
Chapter 2

'What's going on…?' Yamaguchi turns to Me and winks. The kid takes a deep breath before starting. "Hi, my name is Natsu Yamaguchi," they say as they turn to the board, writing their name in the corner. A star was drawn at the end of their name. 'How cute… wait what?' That was a pretty weird thought for me. Why would I think that was cute? What's so cute about putting a star at the end of their name? Tadashi does it too… wait, what was their last name? Are they siblings? Is that what that was about? I look at Tadashi but he's already drawing in his notebook. The teacher sighed and looked around the classroom. "Just find an empty seat somewhere" unfortunately for me, the only empty seat is right behind me. Great, Now both of them sit next to me... Natsu sat down behind me before looking over at Tadashi and giggling. "Quiet" the teacher turned to the back of the class. The two of them shut up pretty quickly.

~after class cause I can~

I started putting my stuff away and heading to my next class but I hear someone yell after me. "TSUKKI WAIT-" oh. It was tadashi. I stop and stand by the wall. Tadashi finally makes it and of course, Natsu is right behind him.

To my one and only reader, I’m so sorry it took me so long :(

I had a bit of difficulty trying to figure out whether to make an OC or just use Y/N.

Also, Natsu goes by they/them :)

sam_creators' thoughts