
Eleven at last

The last four years were monotonous for me, but to study anything, you have to learn the basics first. I have studied all the courses that interest me to the N.E.W.T. level, in Theory, that means Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Study of Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Warding, Healing, Magical Theory, and Alchemy. I also know the apperation. In praxis with my training Wand, I can only do the first course Spells but wandless I am between O.W.L and N.E.W.T. level.

On the morning of the ninth of June 1969, an owl comes to our breakfast table with a letter from Hogwarts. My grandparents are excited and so am I. We immediately make plans for the day in Diagon Alley.

At 9 am we arrive at the Leaky Calderon, promptly we make our way through and greet Tom. In the backyard, we end up before a solid brick wall, my granny opens the passage to Diagon Alley. "Wow" it´s the first time I have seen this and it looks much cooler in real life than in the movie. Josi pulls out my acceptance letter. Meanwhile, around us, everybody is busying themselves.



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic

by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory

by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions

by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal vials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

Gran: "Alright at first we go get your robes and stuff, that means we go to Twillfit and Tattings. They have the best quality in the UK. Come on Albert and Phillip." We went over and landed directly at the personal waitress without waiting. "Come here you want your robes for Hogwarts right," the saleswomen said.


"Ok stand over here and hold still I am gonna take your measurements" My grandma smiles at me and then takes off to see if there's something nice for her to buy too.

10 minutes later: "All right, done, that's all I need. Just Hogwarts stuff or should I make something else? For example a formal robe for festive occasions."

Josi: "Yes do that two different ones please"

Albert: "and one for combat."

"Yes that would be done in two hours, would you like to wait or come back later?"

"We come back later, the name is Kyme, see you later" and with that gran steps out of the shop and we follow.

I think about whether I should buy the textbooks at all because I own all the books that have to do with magic in this world. But how can I sell this to my grandma without her noticing? Anyway, it's just a few galleons, we´re rich a few less won't hurt. "To Gringotts" and Josi marches forwards.

We go in and I see a goblin for the first time. They are small and look evil and deceitful but if you approach them with enough courtesy there will be no problems. I haven´t learned Gobbledegook yet.

"Goblin teller good morning we would like to talk to our account manager. May your enemies die by your blade and you enrich yourself with their possessions."

" Good morning May your enemies kneel in fear in front of you and take their money. Of course, you can meet your account manager I only need your name or that of your manager."

"Bloodfist" his eyes widened a little for a short time but other than that he gave no reaction. He turns around and tells the nearest Goblin to get Bloodfist, he turns back smiles and shows us to the side and takes us to a beautiful guestroom.

"While you wait can I get you something to drink or eat?" he asks us with respect.

"Yes some tea and snacks, thank you."

We enjoy tea and snacks while we wait for our manager. About half an hour later Bloodfist comes in and greets us, then he and grandfather talk about business. Then grandfather turns to me and waves me over. "I want to make Phillip my heir and I want him to wear the heir ring."

Bloodfist calls one of the goblins standing awake and sends him off to get the successor ring. 10 minutes later he comes back with a beautifully decorated wooden box. He opens it and we see a beautiful ring with an emerald and a dragon ornament. He hands me the ring and I pull it over my ring finger, it lights up briefly as if it would check me, but then it dulls very quickly and adapts to my finger.

Albert: "You were my heir the whole time but now it´s official, you can make the ring invisible. All you have to do is think about it." I do so and he nods "We also want to visit our vault."

"of course, follow me. I'll take you there."

A long and very fast and fun ride later we get off. We go through a gate that is as big as what you know from the first part of Harry Potter, and it is opened just like that. Grandfather told me that only the goblin who is our manager can open this gate, its apparently a bloodline. As the gate opens we come into a big room and there sits a beast with the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a dragon.

A chimera. "Greetings goblin Bloodfist"

"Greetings chimera the Kyme family wants to visit their vault." He points his fingers at us. Grandfather steps forward and shows the Lordring to the chimera.

"Correct that's the right one. Albert, how are you?" the chimera asks.

Albert: "With me everything is good, I am here today to show my heir everything and to introduce everybody to my heir, also to you my old friend. His name is Phillip, Phillip get over here."

Phillip: " Greetings my name is Phillip I hope you are alright."

"My name is Katsha little one. I know you now, you can come here anytime you want and I will let you pass," he said in a calm voice.

When we got inside our vault I was flashed, we had so much money, we could build a whole city out of gold. My grandfather shows me around and shows me everything where our books stand, our portraits, our rings and jewelry and also our weapons and other stuff. After we visited our vault we continued our shopping trip. Back outside in the Diagon alley, my granny takes the wheel again.

Next up is my trunk I need one with a big lab inside the rest doesn't matter for now. We head towards Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment an enter. "Hello, how can I help you" shouts a young female voice from the back room. A cute girl in her twenties comes to the front.

"Hello we need a trunk with an extension charm for three different rooms, it should also be charmed unbreakable and featherlight and it needs to be keyed to a magical signature for protection against thieves. The biggest one is for my lab, after that a bedroom and one completely empty."

" Okay, that is possible anything else?"

"No, thank you that is everything, when will he be ready for me to take him with me?"

"one hour at most," she said and smiled.

"Okay see you later."

Josi: "Alright we are going to buy the rest of your supplies now, follow me" After half an hour we had everything but an owl and a wand. Together we walk in the Eeylops Owl Emporium, at first sight, I see a gorgeous Great horned owl. I know this is the one I need so beautiful so imposing. "Grandma comes over here and look at this one, what do you think?"

"nice, beautiful" the owl puffers herself up and sticks out her chest. She throws us a haughty look that means: "yes I am the most fierce and the fastest owl there is."

After that, there is only Ollivanders left. I enter "Greetings Phillip Kyme I was wondering when you would come by. I remember your parent's visit as though it were yesterday. Karin your mother with a willow Wand and a phoenix feather as core material and 10 inches. Your father as popular in the Kyme Family with Blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring as a core 12 inches. Now, what is your destined Wand I wonder." half an hour later we tried many combinations and finally I got the perfect Wand. "Acacia Wood with phoenix feather 13 inches, a very powerful for a brilliant Wizard, I dare say we can expect great things from you Mr. Kyme." After that, we picked up my clothes and my trunk and took them with us.

Arrived at home I pack all my things into my room and have dinner with my grandparents. Punctually to 8 o'clock I lie in my bed and let my magic run through my body. This time I light up a little longer and have a very good feeling for 10 minutes, then I empty all my reserves of magic and go to sleep. No student can keep up with me when it comes to magic power and reserves.

Try to upload once a week.

English is not my first language.

Platinum12creators' thoughts