
Chapter 12

She moistened her lower lip. “I like to dance. Do you think we could do that?”

The thought of seeing her lithe body moving to a driving beat made him a little too eager. “We could dance. And if you don’t like any of the clubs in Delta, we’ll drive until you find one you do like. Even if that means we have to go all the way to Vegas.”

Her mouth twitched. Her good humor was returning. “Flying would be faster, you know.”

“But then we’d have to show up naked. And then we’ll never make it to a dance club.”

“Oh, I bet we could find some kind of club in Vegas where clothes were optional.” Gena shifted closer against his chest, burying her nose into his skin as she closed her eyes. “It’s a good thing you’re legal now, though I bet people will still stare because I’m older than you.”

“If anybody stares, it’s because they’re wondering what a goofball like me is doing with a hottie like you.”