
Try out my new novel [Revolution Online: I Became The Strongest Troll]

Hundred years ago...strange life forms from an unknown planet, known as the destroyed a human like creature with four arms and two head, invaded earth. It was like a nightmare when they appeared guns, barrels, missiles, nuclear bombs all became useless but not entirely useless, it was at least able kill the weakest one among them after lot of effort. Oliver twist an orphan with weak ability, was beaten to death by his peers, his fate turned around when he found a system that turned him into a Dhampir granting him immeasurable strength. He completed quests after quests, growing stronger proving to the world that a nobody can be somebody. Read as oliver twist rose above the world that once destroyed him making those who wrong him pay with their bloods.

kaiju_ · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
21 Chs



In a huge mansion belonging to the Connelly family, a twelve year old girl was happily playing around as two figure stood staring at her. The girl was little Elizabeth while the watcher was her parents.

Her parents stared at her with bright smiles on their faces, her mothers face suddenly grew watery she began to cry "We can't leave her just like that she's still too young!" her mother whispered as Elizabeth's father pulled her into his embrace, " it hard for me too, but we have no choice it her fate she has to face it alone"

"Why, why does she have to go through this kind of fate…victor why?, can't she be like other kids" Her mother nearly screamed with hot tears in her eyes.

"Because she can't, no matter how much we try to stop this the heavier the burden she carries so it best we leave her now" Her father said wiping her face as he looked in the distance and saw little Elizabeth still jumping around happily. 'It won't last for long' he whispered.

"Catelyn, let get inside". Her father said walking his wife back into the house.

"Are you ready Mr and Mrs Connelly" A man in mask with red ruby embedded to his fore Head asked staring at the couple.

"Yes" They nodded.

"It'll be initiated tomorrow"

"OK" the couple answered together.

That night little Elizabeth waited for her parents to show up to read her usual bed time story. But none of them showed up but, she thought probably maybe they forgot as she went to sleep.

In the middle of the night her mother came in and sat on her bed caressing her hair, she placed a chain on her neck.

"I wish you luck" her mother said kissing her forehead as her mother left a note on her table.

The next morning little Elizabeth didn't see anyone come to greet her, "Weird" She thought. as she saw the wrapped paper on her table, she picked it up opening it, the letter that was written to her by her parents.

She opened the letter and began to read as tears fell out of her eyes.

The letter

[ Dear Lizzy,

If you're reading this then know something bad is about to happen or our lives is in danger. Lizzy if anything bad happens brace yourself up and become stronger for our sake, I'm so sorry we didn't tell you physically but please understand us, darling.

And do not ever reveal to anyone who you truly are…Lizzy always remember that.

With love from,

Dad and Mom.

Love you Lizzy. ]

Little Lizzy held the chain crying...she decided to get out of the house when the house caught fire.

'BOOM' the house exploded burning to crisps.

Little Elizabeth stood there crying until a young woman came to ask if she was okay, the lady was mistress "Do you mind moving in with me kid"

Seeing she has nowhere else to go she decided to follow mistress.

"What your name kid?" Mistress asked

"Elizabeth, you?"

"Just call me mistress "

Ever since then Elizabeth has been leaving peacefully with mistress four good years, until tonight when she had to quit and leave mistress.

On the street a lone figure could be seen walking alone by herself with her bags and stuffs. After a while she stopped in front of an old apartment she felt a strange connection between she and whatever thing in the house, she decided to try her luck. 'Knock! Knock knock '

on the third knock the door finally opened a built teenager in shorts without anything covering his upper part walked out of the apartment.


"ELIZA... what are you doing here?"


After, he and elizabeth left the hospital they bidded each other good bye, Oliver went back to his part time job. He didn't finish until it was noon…checking his account balance { $150,000 }.

At last he has finally saved enough to get himself a better apartment which he planned on doing tomorrow.

In an old apartment,

Oliver sat on the floor of his room drinking blood from the blood packs he stole, stacking the packs up like a mountain, he belched.

[Blood bank- 500/500]

'Ops I guess blood tastes good then'

[Blood monger I'm not surprised it coming from a dullards mouth]

Ignoring the system, 'It time to evolve, I'm ready '

[ The process is going to be painful so bare with it ]


[Initiating evolution… ]

[ Evolution initiation success ✓]

[Evolution will now begin…]

Oliver felt his body go numb as his bones began to crack in a distorted way. 'Aaarrrggghhhh ' he exclaimed as his bones began to develop moving into several parts of his body, his eyes turned from bright yellow to blue, his fangs elongated growing sharper and stronger the same applied to his claws. Blue aura covered him as he fell on his kneel, then he looked up as his eyes turned bright blue.

[ Evolution completed ]

[ Host has successfully evolved ]

[ Host is starving ]

[ Blood bank has been activated]

[ -50 Blood]

[ Blood bank - 450/500 ]

"I feel really good"

[That's how It is after evolving]

'system interface '

[ System interface]

[ Host: Oliver Twist ]

[ Race: Dhampir mutant (You have successfully evolved into a complete Dhampir) ]

[ Age: 17 ]

[ Level: 10 ]

[ Class: ??? (select class) ]

[ Exp: 1300/1500]

[ Hp: 1000/1000 ]

[ Energy: 200/200 ]

[[ Stats ]]

[ Strength: 25 (+10) ]

[ Agility: 22 (+10)

[ Endurance: 23 (+10) ]

[ Charm: 25 (+10) ]

[ Speed: 25 (+10) ]

[ Perception: 25 (+10) ]

[Attribute points: 50]


[ Mesmerize: level 6]

[ Regeneration: level 6]

[ Scent tracking: level 3]

[ Special analysis - level 3]

[ Aura - level 2 (Supporting type) ]

[ Stealth -level 1]

[ Blood bank- 450/500 ]

[ Contract - level 1]

[Mp: 20]

[[ Attributes ]]

[ Partial transformation: level 7]

[ Glowing green eyes ]

[ Sharp Claws ]

[ Fangs ]

[ Super hearing ]

[ Super human strength ]

[ Bite: (0/6)]

[ Remark: Weak.]

[Other features will unlock after few actions and quest are taken by the host ].

[ Explain to me what type of Dhampir am I?'

[A Dhampir with system]

'Come on you know what I'm talking about'

[ You're a mutated Dhampir because you died before becoming a Dhampir making you an undead]

'i get it now, but I can survive without blood'

'Yes and no but I think you should take blood it'll be good for you since you're mutated'


'knock*knock knock

Getting out of bed, he jumped to the front door.

'Who in the world would look for me at this time' he wondered opening the door. "Oliver!"

"Eliza…what are you doing here at this time come in"

He helped her in and made some quick tea for her "Take this" he said handling her a cup of tea.

"Thanks yeah…Why're you...are in some kind of problem"

"Yes I had to leave the place I stay to find somewhere else...is this apartment rented"


"Do you mind…"

"No you can't I'm moving out of here tomorrow"

"I'll pack…"

"That not what I meant, I'm going somewhere else to a new rented apartment and you're welcome"

"Do you…"

"Just rest already we'll talk tomorrow" Oliver said walking into his room he came down with blankets. "Take this if you need anything just call my name"

"Thank you…why...why are you so nice?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing nevermind" she quickly said as Oliver turned back and dashed back into his room.

'Why does he seem to be in a hurry' she wondered.

Oliver in his room.

[ Select a class ??? ]