
Chapter 23

Brad didn’t say anything for several miles. The silence in the car was ominous. When they reached the exit for Brad’s apartment, he finally said, “I have a lot of friends, Justin.”

Justin swallowed. “Yeah?”

“It doesn’t mean I’m having sex with them.”

“I know.”

“Do you?” Brad asked sharply.

“Yes, or I am trying to anyway.”

He was becoming just like his mother. His parents’ marriage had broken up over infidelity. His father had an affair when Justin was still a child and his mother found out. At first, Justin’s mother claimedshe could get past it but she didn’t. She watched her husband’s every move, questioning everything hedid and everyone he knew. They divorced and Justin went with his mom.

He’d known that his father regretted the affair. Many times his father had tried to apologize, tried to reconcile with her but she never budged. They’d both died alone and still in love. A very sad ending in Justin’s opinion.