
Chapter 19: Squ-chan, Shut Up!

Chapter 19

Squ-chan. Shut Up.

*To Lambo* Smile... I said smile! Smile! Damn you! -Sasagawa Ryohei

I felt like putting this quote up instead of another KHRAbridged!, because I felt lazy and didn't want to steal from my bro, dyingwillbullet.

(we aren't related.)

You're welcome.

Here's Chapter 19: Squ-chan. Shut Up.

So Tsuna came home, perfectly safe, from the Mukuro fight and all, all tired and like, seriously, worn out. He was really sore, for weeks.

I felt bad for the kid. Even if he's older than me.

...k, over it.

"So, Yuni." Reborn stopped me, while I was heading down stairs for dinner.

I blinked, "Yo."

"When are you going back to Italy?" he asked, looking up at me. His eyes were unreadable, and unfortunately, I can't read minds.

"Soon." I promised, flicking my (STUPID, CURSED, MOTHERFUCKING) new bangs out of my eyes. "When the next interesting thing happens, I'll probably be outta here."

"...something's going to happen?" Reborn frowned, slightly. "What is it?"

"..." I bit my lip. "Can't tell you."

"Is it something big?" Reborn pressed, completely ignoring what I just said.

Umm, is the decision of Vongola Decimo (and Guardians...) important? Not to mention Vongola Nono gets his ass handed to him by Tsuna...and ends up in intensive care. Err, thats probably pretty significant.

"Can't tell you." I repeated. Wow. That and my thoughts were unrelated, completely. "Might screw things up."

Reborn relaxed, slightly. "So things'll work out for us in the end."

"...maybe. Or it could turn into the destruction of the mafia as we know it." I shrugged. Well, thats what would happen if Xanxus won...which is highly unlikely (fuck that, its impossible.) considering how he doesn't have the Blood of the Vongola or whatever.

Reborn sighed. "You're not gonna tell me anything?"


He pointed Leon (as a gun, fucking bastard.) at me. "Even if I threaten you?"

I smiled at Leon, the chameleon turning back into a chameleon and licking my nose. "Nope~"

Reborn scowled. "Traitor."

A few weeks after the Mukuro Incident (well, it was later known as the 'Pineapple Encounter', considering how Hibari would throw a bitch fit [and probably a tonfa or two] if we even mentioned Mukuro's name. "Hibari-sama, did you know that Mukuro-san is in jail- FUCK, TONFA!"), Tsuna and the others skipped school.


I met Kyoko and Haru, on the upside. Lets say, it was slightly normal, compared to my meeting with Mukuro and Hibari (Mukuro fuckin' kidnapped me, and Hibari...kind of kidnapped me, with my permission.).

"Tsuna-kun," Kyoko beamed, cutely, bending down to be face-to-face with me. "Who is this?"

"This, err, is my friend, Yuni." Tsuna began, awkwardly. "She's visiting with us, for...actually, I don't know how long she's staying."

I smiled at them. "Sup?"

Kyoko introduced herself. "I'm Sasagawa Kyoko. Nice to meet you, Yuni-chan!"

Haru grinned. "I'm Haru, desu! I love meeting Tsuna-san's friends! Are you a mafia baby too?"

I scowled. "I'm not a baby. I'm prodigious."

Kyoko nodded, "Clearly."

I wasn't sure if she was giving me sarcasm, or if she was naturally an airhead. "Yep."

Lambo was being an absolute dipshit, getting stuck in store windows (...really? How the fuck can a person even do that?!), stealing bras from a Victoria's Secret (first of all, how can a five-year-old even get into a Victoria's Secret? And second of all, what is Victoria's secret? Is she mafia too...?) and just overall, making me want to kill him. Violently.

Damn, being exposed to so much Reborn-ness is having a negative effect on my otherwise perfectly (disturbing, malicious, perverted, wrong, incorrect, mischievious, rude, obnoxious, selfish, mean, bitchy) awesome personality.

And I was getting tired. I mean, I was four. Technically, Reborn was the youngest (he's two, in Arcobaleno years.) physically, but he was a hitman and I was four.

So thanks to Lambo and my endless complaining, we finally stopped to take a rest, grab some snacks and down about 538 cans of Coca-Cola (which, by the way, I don't own.) to keep going.

An explosion happened, in the distance, a building blowing up.

I squeaked. "Son of a 2012, is it already time for the world to end? Fucking Mayans..."

But then, I realized that it wasn't the end of the world, and it was still, in fact, not even 2012.

Then, quite literally, it began raining men (hallelujah.).

Well. If the end of the world was gonna happen like this...THANK YOU, MY MAYAN FRIENDS.

One of the cutest guys I've ever seen (I'M SORRY, HIBARI-SAMA! I STILL LOVE YOU!), as in, ever, fell from the sky and hit Tsuna.

My first thoughts? HA, FUCK DAT TSUNA!

My second thoughts? ...actually, thats impossible, to fuck that.

My third thoughts? Wait...when this guy first comes, doesn't that also mean-



Oh yeah. Tsuna was underneath 47 kg of pure awesome. Probably ought to help him.

Reborn frowned, at the boy. "What are you doing here...?"

"VOIII! Pretty loud in the outfiel-" someone, particularly loud and obnoxious, began, but I cut them off.

"Bitch, if I hear another fucking baseball reference, I'll rip your baseballs right off you." I snapped, shooting the accused a special dark glare.

"Err..." the person paused, giving me a look of confusion and recognition. "Anyways...I'll kill the scum that get in my-"

"Oh, bitch, don't even start." I hissed, holding up my hand. "You can't do a Xanxus impression unless you're Squ-chan. And bitch, you are too fuckin' quiet to be Squ-chan."

The dust cleared.

"Oh, Squ-chan, it is you." I smiled, fondly. "Are you recovering from a cold of some sorts? Because you're not as loud as usual..."

"VOIII! What's THAT supposed to mean, huh?!" he challenged, pissed off from my...unique-ness.

"I dunno." I shrugged. "Maybe its the distance."

He gave me this look, of aggravation, for a second, before swinging his sword, like he was the guy with umbrellas, dancing on Broadway. Wait...thats Levi's job... "Kid. Shut up!"

A green dome appeared around Kyoko, Haru, Lambo, I-Pin and I. It's yellow eyes blinked at me. Wait...yellow eyes?"

"Women and children should evacuate." Reborn said, pointedly, Leon covering us.


"Squ-chan." I sighed, deeply. "Shut up."

"VOIII-erm, a-alright...but only cuz the fucking boss would be a fucking bitch about it, if I didn't!" Squalo twitched, but didn't stop his sword slashes.

"Fucking bitch." I sighed, "Squ-chan won't hurt me. Mama'd kill 'im.

Reborn scowled at me. "Yuni, go with Kyoko and the others."

"Do I have to?" I asked, pouting.

"Yes." Reborn nodded.

"Then I'll stay here!" I said, defiantly.

No bitch can tell me what to do.


"No thanks."


"Red light. Green lig- Red light!"


"...to the bathroom? Sorry, I already went."






"Gotye. Now you're just somebody that I used to know~"

"You're a little bitch, you know that?"

"I'm well aware."






The sky is large, uncapturable, defiant. But isn't that what makes it so very charming?

Okay, so I'm in the National Honor Society, and I joined like a week ago, and I've already written like four speeches, and three emails that were sent out to everyone in my entire school. I know I'm a mafia boss and all, but like...really? Can none of yall bitches do shit by yourselves?

Herbivorous Reviews~ (I'm running out of titles...)

Paigecat - Was Tsuna average? Or below average...either way, he was the good old No-Good Tsuna that we all know and love~ Thanks for the review!

shirokuromokona - She'd screw up people's minds, lives, homes, self-confidence, sanity, etc. ...yeah, Yuni would basically be a dictator. Thanks for the review!

GreenDrkness - Mochida is everyone's bitch, and he knows it. You lose to Dame-Tsuna, you lose your fucking dignity. Not-Yuni will be well on her way back to Italy soon. Thanks for the review.

Michiyo - Yeah, Mochida's just simply an asshole. I mean, is he always on his period? He's like a big, giant period. He belongs at the end of a sentence, that huge period. Ah. That was a Saturday Night Live reference. Thanks for the review.

KatoKimeka-chan - Yeah, she should still have shoulder-length hair. Before she got it cut, was like before she accepted her life of mafia-ness. So in the cover, shoulder-length hair will work. I memorized Fangirl Addiction, Baseball Idiot, Pretty Fly for a Bomber Guy, like, really, all of the songs, ahaha. The LAMP POST WAS A WONDERFUL BEACON OF LIGHT! I-It was so young! *tear* Thanks for the review.

Hisawa Kana - I haven't seen any stories like this one, yet (who knows, I might be a badass and inspire people.). I was inspired by 'Sakura' a Naruto fanfic, about an OC being reborn into Haruno Sakura at the beginning of the Naruto series. Not sure if you've watched that, but if you've seen Naruto, and like my fanfic, you might want to read 'Sakura'. Thanks for the review!

MeLikesROFL - I think, personally, Fran is the most random KHR character. Or Lambo. Who knows what that cow pulls out of his hair? But then there's Xanxus, the guy who throws wine glasses, bottles, and boulders like they're toys. Thanks for the review~

xXxMentalPancakesxXx - lol, that should be her official title, ahaha! I think that in one of my chapters, she didn't say I'm prodigious. The first one, and I think, one a few chapters back... NOT THE MOTTO! Thanks for the review. ...fuck yeah.

Sachikothepeacock - I just google-d (its an action now 0_o) cake recipes, and that was what came up. Thanks for the review~

Ah, I've typed so much today, its crazy.

QUESTION! Who do you think the most random KHR character is? Just wondering?

(that was for you, MeLikesROFL)

Leave your answer in your review.

Leave a review?

And some bitches (there ain't never enough of those.).

And Fran. Yep. Dat ass be fine~ (I'm so tired, I've gone batshit crazy.)

Expect an update...whenever, I'm fuckin' tired.
