
Chapter 14: Symbol

Well, only thing about wolf that has anything to do with direction is Cardinal Directions. And according to that wolf is a totem animal for Cardinal direction south. I already tried west, and my guess is directing me toward south. And I don't know anything else about wolf that has anything to do with direction.

So, south it is. I walk south. In other word forward. I hope this is the right way. I keep walking for about thirty minutes and nothing is yet to happen.

I'm starting to think I was right about that. Good. Another trek of ten minutes and I see something forward. Another pack of lizards hopping toward me.

Well then, let's do it again. I do what I did before. Infuse the ground with my mana and wait for them to enter my impale range. And as soon as they hopped into my range, I impale them with my mana spears. But this time I fail to get them all.

I only managed to get two out of five of them. I think they got faster and stronger than the ones before. But that makes no difference. As soon as they pounce on me, I simply put up my shield and they hit it like a fly hitting car's windshield on a highway.

And as soon as they touch my barrier, it's self defense mechanism works and mana nails protrude from them and skewers the lizards.


After getting rid of the lizards, I continue down my path and come before another intersection and another pillar with a tablet on it.

And just as I expected another riddle. What is compounding me most is that how come those riddles are written in English? How does this dungeon know that I only can read in English? And knowledge I got from Alex's dimension was useable here.

And that raises another question. What is making all this happen. There is some kind of omniscient system making it work or all this dungeon is popping out of my head.

First is has more chance of being accurate. But that doesn't mean latter is wrong too. This whole floor may be something that is came out of my head too.

But I refuse to think deeper than this. I will simply guess the answer and keep progressing along this dungeon until I finish it.

Now, let's see the riddle.

'Three lives have I.

Gentle enough to soothe the skin,

Light enough to caress the sky,

Hard enough to crack the rocks.'

Another riddle. Another answer. What is it? Three forms. I guess it is simple. It is water, right? Hehe. That was easy. Now the hard part. Which direction do I go?

If previous one is any indication. I can go with cardinal directions. So, water is element for west. I guess I can only try it then. After coming to that conclusion, I walk heading west.

And after walking for about thirty minutes with no incident I know that I was right again. Hehe. And after another ten minutes trek, I see my old friends. But slightly bigger this time.

This time I will do something else. As they hop toward me, I punch into the ground with my left arm and pump some vitality into it. And as it gets vitality, my left arm grows and extends. As it does that I will it toward the lizards hopping toward me.

And as soon as they pass by my roots beneath the ground I will it to break out from the beneath and entangle the lizards. Lizards struggle as best as they can after getting entangled by my branches but fails to set themselves free.

As time passes my branches tighten their holds on the lizards and start to crush them into pieces. And like every monster before them, lizards disintegrate into dust.


After taking care of that, I start my trek once again. And another intersection, another pillar and another riddle.

'For those who do not wish for darkness should seek the light.

For if not all the efforts will be in vain.'

And that is what it says on the tablet. This is something else. I expected another riddle about direction. This suck. I was just getting good at it.

Okay. What does it mean, then? Seek the light. What light. It is already day. There is no darkness. Ooh, I can't be bothered. So, I will just go with process of elimination. First, I will go with east, since that is the only direction I didn't went.

I head east. And after ten minutes, I get familiar disorientation and end up at the beginning.

"SHIT. I was wrong."

Now, I will have to fight something much stronger that the lizards. I walk down the path again. And after ten minutes, I see what I am supposed to fight. A freaking minotaur. Lower body of a human and head of a bull.

But almost three meters tall and decked in full body armor. Holding a battle axe in its arms.

"Hey steak! Come on then. Let's get over it already."

As soon as I shout at it, it looks toward me and starts to chop the ground with its hoof.


Shit. It roared. And I expected mooing. Haha. This is funny. And it charges at me with its spear like horns. I activate my gears and charge them.

And as soon as it entered my range, I punch it in the head with my right hand. I unleash my fourth technique along with that punch. From my hand white mana dragon with a radius of my arm spirals out and throws the minotaur back.

But it fails to kill it. After falling it simply stands back up again and charges me again. I think its helmet just saved it from me.

I guess its armor is no simple armor. This time I conjure up my mana katana and wait for it to enter my range. And just when it was about five meters distance from me, I unleash my mana wave at it.

It stops its charge and swings its axe at my mana wave as soon as it saw me unleash it.


As the metals collide it lets out a metallic sound. The minotaur manages to avoid getting sliced into two. But my mana wave still throws it away. That was good.

But freaking cow stands up again like nothing. I guess I have to finish it in close combat then. Ooh, right I wanted to test that one out.

Now, this may get little cliched but I'm fine with that.

Once again it charges at me. Ooh, and that is exactly what I want dude. Come on. While in nears me, I charge up my third technique, but this time instead of rotating it within arm, I expel the mana inside and hold it in my arm and after that, I make I rotate as fast as it can in a sphere shape.

Exactly what I wanted. And as my mana sphere takes up speed on my palm, it starts to generate a wind around it.

"HAHAHA. Come on."

And minotaur almost reaches me. I come in closer and hit it's abdomen with my mana sphere.


And as my mana sphere hits the minotaur in the guts, it flies away while rotating like clock-hand. And before it hit the ground, it disintegrates into dust.

Shit, that was even lamer than I thought. I always believed that calling out the name of my technique would be cool when I can actually execute that move for real.

But now that I tried it out, it is LAME.