
TRUE NATURE :human's curse

The world is in the mess as the dormant energy in the solar system is released. Prajwal , a 18 years boy studying in university who has his life in chaos, participates in the trial as system appears in front of every single people on earth. He observes the true human's nature as he climbs to the peak.

Destro_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


After the end of trial, everyone was once again back in the small room. Prajwal as well was back in the same room.

*End of Trial*

*You will be rewarded accordingly*

Prajwal checked his status for changes. He was anticipating his rewards as his rewards will be doubled.

"Now even if I don't have fighting experience, I can overpower others with stats. But I should investigate the condition of the country and plan appropriately"

Race : Human

Tier : 0

Profession : None

Title : None

Level : 0

Free attributes : 20

Strength : 21 (+20)

Agility : 29 (+20)

Endurance : 47 (+40)

Stamina : 29 (+20)

Health : 41 (+30)

Mana : 20 (+20)

Intelligence : 65 (+40)

Skills : Regeneration, mental zone, emotionless

Elemental Affinity: Chaos (very low)

"I felt I had skill related to recovery during intelligence trial. But it seems like I have two more skills. Hey system show me the description of the skills. "

*Host can access the skill menu by clicking on skills *

Prajwal opened the skill tab.


You can recover your health consuming your mana. But this skill has derivated it's basic form and can be used without mana if the environmental energy is rich

Type: Active

Grade: B-

Mental zone:

The 10m circular area around you will be within your detection capabilities. You can sense any movements within the range.

Type: Passive

Grade: D+


You can control your emotion and facial expression.

Type: Passive

Grade: D-

"Stats is better look at now. And I have three skills as well as affinity mentioned in the intent left behind by ancient people." Prajwal said as he skimmed through the panel.

As he was looking at the panel, announcement resounded in the room. "You will be transported back to the earth now. Equivalent of 26 hours have passed on earth, keep that in mind. "

After hearing the announcement, Prajwal asked the system whether he could stay here in the same room.

"You can extend your time in this room for 22 earth hours. After that you will be teleported back"

"It's better than nothing. I can train here and heal here using the regeneration skill. I probably recovered previously due to abundance mana here and the recovery skill. I couldn't sense it previously but can now make out the presence of something in the air. I should use the time here to learn more about the system functions, learn to fight and prepare for mana arrival on earth as stated by administrator."

Prajwal stated his choice to the system and immediately began trying everything he could on the panel.

He found nothing of major importance in the system except that it could be used as modern day cellphone. You could save someone's soul contact and call him when required, chat with him and many other things. You could say that the system worked as the most advanced cellphone one could imagine.

Single person observable screen, unlimited storage, no need of network to contact others if they are on your soul contact, unlimited battery, no physical body. But there were serious limitations on it's uses. Soul contact wasn't a simple thing, you can observe the person real name, location, their level and also sense their strength if they are on your soul list. Next was serious lack of information. With modern day cellphones you can access information from all around the world but the system didn't have such function. It worked just as there was no internet.

"Anything related to soul, I better avoid it. I don't get a right feeling of sharing soul part for keeping contact. Until absolutely necessary I should avoid using it."

Prajwal closed panel. His eyelids were closed, he was in deep thought. "System does this room have function related to virtual stimulation."

*Host there are the function related to stimulation but it is not for free. You have to pay experience points in exchange for the facility. Since you don't have experience points you can sacrifice your attribute points (stats) to access the facility. Check the cost on the panel just opened on the wall. *

"Everything needs be asked. So, it all depends on you. How much you can imagine will determine how much you get. Nothing is out in the open, same as in previous earth. I always felt earth was controlled by someone behind the scenes and I'm getting the same feeling right now. Anyways I should utilize my hours here efficiently."

Prajwal walked towards the black screen on the white wall which stood out. It looked same as system panel but in large screen. You can consider it as playing games in mobile to moving into playing in PS series.

'Basic body training (all round) : 5

Stimulation fight one VS one (1 hour) : 1

Stimulation fight many VS one (1 hour) : 2

Basic Weapon proficiency (sword) : 1

Basic Wepon proficiency (dagger) : 1





Foot movement : 2'

"Everything seems expensive. I should choose properly. Body training, footwork and weapon doesn't seems to have time limit, I better start with them so later I can take maximum benefit from fighting. I can recover in this room so I can continue doing activities. Now the choice about weapon, what should I choose. I can't focus on many but at least I can practice one here and just observe some more types and practice after I return back. Dagger will be perfect as knifes are easily available, I won't have to search for weapon."

Prajwal choose to start with body training. He paid 5 free attribute points he had and began the training. The exercise began with simple stretching, then moved on to basic radio exercise and as time went on it became more complex. Prajwal felt as if he was watching martial arts movie which had everything related to fighting that have been discovered on earth and yet to be discovered. He practiced even when he got tired, he was healing and taking damage to his muscles at the same time due to which his muscles were getting stronger after each repair. As nothing in the body exercise was related to fighting, Prajwal was able to follow all the steps which was being presented in front of him by a holographic image of some guy.

This exercise focused on all round development of the body, not the specific field, which was quite famous on earth. Some focused on muscles growth, some on purposeful growth. Advanced civilizations out in the universe had many methods of exercising, the thing he was presented by the system was the collection of all the exercise as it was not something secret. It was only basic version.

Prajwal continued the exercise for 7 hours straight. He repeated the exercise 5 times within those 7 hour. As his stats had increased, he didn't have a hard time following it, also he was constantly recovering through the use of his skill. He was in a frenzy of training state. He continued to the next phase of training, footwork training. It took him 3 hours just to be able to follow the movements of the holograph. After that he practiced different kinds of footwork to be used according to the circumstances for 3 more hours and moved onto the weapon training.

He started with the basic dragger training. Till now he had already used 8 out of 20 free attribute points. In the basic training, he learnt basics on how to hold the dragger, how to swing, slice, pierce, how much force to apply while attacking, also basic movements on attacking with the draggers. After he finished training dragger, he was down to 5 hours. He was already set on using three hours for fighting, which left him 2 hours for extra wepon proficency.

"It's better to fight now so that, when i leave from here, I am at my peak." Prajwal then participated in the one VS one and set the pain to 100%. For 50 minutes, he was just receiving the beating but was constantly improving. The next time he had one VS one his condition was much better. There was a difficulty bar by setting the opponet's level. Previously he fought 0 level elite but on second trail after he got used to incorporating all things he previously learnt into fighting, he increased the level of opponent to 1 on second try and after he got used to the trial he gradually increased the level of opponent just above his level. As he was getting perfect sparring partner who could push him to improve and he had high stats and contiunuous recovery, he was sure to improve. He was slowly racking experience. As for the third fight, he choose one VS many and started with level one opponents. There were 10 opponents. It took him 20 minutes just to be able to fend off all the attacks and counterattack. After 10 more minutes he got used to it and increased the level of half of the opponents to 2.

Gradually as the 1 hour limit reached towards end, he was engaging with all the opponents on 2 except 3 opponents who were on level 3. It was great increase in combat ability to fight those who are in numbers and are stronger than you. Due to this fight, his rigid body movements improved which was also helped by basic body training. He improved his footwork and dragger skills. He had almost completely incorporated all the things he learnt, the only thing lacking was a lot of experience which would come to him in danger filled world even if he didn't wanted it.

He only had 2 hours remaining and was down to 8 free attribute points. As much as it pained him, he knew that it was worth. He had just gained basic dragger moves and basic footwork skill, they were pretty low in rank but they could be improved. Now was the decision time, what would he use the remaining time and point for.