
True Sword God Of Marvel

Gladius Musashi descendent of one of the greatest Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi was pressured into kendo his entire life. His mother, father and even uncle put aside his emotions and only focused on his growth as a swordsman. Even though he was a prodigy and exceeded in all physical activities he became depressed and fell into a state of binge watching anime. After Truck-Kun finds him worthy he is sent of into Marvel with new abilities and a system. A/N -- Marvel and the picture for this novel does not belong to me.

Nihility111 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


[Name: Gladius Musashi]

[Level: 1]

[Title: Grand Spirit Of Swords, Shadow potentate]

[Physical attributes:]

[Grand spirit of blades (Lvl Max): No sharp object or weapon can harm you. Powerful weapons like Excalibur will do no damage while weaker weapons will shatter on contact.]

~Weakness- Strong enough cosmic or magical entities can bypass this~

[Spiritual body (Lvl1): ]

[You have a Physical spirit body which has physical attribute far above any human. You also have self sustenance, resistance to toxins and a endless life span.]


[Shadow potentate (Locked): ???]


[Conceptual Soul Binding (Max):]

[ You can bind yourself to a maximum of three non-living things with one being directly correlated to your soul, you will also be able to summon them along with repair them. The weapons you choose will be enhanced 10 fold magically, spiritually and physically while being immune to matter manipulation and reality warping. The weapon directly connected to your soul will be enhanced 15 fold and if you were to be killed or erased while the weapon isn't you will be brought back over time.]


[Spiritual Development: You can absorb spiritual energy to grow in strength after weakening or destroying spirits.]



[Spiritual Awareness]

[Water Walking]