
Chapter 17: Bianchi-Mukuro -Wait, What?

Chapter 17

Bianchi-Mukuro -Wait, What?!

Why have regular tropical paradises when you can have tropical mafia paradises?

Tsuna: Uh... you said Mafialand... isn't this ship going to some tropical island...?

Reborn: It's to the tropical mafia paradise.

Tsuna: Stop taking your clothes off!

Ah, you're welcome.

Here's Chapter 17: Bianchi-Mukuro -Wait, What?!

Mukuro smirked at us all, holding a gun, almost triumphantly in his hand. "That team will be useless...because there will be no survivors."

"You!" Gokudera stepped slightly in front of Tsuna, a sign that he would stand between any bullet that would dare try to hurt his beloved Tenth.

I dived behind Tsuna. "Tuna, that guy looks like a rapist right now..."

Tsuna sweatdropped at my comment, but tried to stay focused on the guy who, ya know, was pointing a gun at him.

The gun was aimed, precisely at Tsuna. "Lets meet again." Mukuro smiled, shifting the gun so it faced his. "Arrivederci."

The sound of a bullet resonating throughout the room, echoing.

I paled, significantly. If I didn't know what was gonna happen, I probably would've burst into tears. What?! I'm a fragile soul~

Mukuro's body hit the floor with a thud, the gun clattering against the floor.

I closed my eyes, shaking. I didn't necessarily want to look at the 'dead' body of my kind-of-friend-that-wasn't-really-my-friend-but-wasn't-my-enemy-either (but then again he did kidnap me...).

"He killed himself." Gokudera scowled, regretfully, as if he wanted to kill Mukuro himself. Gokudera...please lay off with the homicidal tendencies.

I shook my head, scarred. What if that was a real body? Is this what I'm getting myself into? The mafia? Is this what the mafia really is? Will that be me, one day?

"...why did he do it?" Tsuna closed his eyes, not wanting to face it. It being the dead body of his future Mist Guardian.

"Maybe he'd rather die than be caught." Reborn suggested. "Or..." He thought that it was a toy water gun and wanted to scare the living shit out of us. Yep, your welcome for finishing the thought for you, Reborn, you're welcome.

Tsuna tensed, considerably. Wasn't this the part where like everyone woke up? And started attacking each other? I can't remember why though...

"You finally beat Mukuro." a suave voice commended, calmly. Yeah, you hadn't been stabbed by Fuuta like less than 20 minutes ago (even though I wasn't necessarily there to see it. Let's say, I was there, in spirit.).

"Sis." Gokudera grunted.

I turned rigid. Wasn't Bianchi first? And didn't she, err, what did she do?!

"Will you lend me a hand, Hayato?" Bianchi asked, reaching out a hand.

I frowned. "Bianchi-san. You were stabbed, guessing by your wounds. You should stay sitting."

"Oh, its fine, Yuni-chan. Now, Hayato?" Bianchi persisted.

"F-Fine." Gokudera looked embarrassed, resigned to help his sister. "I guess I don't have a choice. J-Just for today!"

He marched over to Bianchi.

She attacked him. Possessed by Mukuro, thanks to Fuuta.

Possession. It's a supernatural event, where a spirit, soul or living being would take over the body of another soul or living being. Mukuro's possession technique was very specific, very selective. His trident would scratch, break through the skin, of an opponent, probably to obtain specific genetic material to transmit his soul directly into.

The Possession Bullet, that Mukuro had shot himself with earlier, was created by the Estraneo Famiglia, a mafia family that centered entirely around science and experimentation. The Possession Bullet required a strong spirit and since Mukuro had massacred his entire family without flinching, gone through hell six times and still lived to tell the tale, I assumed his soul was pretty strong. But the Bullet was so cruel, that it was rejected entirely by the mafia.

Mukuro's Trident and the Bullet were probably both taken directly from the Estraneo Famiglia's base, the Bullet itself separating the soul from the body and the trident being almost the beacon for the soul.

At least, that's what I figured out, based on the information from my past life and from logical assumption now. Wow, what a Star Trek moment.

"Gokudera-kun! Stay away!" Tsuna suddenly shouted.

"Gokudera, move!" I shrieked.

He blinked, turning to look at us. "What are you-"

Bianchi lunged at Gokudera, slashing at him with a trident, narrowly scratching his cheek. Reborn frowned.

"Sis?! Why did you do that?!" Gokudera demanded, seemingly offended, from his new comfortable seat on the floor.

"Huh." Bianchi blinked, looking at the trident in her hand. "That was strange."

"YOU JUST ASSAULTED YOUR BROTHER AND YOU THINK ITS STRANGE?!" I shrieked. Bianchi-Mukuro's eyes flickered to me, glinting with recognition. I edged closer to Tsuna. "Tuna...something isn't right."

Tsuna looked on edge, nervous, like he already knew that something wasn't right. Probably his Hyper Intuition. I wonder how that works, exactly.

Intuition is, officially, the ability to know things, or have specific information without being told it, or reading it somewhere. It's almost supernatural, instincts, perhaps, knowing things that shouldn't have been known. If your intuition was as perfect as Vongola Primo's Hyper Intuition, you'd be able to dodge bullets before they were shot, block punches that haven't even been thrown, break through openings that haven't been opened yet. And Vongola Primo's Hyper Intuition was the best. Based on perception alone, he could, pretty much, do anything possible. And if Tsuna's Hyper Intuition was just awakening, imagine the kinds of things that could happen, when it would be fully awakened.

Bianchi began laughing, an easily recognizable kufufu sound that sent shivers crawling up my spine. "Kufufufu~ We meet again."

I admit, I fought the urge to shout, 'SHIT JUST GOT REAL', because even I would've shot myself for saying that.

Her voice had even changed, to something so much darker. It reminded me of Kronos possessing Luke Castellan in the Percy Jackson books, being able to hear not only Bianchi's voice, but also something underneath it, metallic almost, something so much older (well, if Mukuro has gone to hell and back six times, you'd have to assume he was at least four-hundred years old.) than any of us.

Her right eye was red. Mukuro's-right-heterochromic-perfect-shade-of-red red.

"He's back!" Tsuna cried, his voice thick with fear.

"I still have something that I must do." Bianchi-Mukuro said, leaning forward, dangerously. "I have returned from Hell once more."

I wondered, briefly, where did the soul go in between transferring from Mukuro's body to Bianchi? Reborn had, after all, been able to call for a medical team, in the time that Mukuro hadn't been present. Perhaps it went to a Hell, an in between Hell and Earth, where the soul was briefly put through the effects of one Hell, and that was why the Possession Bullet required a strong spirit. Because if another, weaker spirit tried to be separated from its body, put through the possible effects of a Hell and was then inserted into a body that wasn't that spirit's body, it probably would've been crumbled into dust.

This was my first encounter with such techniques, like the beginnings of Hyper Intuition, Possession and the like, so I used my analyzation skills. I wasn't lying to Gokudera when I said that I could break down the basics of techniques. In my past life, I had been preparing to be a doctor, so I was used to observation and breaking things down. It was probably impossible to break down things like the Dying Will Bullet (considering how Leon the chameleon makes them.) down to a molecular level, but as just said, I was just preparing for doctor-ing.

"It's a curse!" Gokudera yelled, accusingly.

"Err, mind control?" Tsuna offered up, weakly.

"It's nothing that ridiculous." Reborn shot down their ideas, the image of calm.

I nodded. "Of course not."

"But..." Tsuna glanced at the real Mukuro's dead body. "He's still dead."

We all turned from Dead Mukuro to Bianchi-Mukuro.

"He really is-!" Gokudera looked horrified.

"The only thing I can think of is..." Reborn analyzed Bianchi-Mukuro, scrutinizing over him-her, clearly going over every detail over and over in his tiny baby mind. "...but there's no way."

I nodded. "That's exactly the result I came up to, Reborn-ojii-san."

"Who shall I take care of first?" Bianchi-Mukuro cooed, like he-she was talking to a child. "Any volunteers?"

How about your mom? was my automatic first thought (and to think, I wanted to be a doctor and help people, with the same mind I have such disturbing thoughts in.), and I mentally slapped myself. No time for screwing around.

"Mukuro." Reborn called, attracting the illusionist's attention. "We have a civilian here. A mafia fight is no place for a little kid to be. Let her go free."

Bianchi-Mukuro's gaze flickered to me, where I was literally trembling.


Bianchi-Mukuro sighed, depressingly. "I will let the child go, but only because I am in a good mood, for being able to take over the mafia now."

There's also the fact that I know practically everything about you and everyone that will ever become a big threat to you for the next few years and ten years from now. That's also probably a big deciding factor.

Reborn nodded. "Yuni. Go."

I bit my lip, torn. Go and be safe, but not be able to tell them information or stay and be able to supply information, but be useless? I remembered in canon, Tsuna went into Hyper Dying Will Mode for the first time and defeated Mukuro, before Mukuro was dragged away, with Ken and Chikusa, by Vindice.

"Yuni." Reborn's voice was firm and commanding. "I said, go."

I nodded once, running from the room. I'm sorry, Mukuro. I won't get to save you from Vindice today.






People say that when God cries, it rains. But really, it is the sky who is sad, and requires the rain to wash away all of the darkness that has settled over the sky's heart.

Ah. This chapter is the first of my February updates. Actually, a semi-serious chapter, considering how this was a pretty serious episode.

hiyomi - This chapter wasn't so funny, (AND IM SORRY) because it was kind of a serious episode and if I added funny into it, then I'd be butchering the seriousness that was going on here. Thanks for the review.

Sachikothepeacock - Not Yuni is, and always will be, strange. This chapter was kind of serious, because it was like the serious fighting scene and I couldn't butcher it. NO BUTCHERING HERE. Thanks for the review.

cantrinebatrine - I'd be killed in a second if I was in KHR. Probably because I would get hit by a truck or something totz cliche like that. Thanks for the review.

Michiyo - Hitoribocchi no Sadame and Ame no Message are like two of the best (THEY DA BOMB, YO.) character songs in KHR. I love them. Thanks for the review.

KatoKimeka-chan - Hey, at least I got the Naruto quote, believe it! I can actually remember most of the important conversations, practically word-for-word, from Naruto. And Mukuro's song was, in fact, End:Res. I love that song. Thanks for the review.

Meli-chan27 - And since ...loop is only for Juudaime, Gokudera shouldn't sing it? Okay, I think I'll substitute it with Yell, instead. Tsuna has already sang, so he probably won't sing again. And Yuni singing alone? ...yep, we're all gonna be emotionally traumatized for life. Thanks for the review.

Thanks for all the support, I looked at my thingy yesterday (I DUNNO WHAT ITS CALLED.) and I found out that on average, I get about 700 hits a day.

DAYUM. Thats a lot.

Leave a review~ I forgot to mention my 100th reviewer, Paigecat! You rock, Paigecat, you rock my fridging socks. True story. And my 99th reviewer and my 101st reviewer, TheParadoxicalOtaku...you don't get the Douchebag Award of the Year, sorry. 2013 has just begun, after all.

Expect an update, tomorrow or Sunday. Maybe even today if I feel up to it. No promises though.

LEOINUYUKA (yep, all caps today.)