
Chapter 35: October 31st, Part One

Chapter 25

October 30th, Part 1

"Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business.

Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git.

Mr. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor.

Mr. Wormtail bids Professor Snape good day, and advises him to wash his hair, the slimeball." -Harry Potter 3: Prisoner of Azkaban

Today's Reviewer Quote :D

Yuni-sama, your mother is going to die and it's not a chain message. Be strong. - Hisawa Kana

To: TopFroggyMagician

From: ProdigiousPokemonMaster

If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?

I think I would want...either the new Pokemon Rangers or maybe even to own Gokudera-san. He'd be the best slave/bodyguard ever. Do you see how he protects sweet little Tsunayoshi-chan like that?

Even if Tsunayoshi-chan is taller. Puberty hit that boy well.

Lots of smiles and happy faces,


For a change, Fran's response was almost immediate.

To: ProdigiousPokemonMaster

From: TopFroggyMagician

Are you insinuating that you want Gokudera-sempai to proposition himself towards you? To think, I believed that the Varia was mentally scarring.

And are you hitting on the boss of the family that I'm in? I could take that as a threat and have you eliminated.

Anything in the world? To kill Shishou or Bel-sempai. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be heading my way anytime soon.

Lots of scowls and pissed-off expressions,


I scrunched up my nose, frowning at the computer, breezing through Fran's rude response (when isn't it rude? At least he wasn't insulting me much this time. Just threatened to have me killed...again). Well. Someone's on their period.

I was still stuck at the Vongola Headquarters (so far, Gamma hadn't called me back yet. Which means he hadn't left on his mission, which meant Aria wasn't dead, which meant that I still had a mother. Kind of.), and I focused on channeling Mukuro.

Almost instantly, I was put through (am I comparing Mukuro's Jedi Mind Trick to a cell phone signal...?) and winced at the bright light.

"Mukuro..." I whined, squinting. "Buy some, oh I don't know, trees?"

He rolled his eyes. "The only reason I haven't killed you yet is because you have proved your usefulness over the years, through your information."

I raised an eyebrow. "That's it? And to think, I thought we were just getting along."

The man facepalmed, settling himself on the ground. "What do you want?"

I sighed, facing him like I was about to burst into some epic poem. ...just kidding. Epic SONG. "Kufufu. Kufufu. Kufufu no Fu~"

He growled. "Not that again."

I raised my hands, innocently. "Not my fault. Anyways, can you drop me into Fran's head?"

He actually looked horrified, as if I had told him that I had eaten a baby. "Why would anyone want to go...there?!"

I laughed, a little shaken myself. I didn't want to go...there, but it was for a good cause... ah, fuck it, IMMA DIE. "His birthday is in a day, Mukuro-"

Mukuro snickered. "October 31st? Halloween? That's perfect for a little monster like...him." his voice was full of contempt and loathing.

"What a great mentor you are." I snarked, voice dripping with sarcasm.

He rubbed his forehead, obviously wondering why he dealt with children like us. I think it was karma. That's what you get for being a mass-murderer. Two annoying little bitches that didn't even listen... "Why would you want to go to his head? Please, Yuni-chan, enlighten me."

I gave a loud, overdramatic sigh. "If I must...! Fran's birthday is in a day, like I've already said, Mukuro. Please keep up with the program here. I dunno what to get him, so I need to steal the idea from his head. It's like Inception. A dream, within a dream..."

He quirked an eyebrow, looking somewhat amused. "I've seen the movie-"


"-through my Chrome, and I know it well..." his eye twitched slightly at my outburst, but he went on, as if I hadn't even spoken at all. "If you die, within a dream, you die in the real world. Dream-walking may, very well, be just like Inception."

"Sounds dangerous." I shrugged. "You'll be comin' with me then. No...better yet, get Belphegor-san over here...this'll be gold!"

"Since when did I take orders from you?" he wondered.

"Since you kidnapped me and refused to hand me a pineapple." I reminded.

He ruminated (this fancy word that Belphegor-san taught me. It means 'to think deeply about something') for a moment. "I will drop you in my useless apprentice's mind...but not with that fake prince. I'm not so malicious-"

"Mean or scary?" I quipped, feeling a Disney moment (we all get them.) coming on. "Your sneer could curdle dairy and violence-wise, your hands are not the cleanest~ But despite your evil look and your temper and my hook-"


"You've always yearned to be a concert pianist!" I went on, singing brightly, completely ignoring his opinion. "I could see you on the stage performing Mozart... tickling the ivories until they gleam? Yep, you'd rather be called deadly for your killer show tune medley-"

"Shut up." he suggested, his trident appearing in his hand.

"Thank you," I grinned, going on. "Because way down deep inside, you've got a dream. You've got a dream. You've got a dream. See, you ain't as cruel and vicious as you seem. Though you do like breaking femurs, I can count you with the dreamers. Like everybody else, you've got a dream!"

He threw the trident at me. I squeaked, diving for the floor. "I'll shut up! I'll shut up!"

"As I was saying-" here, he paused to shoot me an especially dark look. "-I'm not so evil to leave a mere child-" he was emphasizing the word child, knowing it pissed me off...bitch."-with such a heathen. I will send someone else along with you."

Fun fact: both Mukuro and Fran dislike Bel. Not exactly sure why, but they do. That's really the only thing that they see eye-to-eye on.

"Who will it be?" I asked, mentally preparing myself. You can't go into Fran's head without a plan.

He smirked, leaving me to fade away, into a seemingly-endless expanse of darkness. "You'll see, Yuni-chan...you'll see."

I didn't see, actually. FRAN'S MIND WAS DARKER THAN THE DEATH STAR (I do realize that the Death Star was, in fact, lightly-toned, but the name sounds dark, doesn't it?). I couldn't see two millimeters ahead of myself.

I cursed, wobbling forward, hands outstretched. "Dammit, Fran, would it kill you to do some, oh, I don't know, interior design? Maybe include some lamps while you're at it, bastard..."

"Who is it?!" a slightly fearful, but really deep (so it was sexy...and adorable at the same time. I was WTF-ing in my mind. Notice how that's the only thing I really paid attention to. The amazing voice. My attention span is short. As Edward Elric. And that's saying something.) voice cried, in concern.

I froze. I knew that voice... maybe... it was... HIBARI-SAMA?! Wait, he's never fearful... but the voice was sexy! IT HAD TO BE HIBARI-SAMA. "I'm just your...uhh, imagination. Don't worry about li'l me, dear. I'll live on...in you."

Was it just me, or did that sound ridiculously Lion King?

"Oh, alright! I knew I have heard your voice before, ne? It's because you're my imagination, right?" whoever-the-hell-it-was answered, brightly, before going on, in that same fearful voice. "Anyway, where am I? Gokudera-kun is going to panicking... I haven't been kidnapped again, have I? Oh, Hibari-san isn't going to like that... he's going to bite me to death! What am I going to do?! DIE?! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! Reborn...where are you when I need you? Wait...I think I'm safer without him here..."

I facepalmed. "Tsunayoshi-chan, you dumbass."

He paused. "Only one person I know calls me that...and I'm talking about the Tsunayoshi-chan part, lots of people, unfortunately, still call me dumbass..."

"Like who?" I wondered, briefly.

He sulked. "Reborn..."

I laughed. "Sounds like the old Reborn-ojii-san...that happens to be a baby."

"So who are you?" he asked, again, confused.

I sweatdropped. "Didn't you already figure this out? It's me, Jesus."

"YUNI-CHAN!" he cried, lighting his hands up with his Sky Flame, locating me in the darkness, and glomping me. Let me tell you...there is NOTHING like a Tsuna-glomp. It makes you feel all fuzzy on the inside, like you chugged ten gallons of coffee and don't know what to do next. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO KILL ME FOR A MOMENT THERE. Where are we?!"

That thought hadn't even crossed my mind. I admit, I was still wondering how Tsuna connected 'Jesus' with 'Yuni'. ...nope, see no similarities. Maybe between the...Real...Yuni, but not...me.

I swallowed down that seed of doubt, forcing it into my stomach, to deal with later. Not now. Not when we had more pressing matters to deal with...like- "Finding Fran's perfect present."

The mafia boss deadpanned. "What?"

I explained the entire thing - he had been somewhat concerned when he learned I was in 'cahoots' with Mukuro, but dismissed it after I breezed over it with 'Perfect Party Plans' - to him. He accepted it well.


Okay, he wasn't accepting it well.

Tsuna paused, considering it. "Is he even allowed to do that?"

I gave him a look of disbelief. "Tsuna, dear, it's MUKURO. He's been in the mafia jail like 12454 times. He's been kicked out of the mafia, only to return with Vongola -freaking- Decimo-"

"Vongola -freaking-Decimo?" Tsuna repeated, awkwardly. Hehe, life goal: COMPLETED.

"-On his side." I finished, shooting him the most charming smile I could manage while in the darkness that was Fran's mind. "Mukuro can do anything, Tsuna, anything."

Tsuna swallowed, moving past that. "Why me?"

I shrugged, before elbowing him, suggestively. "Maybe we'll find something on Kyoko-chan. Fran had a slight crush on her, when we were nine."

"You're kidding me." Tsuna deadpanned, his expression pure awkward. I loved it. "My competition for the girl of my dreams is...a thirteen-year-old?"

I burst out laughing, wiping tears from my eyes. "That was years ago." I reassured him, as if I was the twenty-whatever-year old. "He's over it. At least...I think. We'll find the truth, now, right?"

Tsuna suddenly got this determined aura about him (I could just see it, using the dim light of his Sky Flames). "Let's go."

I grinned, following him into the darkness. Hell, I'd follow this boy - who has grown up, before me - anywhere.

No matter how many times we're reborn

I want to meet you here again

I'll hold your hand so we're not separated

We talked until the sun came up in the morning

We held hands until the sun went down in the evening

Let's spend tomorrow and the next day like this too

Shadows and light

Now I wonder

What do you carry in your heart

And what world did you live in?

You can't find warmth alone

Looking at the town with lonely eyes

When I met you

I learned for the first time

Just how much strength love gives you

No matter how many times we're reborn

I want to meet you here again

I'll hold your hand so we're not separated

I can't sleep alone, because I can't dream

On starless nights, I'll keep shining on you

And take you to a place where no anxiety can reach you

I can go anywhere if I'm with you

Even roads that I couldn't walk alone

With you I can walk them, humming as I go

As long as you're here, I'm happy

If we hadn't met

I would have missed out on so many happinesses

When I was anxious, you held me tight

When I was about to lose sight of tomorrow in the crowd

And those times alone when love hurt

I'd forgotten how to offset my loneliness

I'll put my hand back in yours again and again

And we'll walk every road together

If I've got a dream that I can't fulfil alone

Then I'll go and fulfil it with you

One happiness that I share with you

On Saturdays when the crowds are so big that we bump into people

I don't want to lose sight of you

At this time, your hand in mine gives me twice as much strength

I feel warmth and love and no more cry

Your cellphone lights up in your faded jeans pocket

But I don't want to let you know

And the devil on my shoulder makes me say nothing

I just hate it when you're not around...

I'm kind of scared that you'll get stolen away from me

I want to stay connected to the person who's so special to me

I won't let anyone take away this love

Yeah, let's hold hands so much that everyone in town hates us

The more of a wimp I am, the more I pretend to be strong

But I can't...can I cry?

The autumn breeze...soon it'll be the season when we met

Back then, I was looking for love

No matter how many times we're reborn

I want to meet you here again

I'll hold your hand so we're not separated

I can't sleep alone, because I can't dream

I'll take you to a place where no anxiety can reach you

If I've got a dream that I can't fulfil alone

Then I'll go and fulfil it with you

One happiness that I share with you

- Tsunai Da Te by Li'l B

Finally, after walking for what seemed like miles in the blackness, we reached a long hallway, of many, many doors. The ones on the right said 'Past' and the ones on the left said 'Current'.

I plucked my headphons out, and grinned, at Tsuna. "I take right, you take left? Look for things that he is fond of."

"How did you get your iPod...nevermind." He nodded, dismissing it as 'unimportant' before looking persistently towards the door. I smiled, inwardly. If there was anything, even mentioning Kyoko behind those doors, he'd find it.

I nodded, approvingly, turning to my own doors.

Time to get to work, huh, Yuni?

Since when did you ditch the -chan?

Since you grew up, Yuni.

And when was that, Mao? Or, of course, if you'll ever tell me your real name.

Dropped the -chan, I see. I'm afraid you will never know my real name... not until the end, I apologize. But you grew up only a short while, learning of Moth- Aria's upcoming...departure. And for that, you aren't a child anymore.

Not to sound cliche or anything, Mao, but I haven't been a child in a long time. Even since before I was born.

She had nothing to say to that.






People consider me to be a child, that I'm still growing. I finished growing up a long time. They're the ones who must grow, if they haven't noticed as yet.

I just looked...and I'm so friggin' close to 400 reviews, seriously. HSTFGHRTKSJB. - see that? That's my expression right... now!

You rock. All of you. Thank you so much. I can't even... just thank you.

Reviews -

Ingmina - No one's fucked up as me...great! Just when I thought I had found people who *sniff* understand~

Guest - OWO? I dunno what that stands for...

CuteDork - Fran doesn't know how...PITY HIM. Or don't, you know, I don't care or anything... *sobs in corner* They don't love me!

Lanaught - Yuni has to level up to take bricks from her pockets instead of rocks...that would be the instant WIN AT LIFE button.

coldgazeproduction - You only thank me so much cuz I update like a crazy fiend on steroids. *shrug* I don't like the Sky Arcobaleno curse either, but...a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Paigecat - Fran...AND ALPHONSE-SAMA?! *dies of awesomeness*

sweetchill - Tenma...that's cute. Thanks :D

Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - Old people are the best. Fran and Yuni are getting a little cozy *wink wink*

CrimsonSkyTamer - Your own? lol, you can say that, ahaha.

KatoKimeka-chan - Mukuro as your big bro? Must...assassinate... plot...bunny.

FreeWeirdGal - Yuni will always be loyal to Tsuna, then Vongola, then the Giglio Nero. ALWAYS.

sUSHI SHI SHI - Might I say, your name rocks. Gertrude or Stephano? I love them. lol, I named a plant Gertrude once. It died. :( BAD MEMORIES. Stephano is hilarious though. I might add them in, as like fodder ninjas or something.

Asumi Ayumi - I read that page like right before I saw your quote! *dies of awesomeness...again* I love 'The Rightful Sky'. Tsuna belongs on top, y'all! There is no way Hibari-sama is the underdog. Mukuro's just...JEALOUS. *GASP*

Ri-chan - Mukuro and Yuni were talking about the Weasleys...but, unfortunately, weren't channeling Loki.


FurionKnight - So do I, bro, so. do. i.

MeWubFranxx - I'll look otaku-chama up, thanks.

Hisawa Kana - Altra sounds gorgeous, I'll look into it. A review for an offering is alright.

CC - I love having her get a little character development. There's gonna be a mini-arc (like 3 chappies) about her past (kind of) and Fran's (kind of). What they shall find behind those doors... Mukuro can't kill her because A, Chrome and Fran (though he will deny it) like her, B, she feeds him information like methane and C, he's kind of fond of her, in his own, twisted (probably) way. My favorite fanfic is probably...'Destroying Varia from the inside', it's hilarious. Her old world was in a parallel universe, and Byakuran can't go there. Everything will be explained in the mini-arc. The Prisoner of Azkaban thing, I didn't even notice. It was a book that was (somehow...) on my bed, so I used it...

Lifespire - Only because of Fran's devilishly good looks. Can't tell Mao's real identity. NOT YET, MWAHAHAHA. I'll try and make it obvious, though :D

RikiRenaH42 - Blackbird, really, is a piece of art, not literature. It's..amazing. I love that story. I somehow love that pairing, Fran and Yuni. You wouldn't expect it, but it's actually a lot of fun to work with.

The Ice Sorceress - Names don't matter! (Unless it's Death Note... then, run like fuck.) Names may/may not be important, I'm still unsure.

Kufufu no Fu - Thanks for da pineapple. I was running low.

shirokuromokona - Yuni definitely needs all the Monopoly money she can get (read: steal).

a simple fan - I love Cries of the Heart, Echoes of the Night and Destroying Varia from the inside :D

MeLikesROFL - He's given a semi-major role in the mini-arc I have planned...kind of. This story really writes itself. 0.0 I AM NOT THE WRITER, JESUS IS.

painxsmile - Yuni's creeper smile in canon? She can do that here too. Yuni: Don't push me, child. Me: Wouldn't dare. I just read 'To That Faraway Sky' and it was great. Thanks for the suggestion :)

ResyaAfhirsa - YOUR QUESTIONS: 1. Actually, just when you update this fic?! It's really fast to update QAQ #Though I'm actually happy about it. But at least tell me when you actually update this fic in sequence. ANSWER: I don't have an update schedule. Whenever I can, really. Sorry for the non-specifics. 2. What will you do to Mao-chan? Isn't it too obvious who she is? ANSWER : You'll just have to find out in the Final Battle :) I didn't want her to be too obvious, at first, but some readers weren't getting it, so I had to make it easier for them to figure out or the story wouldn't have made no sense. 3. From what I read, I guess, your Yuni is in the anime world. Because, if she is in manga, there's no doubt she'll met Enma and co. ANSWER: She is in the anime. Some manga things will be mentioned, but no manga-plot will be used. 4. What will you do to Fran if he knows Yuni is gonna die soon? ANSWER: He doesn't. Only Yuni knows. (That should be a poem.)


Someday, Everything Will Be Right, a fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood fanfiction. "You did what!" "We tried to bring Mom back to life. Please don't be mad!" "...alright." Best friends understand one another. They always have and always will. That's just how life works. Beginning middle and end. OC-centric.

Written by yours truly. CHECK IT OUT, PLEASE. (or don't, see if I care. *sob*)

Question: What do you think is the proper age to be married, if you're a mafioso and you live by the motto 'Fuck the law'?

Leave your answer in your review :3

Leave a review.

And the keys to the doors to Fran's mind -_-

Expect an update tomorrow or Wednesday.

LeoInuyuka :D