
True Self of Tales

Α ყσυɳɠ elegant girl who has no friends because she deceives people. Until one day she met a young boy who's staring at the sky who is Kairo Rizaro, as she was curious she sat next to him, she asked; "What's your name?" As she wanted to be friends with a young boy and get to know him more, it felt like a bizarre feeling that she's destined to meet him..But the boy did not answer. She frowned in a way of being confused on why he didn't.. Is he deaf? she thought. Scarlet Swan. She seems to be a naïve and harmless girl, when she has deeper thoughts and opinion. She is rumored to be one of the kids that should be avoided, due to her lies. in fact she's misunderstood. She doesn't pay any attention towards those rumors. Until she met Kairo and soon enough she'll have friends. But isn't it strange? How did she have friends after she met him? Is it because.. He's social? No.. Or does it have to do with being connected to her? He doesn't seem to be interested in making friends but he seems to be outgoing.. Is he interested in Scarlet? Or does it have to do with her color? What happens when they have grown up? (I don't own the what's in the thumbnail so please be reminded, thank you!!)

ZaCutepid_foundry · Teen
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5 Chs

~Chapter 1~ "The new kid on the block"

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I sat on the edge of the cliff, I as well liked how the sky looked, It really is a good day, the fluffy white clouds, I'm currently wearing my headphones and listening to my favorite music. 'You should stay away from..-'

As I feel a presence beside me.. I lowered down my volume from my music and- "Who are you?" 'Who's voice is this.. It seems to be unfamiliar.. I haven't heard of this voice before.. Cute and sweet' I chuckle silently making sure it was inaudible for her to hear because she might be offended. 'She might be someone who's younger than me or might be a toddler.' I took my headphones off, turn my head and look at her... 'My god... She's adorable..'

She has short silky hair, milky white skin, red rosie lips, Black eyes like a cute doll, and dressed like a cute doll.. 'A walking doll.. And she honestly look a lot like Snow White'

'I want to pinch her cheeks' As I look at her from head to toe, In her chest.. I saw her heart beating and the Aura around her.. It's red.. I accidentally blurted out "Red... "

'Great now she thinks I'm weird.. Doesn't she?..'

"Cute.." I mumble. 'I can't help but to stare at her cute face.' Staring... Staring.... And she stand up and walk away... 'I wanted to be friends with her.. How could she be...a bit rude?... Even If I'm a stranger.. she could have at least have some respect for me...' The day just ended with both Kairo and Scarlet confused

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As I'm on my way at my house, when my brother greeted me "Brother!! Brother!! You're home!!" 'We both have just 2 years of age gap.

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Kairo Rizaro, 10 years old; 2 months older than Scarlet Swan, Dark brown hair, Hazel eyes, Blue sweater with a collar, A boy who can see colors in their heart.

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'My little brother's color is green.. Lively, timid and can be greedy.. Well as long as he doesn't grow up to be greedy... It can be a normal soul color.. Mostly the common soul colors are..'


Black; Evil, greedy, has evil intentions (Mostly killers and prisoners.)

Green; Normal, can have improvements, very lively and greedy if they are influenced. (Still learning about these color.)

Grey; depressed, lonely and upset.. (Turning suicidal.)


'I'm still learning about these colors.. It all started a year ago.. With unknown reasons..But this is my first time encountering the red color..I'm still fascinated by it.. I should really try and be friends with her!! No matter what!' Fidgeting my fingers..

'She's adorable as well..' Remembering her chubby cute face.. And smiles

"Roro!! Roro!!" Samuel shook me and- Σ(゚Д゚;)

"The omelette!!!.... It burnt.."

Samuel and Kairo: o(iДi)o

Samuel: "Mom is gonna kill you.."

Kairo: "I can make another one!!-"

As the keys jingle afar.. Their nightmare became reality...

Mom: "I'm home!!" As she entered the house smiling wondering why it smells like burning. She walked into the kitchen, the boys being stiff and Kairo ready to run and she smiles menacingly.

N: "At this moment they knew.. They f**ked up. "

Samuel points at Kairo knowing he's at fault.

Their mom yells "KAIRO RIZARO!!" ヽ('д';)/

I gulped and ready to run.. Running and being chased by mom. Samuel is just standing there afraid for me. I was being chased throughout for 10 minutes for burning food, mom decided to cook instead.

We were eating when she suddenly said; "I know you have a lot in your mind since we just moved here but.. Please try your best alright? You can even make new friends at school. If you ever need anything to say or request.. Please do tell me." She said that with a warm smile on her face.

Samuel: "Mom.. When can dad be with us.. Again?"

"Soon, when he learns." As she continues to eat and frowned. As the table went silent.

'My dad was a drunkard.. He cheated on mom... On the phone as I saw a woman's picture... I knew I had to report it. They got into a argument and we moved somewhere far away from our dad.'

As we prepared for bed, I kept on thinking about "Her." 'I might have feelings for her.. Love at first sight.. Huh. No.. I must have taken an interest of her because of her color.. Or Maybe I do have a crush on her.. Till we meet again little Snow White' Chuckles softly.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Morning ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

As I rub my eyes from waking up, cooking breakfast for the family... Mom is already at work. Well let's hope on making acquaintances and I'll have to be careful. No matter what.

"Roro, let's not be late!!" My brother shouted.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes, packed my things and adjusted my shoe. Running for the school bus.

As we arrived at school, since we had to be early... I see a lot of colors.. I massage my eyes and feel a bit dizzy. "Are you okay Roro?" My brother worriedly asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." I smiled at him gently and just focused on the principal.

As we listened to the student's manual and as the principal showed us around the school. And I took a peek of some of the classrooms. And when I drop off Samuel in his classroom. And then when I went to my classroom, all eyes were on me.. While my eyes are drawn by someone else... 'Little Snow White..I'll be friends with you.'

"My name is Kairo Rizaro, You can call Kai, I'm 10 years old. I just moved here, please take care of me." Smiles and bows.

"Please take your seat. My name is Abigail Smith. You can call me Miss Smith." As our teacher smiled at us. And I'm looking for a empty space... There's 1 empty space left and that is beside her. I smiled softly. Our classmates were looking at us and is talking. I can see why..

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(。- .•) <To be continued..✩
