

This is the story of two boys in which one is a middle class kid and cute. He is so friendly to others. And he has many friends. He wants to be an actor but he doesn't have enough money. On the other hand one is a rich kid and handsome. He is an egoist person. He is all alone and doesn't have any friends. His father is a famous director so he wants his son to be an actor but he doesn't want it. They both pursue films in the same University. But they didn't know each other. When they became benchmates they started becoming friends and then when people started shipping them they felt so weird and they had so many problems about that and during that time the rich kid Started crushing over that middle-class child and then their story begins. LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS IN THE STORY NEXT.

YOGITAARYA05 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Phoom was thinking about Sean then he searched about him. Then he get to know that Sean is the son of famous director Mr. Sangwan. Phoom admires Mr. Sangwan so much. He is his idol. He watched his all series and movies. He like him so much that he want to work with him once in his lifetime.

Phoom thought that Sean wanted to become an actor but he didn't know that Sean didn't even like the actor's life. Then he closed the laptop and got to sleep.


Phoom wake up and get fresh and get ready for university and eat his breakfast and go to university. He encounters Sean at the gate of the university. After that night when they accidentally kiss Sean getting interested in Phoom. So Sean passed him a smile. Phoom found his behaviour weird so he didn't reply to him or leave from there. They both went to class.

Phoom went there and greeted his friends and his teacher. Then the teacher started the class. When the class ends their teacher gives them an assignment of a short film and the teacher says -" Make your own group for the assignment ok. And I need your assignment at the end of the second week. " All students say - " Yes sir." After that the teacher left the class.

Phoom started thinking about the assignment and then his friends came over to his seat and said -" We are in the same group my friend." Phoom said -" Yes Yes we are in the same group." Then Andrew said -" But we are missing one member in our group for the acting." Suddenly Sean leaned to Phoom's shoulder and said -" Let me join your group. I can act well as an actor." Phoom gets frightened and suddenly turns to Sean's side and their faces are so close to each other. They stare at each other for a minute then Candy calls both of them and says -" Ok you are in our group now. Ghosh I am so excited for this assignment."

Today they went to the canteen together with Sean. When they reach there they divide them into two teams one who brings lunch and one who finds seats. Phoom, Sean and Candy were in one team and Win, Andrew and Khao in one team. Phoom's team went to bring lunch and Win's team started to find seats.

When Phoom went to bring lunch Sean also went there. They both were holding the same plate. Sean holds Phoom's hand and then they both stare at each other. They were so into each other's eyes. Then candy came and held the same plate and said -" I'll hold this plate you both bring other plates." When Candy went from there Phoom grabbed the lunch and went from there. Then Sean secretly smiled and went from there. When they reached there they started finding Win then suddenly Candy saw them and they went there.

They eat their lunches and While eating they were talking about their assignment plot. Sean does not seem to be interested in the assignment Khao saw that and said to Sean -" If you are not interested in this then you can leave our group." After listening that all were seeing each other and then Candy -" Why were you saying that he is a member of our group now." Khao said -" But he does not seem to be interested in that. Can't you see that." Then Phoom said -" Don't argue with each other. Let's ask Sean about this." Khao nods and Phoom asks Sean -" Are you interested in the assignment?" Sean and Phoom were sitting next to each other. Sean came closer to Phoom's face and said -" Yes I am interested in the assignment." After listening to Sean Phoom push him away and then Sean came closer to Phoom's and whispered to him -" I am also interested in you." Phoom suddenly pushed him harder this time and Sean fell from the bench in the ground and then Phoom stood up and went from there to the class.

All went to the class after Phoom. Khao went to Phoom and said -" Why did you walk away from there. Huh." Phoom replied -"I went from there I didn't like Sean. Today he is behaving weird. I don't know what got into him. Today he is behaving sweet to me and I don't like it."

While they were talking to each other Phoom's other friends came there and they stopped talking about Sean. Then the teacher came into the class and when the class ended they all decided to meet at the garden of the university.

They all meet at the university garden they all decide who will be the actors, photographer, director, and makeup and dressup artist and editor. Khao is the director, Win is a photographer, Andrew is editor. And firstly they said that Sean and Candy will be the actors then suddenly Khao said -" No Sean and Candy will not be the actors. Phoom and Sean will be the actors." Then suddenly Candy said -" Why Khao why not me and why Phoom." So Khao said -" It's because students in the university ship them we'll make them actors so students will watch our film. Understand now." Candy said -" Oh you are right. But Phoom are you ok with that." Phoom said -" No I am not doing this."

They all insist Phoom to be an actor but Phoom is ignoring them. Then Sean said to Phoom -" Are you afraid that you will fall for me during the shooting huh." Phoom said -" What are you saying ? Why do I fall for you huh." Sean said -" So what are you afraid of huh." Phoom said -" Nothing ok I'll be the actor." Then Candy said -" Ok then I'll be the makeup and dressup artist." They all said -" Ok." Phoom said -" Ok then let's give some time to Khao to think about the plot. Now let's go home." They all said ok and went to their homes.