
First year

Phillip was sitting in his room and pondering. 'I don´t know if I should show some of my inventions or skills, that could bring me attention from all sides and I don´t know if I want that yet. I should be more powerful than Dumbledore and Voldemort by the end of my third year. I will have to train more seriously from now on.'

The next morning Phillip woke up and does his morning toiletries with wandless magic and goes down and meet Chris. They talk a little about their upcoming class, Potions. They are curious about what professor Slughorn is teaching this time.

"Good Morning class, out of theory up in praxis, but remember Potions is a very difficult art, therefore I find it a most important lesson to teach security at first." Impressed with Professor Slughorn Phillip enjoys his lessons with him even when he knows this stuff already, but it is refreshing to learn with an actual master for once.

After that they have Transfiguration and it is almost the same as in the Movies and books, Professor McGonagall is a very professional and strict teacher. He gets his most points from her class because he gets every transfiguration on his first try.

After an exhausting day, they get back to the common room and want to relax a bit. Phillip finds it a little boring as there were no games in the wizarding world that interests him. That´s why he goes up to his room and dedicates himself to his new Experiment. He wants to create a hoverboard by using runes to inscribe a board of magical wood. But the Wood is not the right material, because whenever he puts his magic into the runes the board breaks.

After this failed attempt he lays down on his bed and thinks about which games he would like to play. Unfortunately, he still has to wait a few decades before he can deal with a PlayStation.

Around New Year he asked his grandfather why they actually have so much money and how they earned it all. To it, Albert answered only:

"You have to understand Phillip our family is old, very old and we already had a lot of money at the beginning. Our fighting power has always been our greatest strength, you can see that on our wands. But all this will be explained to you later. But remember, if a Kyme specializes in a field, then there is only a handful who could hold a candle to him."

Phillip: "But then how could father lose to Tom Riddle, or didn't he specialize in fighting?"

Albert: "Tom Riddle is a strong sorcerer, never forget that, but your father was one too. You never know what tricks were used in a fight, maybe he had something against your father in his hand. Maybe it's my fault. You don't know the circumstances under which they fought if they fought at all. For that, you have to ask Tom."

'Fought at all, it is possible that there was a trap designed. Your mistake? What does that mean?'

Phillip: "What do you mean your fault?"

but my grandfather just smiles and said: "you will know when I die"

'okay, that was f*cking ominous. I don´t know if I like that'.

"Can I specialize in more than one thing?" this time his grandfather looks over to him with an excited but at the same time sad face.

"A Kyme who wants to specialize in more than one thing, this isn´t the first time someone has such big ambitions but it is very difficult. What a monster you could become if you reach your goals, it's just a pity that I won't experience it. Don´t forget for a Kyme there is no limit." after that, they didn´t talk.

In the second semester, he reinvented a lot of games, so that he will next year no longer bored during his breaks. Phillip is also working on a rune stone set, they can do everything from playing music to vacuuming. They all have the same size and the same Batterie inside. The batteries are an invention of him, that he invented right at the beginning of the school year. At first, this little marble runestone only served to empty out his magic reserves, but then he came up with an idea to save this energy and use it. At the size he uses now he can make 10 before he goes to sleep. One Battery last with moderate usage for 2-3 years and can be reloaded any time.

He also thought back to video games and mythological objects and thought about reconstructing some items here in a world with real magic, but they are a long-term project.

Time flew by fast and the school year is gone. Slytherin wins the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup. Ravenclaw comes a close second.

There is a Gameshop in planning by Phillip.

At the end of the school year, Phillip and Chris asked all teachers if they could get photos of them for a side project they are making. At the end of the year, Phillip was meeting Dumbledore in his office.

"Come in" Phillip made my way into his office and looked at him "take a Seat, can I tempt you to a candy?" he asked. he sat down looked at him took a Candy and tried to gauge him. They sat and looked at each other. 'Huh he isn´t trying to look into my thoughts, did I get a good Dumbledoor or am I just not important enough?'

Phillip: "Headmaster thank you for receiving me."

Dumbles: "What can I help you with Mr.Kyme?"

Phillip: "Headmaster I wanted to ask you for photos of you and of many other famous magicians if you have them. Also from the ministry, if that were possible. I have a device here with which I can take photos from memories. Chris and I have a side project where we want to make a Card Game."

Dumbledore: "Interesting, it is nice to see that a young spirit like you is enthusiastic about something. I will send you as many pictures as possible. I will also ask my old friend if they would like to help. Could you leave the device to take photos in memories here? I will send you the collected package."

"Yes of course thank you Headmaster and Goodbye."

"Goodbye Phillip," Dumbledore said with a smile while his eyes were twinkling.

With that out of the way, he can go in the summer break. In the summer his grandfather teaches him their complete family martial art, it looks like he is fighting and dueling at the same time. Grandma hardly comes out of the house all year round she is getting old, she can´t visit her friends anymore. She is very happy that Phillip is at home and she can talk to him. She's not bed sick yet. Now she sits a lot with grandpa inside and plays chess or reads a book. The house-elves take care of the garden now.

The Kymes had been at William Arthur Weasley's birth party that summer. After that, we stayed at home and Chris visited them sometimes.

In the Summer they finished the design of the cards with some different types like Witch/Wizard, Spell, and Trap. they have now Booster packs and 4 different starter decks, them being Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor. The plan was to bring out every year one to two decks and some booster.

Phillip: "This summer break I will open my stores and bring our products to the market."

Chris: "All right, send me an owl first so I know when to be there to watch people shopping," he said grinning.

"all right, but I'll also advertise in the paper." Phillip is really excited he liked Yu-Gi-Oh since he was a child.

In the newspaper, the new card game was highlighted and the general opinion was positive. There was, of course, the classic playing field with the cards, but with magic, he could make it look like the wizards were really fighting each other. It looked like the anime. He was very proud of it. A rulebook is also included. Furthermore, he would also sell a lot of different rune stones in and for all situations. But mostly these two stores are game stores for now. He also will sell table lamps and other lamps, but in a limited number because the production isn't perfect yet. Phillip plans to open his shop at the same time where everybody gets their Hogwarts letter.

Try to upload once a week. Mostly on the Weekend.

English is not my first language.

Tried another Pov

Platinum12creators' thoughts