
True martial arts

follow our local idiot in his adventure in a different world art is owned by gabe on Pinterest I don't own any works in this novel

calamity_bringer · Book&Literature
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the sea of infinity

in the vast sea of infinity, we can see a little orb floating around aimlessly.

this orb has a dim grayish light, and it seems to be losing its consciousness.

"how long have I been here?" the orb said, and a tiresome manner.

all the orb can see is the vast sea" is this the afterlife"

"yes, young one" an ancient voice echoed throughout the vast sea.

the orb immediately turns his vision towards the source of the voice. what greeted him was a gigantic eye that stared directly at him.

"w-w-who are you," the orb says in a shaky voice.

"do not be an afraid young one, for I am the creator of infinite worlds and realities, and I am here to offer you reincarnation" the little orb was dumbfounded.

"r-r-reincarnate me why," the little orb says

"why you may ask, is because I am bored"

"h-huh" the orb is was confused by the answer.

"yes young one because I am bored. I do nothing but watch the entire multiverse and I am sick of it. there is no interesting thing happening all I can do is watch it for all eternity" the voice says.

"o-o-okay," the orb said.

"Okay now let's get down to business" the eye of the voice then turns into a spinning wheel with various names.

"now young one this is the wheel of worlds.

as its name implies whatever the arrow lands on that is where you go. all you have to do is say 'spin' in other for it to start"the orb nods


the wheel then spins very fast, the spinning lasted for 5 hours then it started slowing down before landing on the word



and that's chapter one