
Try To Regret It [Translation]

Author: Ropan Sugar Original Publisher: Naver Original Language: Korean Translator: Ann Beta: Ann Support the author here: https://m.novel.naver.com/webnovel/list?novelId=1046674 I loved it as best I could. My family didn't look back on me, and my fiancé didn't love me. My mother was wrong, saying that if you do your best, you will be sincere. At the end of fourteen years of unrequited love, the result was sick. As soon as I wanted to leave somewhere, the war hero, Archduke Vikander, who I saw at the Victory banquet, was a beautiful man, whom I met by chance in the street. "Please allow me the most precious of you.” One day I took the hand of the Grand Duke and left everyone behind. A family that has never looked back, an ex-fiancé who has never loved her, is now trying to capture Olivia. It's so late

LittleBarca · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 12

"How about that. Olivia. How do you feel about receiving your first oath?"

I affectionately called my name, but the end of Leopold's mouth twisted. It was a sign that Leopold saw whenever there was something he didn't like. Each time, Olivia always looked at Leopold as if I had done something wrong and did her best to release her mood. Olivia, who, as was her habit, had turned to Leopold's side, stopped. The Grand Duke's face was lifted as he shook the Grand Duke's hand lightly and held it hard. One of Leopold's eyebrows slouched as he saw it. I didn't like Olivia. Even when I'm out of my hands, I'm looking out of my eyes now. This was impossible. Olivia, of course, had to come to my side. This was in the middle of the aristocracy. Olivia took no action, as if she dared to refuse me. It rang as if it were going to turn over. Leopold's eyes grew sharper and sharper with the emotion that was burning and dense.

"Your majesty."

The Archduke, who hid behind as if to protect Olivia, said kindly that the nickname of the slaughter was colorless. It was the opposite of Leopold, who was hideous with the momentum of the day.

"If you don't have anything to see, you can't see it. Because I was about to dance my first dance with the lady who gave me the oath."

"As long as my fiancée received her first oath, I want to take her first dance. Anti-aircraft."

In contrast to the hard voice, Leopold looked at me with both eyes gently bent.

"Eggplant. Rib."

A sweet voice called my nickname. At that moment, Olivia's heart throbbed. It was the first time I had been called my nickname since my mother. His heart beat violently. Leopold smiled brightly. Like when I was eleven, which was my brilliant salvation in the old days. So Olivia almost moved without knowing.

"You always wanted to dance your first dance with me."

It really would have been if it hadn't been for me, like a red ship. The word "First dance" reminded me of my debut. Naturally, I stood next to Leopold, and I held the hand of the Nordian Marquess Young-Ae, leaving me alone. Nevertheless. Now Leopold was confident. Leopold, without a single request, naturally holds out his hand. Olivia still bit the inside of her lips as she looked at Leopold, who was calling her a nickname without asking permission. …...for Leopold, I'm so easy. I came with Maria Ethel, and I told her that I was her fiancé, and I pretended not to know that I had heard from the servant about cards and flowers that I had never sent. This way, it makes me a person who is nothing. The mood sank. Olivia tried to keep her mind straight. Olivia slowly removed her lips, unable to afford to think about the later days.

"... Victory banquet celebrating war Heroes. Your majesty."

"... Liv?"

Unbelievable, Leopold called Olivia again. Olivia looked up more than ever. I don't know if the overflowing in Leopold's blue eyes was anger at this situation or anger at me, but I didn't want to care. Today I'm so exhausted.

"The first dance will be the first dance with his highness the Archduke."

As if timed, the archduke gently escorted Olivia. One step, two steps. Oh, Olivia turned for a moment toward Leopold, as if she had been belatedly reminded. Then it is. I gave an example to Leopold, who looked at me arrogantly in the eyes.

"Your majesty will have a pleasant first dance with Ethel Young-ae behind there."

Leopold's face was distorted. Olivia literally took the Grand Duke's hand and headed into the middle of the banquet hall.

  His heart throbbed as if it would burst. For the first time, he pushed Leopold away. Unknown emotions filled Olivia's mind. . . .

"Isn't it heavy?"


"That sword."

The Grand Duke glanced at the young face full of laughter. Olivia realized that I was holding a sword in one hand. I thought it was heavy, but it was lighter than I thought. Olivia shrugged.

"I will. I thought it would be heavy."

"If you're not heavy,you've found a huge talent? How about that. Are you coming into our Templars?"

As Olivia glanced at him, the Grand Duke pretended not to know.

"Can I take care of you for a while when you dance?"

Olivia nodded, and the archduke seized his sword. The Archduke's knight came and accepted the sword. I thought I could hear the silence at first sight. In the meantime, the archduke saluted the Emperor.

"Thank you for your grace. Can I start my first dance with the body that gave my oath to the lady?"

"... Of course. On this celebratory day. Not continue the banquet."

The emperor barely nodded with a firm mouth. The band began playing again. An elegant melody played colorfully and began to fill the banquet hall again. Meanwhile, the emperor laughed intently. It was later that he wrapped his head around his clenched head. Already the nobles were roaring. This agitation was probably to spread among the nobility in four hours. To the nobles who were not invited to the banquet, and gradually to the commoners. The Grand Duke gives the knight's oath to the prince's fiancée instead of the prepared princess. The Empress, as well as the Empress, imperceptibly vacated her place. The face of the princess, whose white face was stained with shame, recalled, and the emperor looked at the Grand Duke with a liveliness. My dog, always looking up at me with an expressive face, was smiling next to the Prince's fiancée. He was like a tongue in his mouth. Dare. Dare not even know the subject. The emperor barely raised a firm mouth. When I provoked the Imperial Family, the white crystal mine that he most wanted was still in my hands. It was a memento of the Great War, and he was the only one who went around the war for that mine. The emperor thought he could knock him down. I couldn't let him go yet.

"... It's time to think about the marriage of the Princess."

The seasoned servant bowed his head at the words of the emperor, who spoke as if he were going to do this. * * * In the middle of the banquet room, Olivia breathed lightly. The tension passed over the deadpan face.

"Why do you fall like this? You're more excited than you were when you took my oath earlier?"

"Is there anything more tremulous than your first dance debut?"

"First dance?"

The Grand Duke seemed a little surprised and followed Olivia's words. Olivia smiled. I was a little ashamed that I was the second person after Ezella who did not know this. The archduke, looking elsewhere, said, as if he were looking at the other side.

"... I'm the first dance today."

"That's a big deal."

Olivia seriously added, not seeing the red ends of her ears covered in black hair.

"But don't worry too much. I've done a lot of practice, so I won't step on your highness's feet."

"Well, I don't think it's okay to have your foot stamped on that shoe."

"... Yes?"

Olivia, counting the beat, raised her head and looked at the Grand Duke.

"If my foot messes up, then she'll be responsible."

The Grand Duke's smile thickened. The song began as Olivia grasped the authenticity of the joke. The archduke casually took Olivia's hand and took the lead. In a natural gesture, Olivia forgot to count the beat and began to dance. The lead of the Archduke was great, as the first words were incredible. In the middle, as if checking Olivia's tempo, there was a slack in her eyes.

"... He said it was the first time."

Olivia said, Oops. It was funny that the Grand Duke was good at dancing. What I say. Olivia hurried to find another horse. The Grand Duke narrowed his eyes and looked at them as if he were enjoying them.

"I would have told you. I'm good at doing it with my body."

That's it, though. Olivia was easily prone, but on the other hand, she was small and grumpy. Even so, it's my first dance, and I didn't know that I would lead a seasoned partner unlike me who was flabbergasted.

"... I never thought you would be so good."

"But. I'm a bit of a shame, too."


"I wanted a little bit to be photographed in the lady's shoe. I'm too good at leads, right?"

Olivia briefly lost her words. The Grand Duke, who was talking without changing his face, sighed low as if it were a shame. It's really shameless. Olivia unwrapped her face without knowing it, and smiled thinly. Is this man really the archduke Vikander who is rumored to be a killer? So clever, and so.


Suddenly, Olivia, in the air, uttered a small voice in amazement. The archduke lifted Olivia and turned round. Landing lightly, Olivia opened her eyes again as big as a rabbit. Thinking that the red eyes of the Grand Duke seemed to thicken as he looked at them, the Grand Duke, who was close to him for an instant, whispered in Olivia's ear.

"What do you think?"

The archduke laughed naturally as he walked back to the hook, and Olivia laughed leisurely as she tried to erase the feeling of the tip of her ear.

"The idea that I received a gift that was so precious."

"You know my value. It's a rewarding car from the position you gave me."

The archduke lifted his chin. Smug feelings were revealed on his face. Olivia changed her words without knowing it because she wanted to make fun of it.

"I told you, Bogum. It's Ira Luten."

"Wow. You heard someone, did you?"

"I'm in a lifted position, right?"

In good timing, the Archduke grabbed Olivia's waist and raised her up. I didn't know if it felt so good. I can't wait to see if I'm going to be able to dance a waltz. Slowly blowing her hair, Olivia folded her eyes tightly. The Grand Duke, with all Olivia's expressions in his eyes, smiled.

"... I'm joking."

"Am I?"

Olivia opened her eyes with her hands clasped.

"That's the first time I've heard of it."

Of the many words that formula Olivia, there were no jokes. I don't know if it's hard and fun.

"So what about being witty?"

"Not once."

"Fie. All the people around her must have sprained eyes."

Olivia stopped laughing in the face of the serious Grand Duke. It's really weird. It's the first time I smile at a banquet. Or maybe it's the guy who makes you laugh at whatever you say. The faces of the nobles were visible as they spied behind the smiling Grand Duke. One side of Olivia's chest sat down coolly. Olivia was aware of how big the oath I had received. Now all my honor would be directly connected with the honor of the Grand Duke. At the end of my name, which had already been cooked up all over the place, the Grand Duke would always be mentioned. I kept my distance from Ezella to avoid it. When I thought it was damaging to someone who was sweet to me, I was scared. The Archduke looked at Olivia, who disappeared laughing. Then the new Olivia muttered.

"... It's okay to flip."


"That, your majesty. The thing about that oath is....Reverted..............."

Olivia hesitated for a moment as she spoke. The best way was to reconsider my dress once again so that the Grand Duke could take the oath. But I hesitated strangely. If you flip it back like that. After all, this sweet coincidence will be no more. It was self-evident that this short relationship was at an end. Olivia's lips did not fall.

"To tell you a secret, I didn't plan to give the lady an oath from the beginning. I've been carrying my own operations."

At the words of the archduke, Olivia swallowed. I had to make a decent face no matter what I said. The playfulness flashed on the face of the Grand Duke.

"But the moment I wanted to present a sword, I thought, " Oh, my god." Oh, I decided to give you the most precious thing as a gift. This sword is just a precious sword, not the most precious. So what do you do."

The melody of the waltz quickened as the archduke's words headed toward the end. What do you mean, what do you do? Olivia had no time to wonder at the words that were not yet over. The music hit a climax. With his hands facing him, Olivia turned and turned again. The red dress bloomed like a flower, folded and repeated. The pinless, disheveled silver hair sparkled in the chandelier light and bent the eyes of the people. Finally, the waltz ended. Olivia took a tight breath, grabbed one dress, put her hand near her chest, and looked toward the Grand Duke. Standing in front of him, the archduke, looking up at Olivia, gently led Olivia's hand. Then he took a swipe over the glove and put it to his lips. Although he did not reach it, everyone, including Olivia, was quiet in the midst of the striking greeting, and the archduke whispered to Olivia and left his seat. Olivia, left alone in the middle, stared blankly at the Archduke's back. Then, with his eyes wide open, he looked at the Grand Duke once again. The words left by the Grand Duke, moving away, hovered over Olivia's ears.

"So how do you do it. The most precious I should be a lady's gift."

  . . . The smile went from the face of the Grand Duke, who smiled as brightly as a rose that bloomed in spring. When the Grand Duke, who thought it was a gorgeous face, became expressionless, he was mistaken that the temperature around him was going down. Baron Howard Interfield, the knight who followed the Archduke, held out the sword to the Archduke. The sword had a cold aura that seemed to freeze everything.

"Your majesty. Here."

But the Archduke, the only one who could calm this sword, no longer one of the beneficent, looked in the middle of the banquet hall without a black nerve and muttered.

"Why the hell is the waltz song timed?"

The brunette Winster Calter, who ran with a hasty face, said it was so small that it could only be heard by the Grand Duke.

"We need to change partners. Why did you do it, by the way. He said he was bending one more last time for mine."

"Why change partners?"

"Yes? What about the mine? Your Majesty!"

The Grand Duke looked into the middle of the banquet room instead of answering to see if he could not hear the bewildered Winster. The Prince turned to Olivia with a stately step. Olivia's uniform of the same color stepped on her eyes. The Grand Duke's eyes sank thickly as he appeared to show off his partner. I was young to live on a sword. Startled, Winster moved a few steps away, but the Archduke's gaze was directed at a man.


Winster muttered, and Howard nodded a little. The easiest operation to capture the Princess who owned the Baeksunjeong Mine went to naught. But he would have set up another operation. Snatching victory under any circumstances. That's what the Archduke has always done. * * * The song changed again. Olivia, in the middle of the banquet room, stretched her back. It was always a banquet that was all near the wall, but it wasn't as much as it is today.

"You must have enjoyed it."

Leopold held out his hand to Olivia as if he were taking it for granted.

"... Yes. Your majesty."

Olivia put her hand on mine. And then he looked at Leopold and asked: "What are you doing?"

"Your Majesty, have you enjoyed it?"