
Tryst Under The War [BL, Omegaverse,Action]

Rius is an inexperienced dominant omega if not more dominant than a normal dominant omega who is strangled by the marriage that was arranged but to his knowledge he doesn't even know who is his arranged partner yet he meets an alpha who along the way fell in love with him. On his way to the stadium he is brought to the Phantasmal Realm in an accident by the light jellies and fought a goddess who is unknown to him, after surviving the battle he reunited with the alpha whom he newly met with the unforeseen future coming to them, can they change the fates design?

ChaosBride · LGBT+
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30 Chs

Chapter 10 - The Lady in Black Part 1

Meanwhile to another country of one the parts of the world, the country of Delaficia. Shield of light were around the city in the colour of purple, a barrier that protects the city from invasion of the extraterrestrial Anticleseus. the alarming sound of electronic sounds around the city were echoing.

In the main command room were screens of different angles of the city are being watched,the shore and the sea.

"Any readings?"


A noise of alarm and from the window screen as dots of red appeared on the map.

On the sea that was 300 Kilometres away from the shore, the sea swirls as silhouette of creatures appear under the sea moving towards above the surface of the ocean.

There were creatures that had appeared they were like whales with colours of white,navy blue,yellow along with a bigger creature.

"298 kilometers away from the mainland, there an Anticleseus has been spotted emerging!"

"The numbers are still rising in number sir"

"A total of 33 small other species have been counted and one Class-C Anticleseus has been spotted! It's codename is <Naiad>"

"Ready the cannons of blaze to shoot the smaller species to reduce their numbers"

The personel had obeyed the commander while outside of the shields around the city, cannons of blazers started to pop out of the ground all directed to the coming Anticleseus.


The cannons launched it's attacks that were making flashes that create explosions on reach with an instant touch was an instant explosion. It was fast and quick to reach the 200+ kilometres away of Anticleseus. Barriers of rainbows erected from the small species being shown after the steam coming from the blast.

"No damages has been applied"

"No injuries caused"

"Not a single Anticleseus has been killed Sir!"

"Damn it why?!"

A huge window of information has been seen by all of the people in the command room and the commander was stunned for a bit.

"Evolutionized Class-C? A C+ rank?"

"Yes! Mana patterns are negative"

"Codename <Naiad> is reacting"

They looked at the screen seeing Naiad a bigger whale transformed.

It made a flush of water like a whale but it was rainbow that dropped like rain unto the sea it's swimming,it opened it's mouth accumulating power to launch a strike of a beam.

"Codename <Naiad> is attacking!"

"Ready the shield for a strong defense for the beam quickly!"

"Yes commander!"

Outside of the first barrier there was a barrier being made again to block the strike. The beam came fast striking the barrier then breaks into pieces.

"It broke the barrier in an instant!"

"Fire an upgraded Cannon of blaze"

"Yes sir!"

The Cannons improved it's looks, strength and attack in speed as these objects shoot another row of beams towards the Anticleseus.

The cannons hit the Anticleseus once more with a direct attack yet a scratch has not been made. Stunned expressions were on the faces of the staff and commander.


"Sir another kind of mana readings has been detected on sight!"

Squadron of Alphas in suits have appeared in the colour of navy blue while the higher ranked soldiers have navy blue with white. The total numbers being ten people.

"Just from observing their clothes, they're from the squadron of Banshee Corps sir!"

"The Bashee Class?"

'Why is are the banshee class armed forces here?what is their gain?they can't be unless...'

The commander thought then a hit of realization were shown to his face as the automatic door behind him opened the staff looked at him and the commander turned around to this person with sweat of buckets rushed down to his neck.

"W-why are you here your majesty??"

They all kneeled in front of him showing the prince of the world respect with the honour and grace he possesses, his power being the powerhouse and representative of the whole earth the Prince.

"I don't mean no harm I'm only here to check on things on this country"

"W-we have done the procedures from the orders of his majesty and-"

The prince looked at him nonchalantly.

"Uhm I apologize for not asking for permission to speak"

"Commander?"the prince spoke.


The commander lifted his head to see the face of the prince.

With the sunken deep lush of the black paint on his hair, the sculpture of a body made by the hands of the gods, his eyebrows were thick that were the reflection of the handy craft of the god of beauty. His eyes have turned aquamarine as the people around him felt the rush in their bodies causing them to tremble.

"Relax I won't turn you people into an Omegas"

Some had like a sensation down to their throat with an object stuck on it from fear some gulped and some trembled to his words for even a beta could be turned into an Omega.

"I will go to the battlefield"

Everyone gasps for they were astonished to his words.

Meanwhile the ten banshee soldiers were surfing through the sea as if jets were on their feet, the mana on their bodies was converted into magic that could be use as a propulsion to the sea. They all arm themselves with spears with the light purple colour with navy blue shades on their spears.

"Ready your spears!"

Said this one man with the hair of colour jade his name is Chris Thunderson.

They composed as they were fast going to the Anticleseus coming forward to them that were fast as well. The small species were surrounding them as Chris pierces his spear unto one of the species. As it bleeds yellow fluid that trickles out of it's skin but still it moves going under the surface of the sea after the strike, he clenched his fist to his spear and reinforced his spear with magic.

"Call of the Banshee"

It was a dangerous taunt that called out five small species at him simultaneously he leaped high enough dodging all five trying to munch on him and as three of them were in place. He put magic power to his spear again throwing his spear downward.

"Swiftness of the Banshee!"

He called out with the spear thrusting to all three of the small species.


They screamed.

The other nine busy being with their parts on their own subduing as of now only twenty nine were left with one injured. <Naiad> was behind.

Nine came out of the sea then the other small species kept the soldiers busy, the nine that were on back opened their mouths realising magic beams of light then the ones that kept the soldiers busy submerged to avoid being caught from the attack that was unavoidable from their allies.

"Incoming Attack!"screamed of Chris.

They all blocked the attack with magic shields deployed as a reflex to the attack and composed themselves.

"That one was a dangerous blow"

"Yeah we could've lost our heads"

Said the two soldiers.

Nine of the small species simultaneously jumped out of the water then all nine soldiers leaped again as they were seen by the small species, an upcoming similar attack came with nine beams going for them for the other nine behind the jumping small species in front are going to shoot.

"Hey! Fools ready your shields again! There's another nine submerged!fuck!"

They blocked the beams then they all shouted together. For there was a second row of attempting to bite them.

"Swiftness of The Banshee!!"

They all pierced nine of the enemies in a swift manner quickly pulling out their spears all nine of the soldiers at once.


The other three chased on Chris but to his annoyance.

"Tch little brats want to make food out of me? Come and eat me if you can!"

He shouted in annoyance with a hint of anger as they jumped up with lights of canons ready his eyes widened to those three beams of light was launched at him the members turned their heads to Chris with an alert expression on their faces from the other eighteen left keeping them to move while being worried to Chris.

They grit their teeth with nervous reaction from those three flashes of light.


From out of the steam he bare handedly one of the small species that were fourty five kilogrammes in weight with two small species pierced by his spear hanging on his spear to his other hand, he was panting as he had little burnt marks and bruises.

"Captain! Are you alright?!"shouted one of the soldiers.

"Don't worry about me! Worry about yourselves! There's eighteen more small species so be vigilant!" He sternly said shouting to them.

<Naiad> was approximately behind the small species but catched up and emerged showing itself to the soldiers it wasn't a shape of a whale anymore but a bluish nymph that was a humanoid giant still with it's body submerged with whale fins intact, Chris clenched his fists to his spear once more, and jumped kicking the C-class monster to it's face but was hindered by it's arm then thrown him off.

The sea water below him whirls like a whirlpool as he looked at the humanoid monster it was reaching out it's hand in the moment of realization.

"Deploy emergency shield!"

The water became a sharp dense water spear below but was negated by the shield yet the result was the barrier breaking off then he drank a bottle of potion from his pocket that was bluish in colour, he pants as his body was in exhausted state, his body glowed in a bluish light as a reaction to the potion. He put back the empty bottle to his pocket then grit his teeth with a scornful eyes to the humanoid creature.

"Is that a mana potion??"


A beeping noise was on his ear it was an earring that connects to networks of command rooms in each country that has to relay orders.

"Sire we're connected to the Captain of the Squadron!"

The window screen of digital light hovers around in a circle in midair above them showing the battle of Chris and the Anticleseus and they were monitoring them of course. The prince crossed his arms as he stare at these windows of light.

I'm not an expert at fighting scenes but I hoped it passed •~•

ChaosBridecreators' thoughts