

Who would have thought that in a group of 6 friends, a fun that started by playing truth or dare could go so far. It's a mystery they have to dig into the past and solve during their time at school. Everyone has to follow the rules of the game. If anyone does not comply, they must bear the consequences.

Beray_1907 · Action
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3 Chs

Part 2


   Everyone was at school at the time Clyde said. It was past 5.12 p.m. There were exactly 48 minutes until the school closed.

   Everyones had a full bags in their hands and large backpacks on their backs.

   Everyone is standing in front of the school yard and looking at each other's school. Were they really going to do that? Were they going to spend the weekend at school?

   They had made a decision, they were going to do it. They thought about the promise they made to each other when they were little. Yes, they were sure they would.

   It was Clyde who divided the silence between them.

   "What happened, were you scared? Why don't you talk?"

   Allen "We're not scared, so we're joking to stay at school this weekend. My brain doesn't pick it up."   

   Clyde "You don't understand what, we have taken care of everything. Let's not stay here any longer, we'll draw attention."

    Mike "Clyde! Did we get permission from the school?"

   Clyde "What does it mean that we got permission from the school? Did we need to get permission?"

   Mike "You know, we're going to stay in school secretly for two days without anyone knowing, So school have to know about it, right? After all, because we're in school, if something happens to us, the school is responsible."

   Rudy "Mike, you're really right this time, bro, tell me what are we going to do, Clyde?"

   Clyde "Ya friends, I really never thought about this side of the business. What are we going to do? For real?"

   Rudy "Allen, what are we going to do?

Please say something..."

    Allen "Did you ask me when you were doing it and now you are asking me. Most likely, if someone finds out, we will be get punishment. There is have no other possibilities."

   Rudy "So you're saying we're probably going to be get punishment, You knew this from the beginning, and now you're saying it?"

    Allen said, "Would you listen if I said something..."

    At that time, they came to the door of the A110 class.

    Lizzie "Why did we come to A110 and not go to B250" Towards Poyraz.

   Clyde "This class is bigger and in the corner. Cleaners enter here very rarely. Maybe in the evening we can move to another class if you want, but for now we are here."

   Violet "Well, what do we say if someone comes?"

   Clyde "We say we're studying."

   Violet "Did they fall for that?"

   Clyde "I hope..."

   Rudy "I can already feel the excitement. It'll  be a perfect weekend."

   Clyde "Then tell me. Are we all together?"

   Mike "Forever!"

   Lizzie "Forever!"

   Rudy "Forever!"

   Allen "Forever!"

   Violet "All together!!"

                    3 HOURS AGO

The school bell has rang. It is recess time. This group of friends are sitting in the back 6 by the window. Boys sit in the back four, and girls sit in the row ahead of them.

   Clyde "Come on, let's play truth or dare?" he says and pulls out his bottle.

   Mike "Oh, are we going to play that in every recess? I'm bored."

   Allen "The child is right..."

   Clyde "Don't do it, but, are you afraid?"

   Violet "We don't have any fear. We're just so bored."

   Clyde "Look, I have a very good idea in my mind. Now whoever says dare is burned, from me to say..."

   Mike "I wondered, tell me, what are you going to say if we say dare?"

   Clyde "Not now, if I say it, it won't be fun."

   Rudy "Ahh, then it's okay. Give me the bottle and I'll turn it over."

   Clyde gives the bottle to the Rudy. Rudy turns the bottle and goes up to Allen with the Rudy.

   Rudy "It went out with me to Allen. Allen truth or dare?"

   Allen "Truth..."

   Rudy "Do you have a girlfriend?"

   Allen "Rudy, are you serious?"

   Rudy "More than I've ever been..."

   Allen "No, you wouldn't normally ask such ridiculous questions..."

   Rudy "No girl will look at you anyways... "

   Allen "Don't say that. Rude Rudy!"

   Rudy "Is it funny to use my name like that?"

   Allen "But it's okay when you were having fun with me!"

   Rudy "I was just kidding.Don't be taken on by you."

   Mike "Rudy, what are you doing? Ask proper questions."

   Rudy "Okay, I'm asking. What would you do if you were suddenly invisible?"

   Allen "Like right now?"

   North "Yes, right now."  

   Allen "I don't know. I think I'd walk around and scare everybody. But especially that squeaky Molly..."

   Rudy "You're right, a person can't be such a annoying girl."

   Mike "If I had a chance, I would kill that girl first."

   Violet "Seriously..."

   Mike "Anyway, I can't bear to talk about that girl.

   Mike picks up the bottle from the Rudy and turns it over. He goes to Violet with the Clyde.

   Clyde "It finally came out to me. Violet, truth or dare?"

   Violet "Of course dare!"

   Clyde "Here is our Violet. Violet i said i  have an idea in my mind for the dare, do you remember ?"

   Violet "Yeah!" 

   Clyde "I'm saying it now. Listen carefully. It's not just going to be for you, it's going to be for all of us..."

   Rudy "How is it gonna be?"

   Clyde "So think like it's not just for one person, it's for all of us..."

   Allen "We've never played like this before. I think we can try."

   Clyde "Now after these last two lessons are over, everyone will go home, then have everything you can find like water, biscuits, blankets, clothes, food and drinks. At 5 p.m. we're gonna meet at school. Do you guys get it?"

   Rudy "Bro, what are we going to do at school? A sleepover party?"

   Clyde "I think you forget that today is Friday."

   Mike "Wait a minute. So you're saying we're going to spend this weekend at school. Did I get it right?"

   Clyde "Yes, you get it all right.

We are staying at school this weekend. We're going to meet at school at 5 p.m."

   Lizzie "So what are we planning to do on the weekend at school, two whole days?"

   Clyde "Truth or dare???"

   Rudy "This kid is crazy..."

   They look at each other for a few seconds. Then the Rudy continues.

   Rudy "Clyde, are you serious?"

   Clyde "I've never been this serious... I think you're forgetting what we said when we were little. "From now on, when playing truth or dare, whoever comes out has to do it. Otherwise, that person is a COWARD." Remember what we said? Or are you a coward?"

   Violet said, "But what about our families?"

   Clyde "I'll handle it..."

   Violet "How are you going to handle it?

   Clyde "My parents went out of town for 4 days. We're going to pretend you're going to stay with us for the weekend. Everybody calls their parents and tells them we're going to study at home and then we're going to have a sleepover party."

   Allen "Will they believe this?"

   Clyde "Haven't we done before?"

   Lizzie "So we are seriously staying at school on the weekend? It's cool."

   Clyde "Yes, that's exactly what we do. Everyone should disperse to the houses. Let everyone take what I have said. Then everyone stops by the grocery store. Girls your homes are close each other. You'll stop by the nearest grocery store. You'll get water or something, we guys get noodles, instant soup or something."

   Mike "I understood everything, but why are we taking water. Not in school?"

   Clyde "What if the water in the school is cut off?"

   Rudy "The man is right..."

   Clyde "Okay, what do you say? Are we staying in school?"

   Rudy "Well, I'm already bored. So yeah."

   Mike "It's not a problem for me. I was already looking for something to do."

   Allen "You already know me. What about you girls?"

   Lizzie "I mean, I don't know, but if you exist, I am."

   Violet "You're not going anywhere without me."

   Clyde "Then I'm asking. Are we all together?"

   Mike "Forever."

   Lizzie "Forever."

   Rudy "Forever."

   Allen "Forever."

   Violet "All together!"

   How was it ?

   I think it's a bit boring because it's the first chapter. But so we got to know the characters and have a little bit of an idea about it. The next chapter will be more exciting, adventrous and longer. Thank you for reading this far.

   Don't forget to share your ideas and opinions with me. And don't forget to vote if you like my story.

   I love you all ❤️

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