
Trying To Take My Mask Off

My dream came true but I'm not happy. I became a legend in the entertainment world, and everybody knows me. But I sacrificed too much to stand here. I don't even know myself anymore. If you ask me what my biggest regrets are. It is that I don't know myself anymore, that I don't feel what I used to feel, that I don't know what makes me happy, that I'm now almost like a robot. It would be nice if I could change myself. If I could just turn back the time or go to another world, it doesn't matter what, if I could do it I would. And then I would change myself and search for what I want and become a person again. The girl smiled and said: "I'll give you a change." [Will you take this change and change yourself or will you stay the same? I really hope you'll change and be happy this time.] ---------------------------------------------- A boy who achieved his dream but felt alone met a girl who gave him a second chance. Will he be happy this life? ____________________________________________ THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW: English is not the language that I speak normally. So, my novel will have a lot of mistakes here and there so be prepared if you are going to read this. But it will be an honor if you will be reading my first novel. You can contact me by my e-mail MightyMiruLin@gmail.com or on instagram MightyMiruLin. Updates on days when I have time. Disclaimer: _Cover art belongs to the rightful owner_ Started: somewhere around April 2021 Ended:

MightyMiruLin · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
83 Chs


"I'm going!"

"Yeah, me too."

Lucius's brother and sister stood up after eating and were planning to go to school.

"Okay, be careful on the way!", said their mom with a gentle smile with a lot of warmth.

"Of course, mom. I'm not a child anymore."

"In my eyes you are still a child."

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

She looked helplessly to her mom who was still looking at her with a look full of doting.

"Shouldn't you go? If not, your brother will leave you."

"Yeah, I'm going now, dad!", with that she turned around and ran after her youngest brother.

"You dare leave me behind!"

"It's your own fault. I mean why do you always act the same each day. It's tiring."

"You're so mean, Sol!"

"Sometimes I wonder who the older one is between us."

"You! You- ", she pointed her finger to her brother, Sol.

With an unbelievable look she looked at him. But Sol didn't mind it that much and just walked outside. She froze for second, but she recovered fast.

"Don't leave me behind!", with that she ran after him.


The door was slammed closed, and the house got quiet after they went away.


Suddenly someone began to laugh hard.

"Did you hear that! Didn't Sol literally call Luna childish!"

The person who was laughing was Eira. She was laughing so hard that even tears came out her eyes.

"But if we are talking about someone childish, aren't you the most childish of us all."


With that Eira's pleasant mood changed in an angry one.

"I'm not childish!"

"Yeah, sure."

Kai looked like he didn't believe her at all.

"You always bully me!", Eira screamed angrily at him.

"That's not true."

Kai is a mature and understanding person. But that is only with people he isn't close with, if he is with someone close, he likes to tease them.

He likes to tease Eira the most. She always has a nice reaction to his teasing, that's why he can't stop teasing her like he is doing right now.

"Lucius! Am I childish?"

When she couldn't win an argument with Kai, she turned to Lucius hoping that he could help her.

"Hmmm… Maybe a little?"

Lucius didn't seem confident in his answer but if you looked at his face it told a whole other story. He made a face that showed that he knew that Eira is childish.


How could Eira not notice this. She became even more angry.

"How could you betray me, Lucius! You changed!"

"Yeah, maybe I did.", Lucius smiled while saying this.

He really did change. Not the change that she thought but it really is a change.

Eira looked at Kai madly.

"What did you do to Lucius! How could you change him like that!"


Kai was really surprised by that.

[Why did you pin his change on me?]

He didn't understand what Lucius change got do to with him. But it seemed that Eira didn't care what he thought because she began talking bad about him.

While Eira began lecturing Kai, Lucius asked a question to his parents.

"Why did big sis Luna and Sol leave so fast?"

He really didn't understand because Luna goes to the same school so why did she go so fast.

"Did you forget? Luna always goes with her friend, and she is kind of a sleeper so it's hard to get her out her bed. It's even worse that her parents are out the country this month. That is the reason why your sister goes to wake her up each day."


Lucius does remember it now that his mom told him. It was so long ago that he totally forgot it.

"You know that you brother's school is a bit farther. He needs like a half hour to go there with his cycle."

[That's right, the only school that's close by is Phoenix Academy and it's a high school. Sol isn't old enough to go there.]

Lucius began to remember thinks of the past with the help of his parents.

Without realizing it the time moved fast. It already was time to go to the school.

"Let's go, Lucius!"

"I'm coming."

With that Eira, Kai and Lucius went to their school.


"You really don't need to bring me to my classroom."

"But I want to, Lucius!"

"But you'll pass your classroom if you do that."

"We don't mind, Lucius."

"But still…"

[Are they still worried about yesterday?]

They were already in the school, but they were arguing about something small. But it seemed like Kai and Eire didn't mind what Lucius thought because they still would bring him to his classroom even when he said no.

"We're here. You guys can go back."

Lucius asked them to go back. He felt it was shameful to be escorted to his classroom like that. But of course, that was only how he felt. Eira and Kai didn't feel that in a way. They felt what they did was normal.

"Why would we go back? There's still time."

"That's right, Lucius."

With that they entered Lucius's classroom like they owned it.

"Where do you sit, Lucius?"

Lucius resigned himself to his fate and answered Kai question.

"I sit in the back. The second one in the right."

With that Kai and Eira knew where they needed to go.

"Sit down."

Eira said with a demanding tone that wouldn't accept a no.


Lucius sat down like she asked, but he felt uncomfortable because everyone was staring at him.

"What are you staring at?", Kai said with a handsome but scary smile.

Nobody dared to look at them again. Kai was just too scary for them.

"You don't need to scare them."

"What?", this time the same look was given to him.


With that Lucius stopped talking.

Iyan who watched this scene outside the classroom found it funny.

[It looks like they are looking at their enemies.]

In the end, he was right because they believed that one of them bullied their Lucius. That's why they were a bit overbearing.

[They seem to be good friends.]

Iyan thinks that having friends is one of the most important things in life. So, he was happy that Lucius had good friends like them.

"Hello, teacher."

The voice came beside Iyan.

"Hello, Erebus and Ryuu."

Hello everybody!!!

I don’t remember that I gave the sibling names, but I don’t think so. But if I did just forget that because from now on their names be Luna and Sol.

I want to write more but school is keeping me busy. I have one teacher who gives us each day homework. My head hurts thinking how much I still need to do.

There's like a teacher who will give us a small test of like 100 definitions and a page full of years we will need to remember. He is just out of his mind I tell you.

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