
Chapter 6

“Still no answer. I guess maybe I should call a tow truck.” But Brad didn’t pick up the phone again. He stared at Justin. Silence stretched between them.

Justin took a step toward Brad, his gaze searching Brad’s.

“Justin,” Brad whispered. He crossed the distance between them. His hand reached up to cup Justin’s jaw, his thumb brushed Justin’s bottom lip.

Justin shook and closed his eyes just before Brad’s mouth lowered to his. The press of Brad’s warm mouth sent jolts of lust through Justin. Brad’s tongue prodded his lips open and it slipped in.

He moaned low and pushed Brad against the wall, his hands inching across Brad’s abdomen, shoving up the hem of Brad’s T-shirt.

Brad helped him, reaching down to yank the shirt up and over his head. “Condom and lube?”