
Trying to have a full filling life in the multiverse

The story of a college student who died while he was camping with his seven friends, then he got reincarnated in a world that's familiar to him. Let's see what kind of he will have while trying to have a full filling life. A.N: Hello I'm a new author so be a little bit easy with me. English is not my first language and I'm using my phone to write, so if there is any grammatical mistakes please tell me. Let me be clear about something. If you want an MC that just go to another worlds slap everyone face and is OP without doing anything, then this fanfiction is not for you. Maybe after three or four worlds he will be too strong and have a lot of powers but not the strongest. The MC will have to work hard and train to use his powers. The story will be slow paced in the beginning because I want to make a character development not let MC have everything and be the strongest and wisest being from the first arc. If that what you are looking for then you came to the right place. Disclaimer: I don't own the book cover or any of the animes, mangas, manhuas, novels, characters or pictures, i only own my oc(s), and there will be a lot of torture and maybe some gruesome things and some swears. First world: HunterXHunter If you want to spoil yourself on the other worlds then go to the auxiliary chapter (Read if you want). Soooooooooo see ya

Zoony_Shalaby · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Memories back


-3rd person pov-

There was a kid no older than four years old, he was sleeping under a tree, the wind moving his black hair. Until suddenly he opened his eyes terrified of what was a dream or not a dream.

'Man what the fuck was that!?' thought the little boy while looking around him hastily with some nervousness.

After that he looked at his arms and then touched his face and pinched himself to make sure of something.

'This isn't a dream!' thought the boy while having a big smile on his face.

'Well let's calm down first then think about this.' the boy then began to inhale and exhale, then placed his hands on his chin like in thinking position, while leaning his back on the tree.

After calming down a little bit the boy thought, 'if I'm not wrong i have been reincarnated, but my memories just came back after four years of being born.' after knowing that he was reincarnated, he frowned a bit after seeing what he went through before his memories came back.


In a wooden poor house that any step could make the wood crack, there was the screaming of a woman that have brown hair and azure blue eyes, who was giving birth to a child.

"Ahhhh, that hurts too much. I can't continue like this!!" The woman was in true pain, well who will not when they are giving birth.

"A little bit more ma'am, just a little bit more, i can see it's head. Take a deep breath then exhale it!" The nurse said to the pregnant woman that was about to give birth.

*Inhale* *exhale* The woman did what the nurse told her and gave a final push then...

"WAAHHH WAAAAAH WAHH" A loud cry of a baby was heard in all of the house, even some people in nearby buildings could hear it.

"Congratulations ma'am. He's a healthy boy." Said the nurse who was carrying the crying baby, and shaking him a little bit to make him stop crying.

"Let me.. hah..see..him..hah..hah." Said the mother that have given birth to the little cute kid tiredly, trying to take her breaths between her words.

The nurse gave the child to the tired mother who when she saw him, she had a genuine smile.


The door to the room has been pushed by a man who looks in his mid to late twenties. Having a dark black hair and eyes while wearing some tattered clothes, he had a very worried face. From his reaction when he came in you can see that he is the woman's husband and the newborn baby's father.

"Are you okay Kaori?! Do you feel any pain or anything?!!" Asked the father with a worried look on his face, while looking at the woman that we knew now her name is Kaori.

"I'm fine Toshiro. I feel so happy right now." Said kaori to the man who's name is Toshiro while having a beautiful smile on her face.

The nurse excused herself to leave the husband and wife alone with their baby, because it's an important moment for them.

Toshiro came closer to kaori with a small smile, he caressed the baby, then he asked her, "what shall we name him?".

After pondering for sometime, kaori opened her mouth a little bit while looking at the baby, then she said, "let's name him..."


Sorry the chapter was short too this time and i think it will be like this for about 3 or 4 more chapters.

Sooooo see ya.

Zoony_Shalabycreators' thoughts