kai now reincarnated in the world of Harry Potter because it has lost his protagonist. ------------------------------- Guys a simple request, I would love for you to comment on what you thought of the chapters, review my work and if you think I deserve it, support me. I'm starting with a patre on, I started this project and posted basically everything I've done so far. Now I have extra chaps that you can access through patre on. I hope to increase this number soon.  patrë on.com/ReiseAbdala

LucasAbdala · Book&Literature
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79 Chs

My Childhood and Ignoring Lockhart

Arriving at the DADA class I sat in my usual seat and started to ignore the world around me, it wasn't as if the class was going to help with anything in the real world.

He arrived in the room and started doing a monologue while laughing to himself, the girls in the room, whether Slytherin or Hufflepuff, were admiring him.

When I had checked my body, I noticed several scars and poorly healed bones.

This was due to the fact that I grew up in the Nott household. Before Theodore's mother "mysteriously" dying was manageable, but when he and I were in the "care" of his father, our days were filled with fear and punishment.

The result of being in the care of a Deatheater is nothing a child would want to experience. I was too apathetic in his opinion, Theodore on the other hand was too "soft" to meet his father's expectations.

This world was one of the few that I was thankful for that my parents didn't live long after conceiving me. Worse than a Deatheater taking care of you, just two.

Deatheaters are the pawns of the Dark Lord who have pledged servitude for an unattainable and imbecile dream of supremacy.

It's not the first time I've found a world on the brink of destruction at the hands of a madman.

Supremacist Dictators are more common than we would like to believe.

But few are as imbecile as the Dark Lord Voldemort.

In a world where only a few thousand out of billions are able to use magic, he believed that families with tradition had more rights than others who awakened their magical potential later.

From my memories of my studies, it was basically like that.

They were suppressing the emergence of new magical families. muggleborns were nothing more than the founding of new magical families.

At the same time, they want to control the world, whether magical or non-magical, but they keep killing their own future troops.

The immediacy and separation between them is what is making this all a lost journey due to imbecility.

This is made very clear by the actions that Theodore's father takes.

He lives in his own bubble where he imagines he needs to prepare his son for his Master's return.

He treats Theodore and me like his Master treated the Deatheaters, violently, expecting perfectionism and supremacist attitudes from both of us.

The change that occurred during the war only worsened our fate, instead of being safe for most of the years after the age of 11 we were at his mercy until we were adults.

The previous year, the last DADA Professor was possessed by the Dark Lord and had to flee before his options ran out. He stayed hidden for a whole year, but when he finally got close to acquiring the Philosopher's Stone he understood that he would never be able to reach it.

Some students ended up being used by him by exposing his schemes to Dumbledore and the other Professor.

But he escaped before doing any permanent damage.

All of this was covered up by the Ministry, but within Hogwarts the matter was free for discussion.

"Mr Mao, I see that you are not present with us in our discussion." – Lockhart said, catching my attention.

"Not really Professor." – I replied, waking up from my thoughts.

Lockhart was offended and ready to retaliate. He couldn't bear the idea that he wasn't the center of every student's attention.

"Can you tell me what we were discussing about?" – he asked with a half smile.

I smiled back without any enthusiasm.

"Sorry Professor, I was remembering your great story about the time you captivated a Banshee because of your smile." – I responded to the first of his absurdities that I could remember.

Lockhart was taken by surprise by my response, he expected to make me look ridiculous in front of everyone to demonstrate his superiority.

But my response soon made him re-enter the never-ending circle of his narcissism.

"That's not what we were talking about, Mr Mao, but this is definitely part of one of my most interesting stories." – he commented, starting to ignore me.

The girls still direct an absurd look of admiration at the man who was clearly lying.

"That night I was exploring a ruin when I came across the Banshee, you know how they are attracted to beautiful things. I used this to my advantage and directed my best smile at her. When she saw my smile…" – he began to recount.

Many of the girls seemed to agree with his words.

Meanwhile I could only roll my eyes.

Banshees are attracted to beauty, but their definition of beauty is far from a human appearance, they are attracted to shiny precious metals and colored lights, but they also fear glare.

I must thank the Nott library for this information, which was my refuge for so many years.

Despite having some informative books, the library was filled with Dark Magic books.

Thinking about it, I saw that Dark Magic encompassed several unusual branches of magic. Blood Magic, Shadow Magic, Death Magic, Mind Magic.

These spells might be completely harmless if used by people with conscience, but of course it wasn't people with conscience who used them regularly.

The class with Lockhart was already ending and I needed to start planning my next steps.

My default path would be to develop a casual relationship with my closest target, but that was difficult due to Daphne's personality.

Luna would be a good target if it weren't for her free personality, she is the one who interests me most in reality, I would love to find out what she would do with power beyond imagination.

Hermione is a devourer of knowledge, but her personality is almost entirely focused on books. As much knowledge as I have, it's hard to imagine her putting aside books to learn from someone younger than her.

The Gryffindors have a strong rivalry with Slytherin.

So I was left with the two Hufflepuff, but I knew little about them and they are both a year older than me, providing few encounters.


Guys, I come here with a simple request, I would love for you to comment on what you thought of the chapter, review my work and if you think I deserve it, support me.

I'm starting with a patre on, I started this project and posted basically everything I've done so far. Now I have extra chaps that you can access through patre on. I hope to increase this number soon. 

patrë on.com/ReiseAbdala