
True Magician (FatexDxD)

Waking up in the body of a Romani Archiman is acceptable. Getting 3rd and 1st True Magics is nice. Getting Beasts as pets - delightful. The world of DxD is unforgivable. It's a world where some teenagers who aren't even two decades old somehow mystically defeat the descendants of legendary heroes, ancient demons, powerful dragons, etc. Why does this happen? Simply because! Simply put, this world only makes sense because it doesn't. And now, I have to put up with the fact that I live here. Such pain. (DxDxMulti)

Tiir_Rumibul_3715 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 1

The Emiya residence. Basement.

We went down to the basement of the house and stood in front of the summoning circle. Hmm. Hmm. Aside from Merlin as Caster, I guess I'll leave the rest to random chance.

I activated the 3rd magic and the circle lit up. A few seconds later, the basement filled with flower petals and Merlin appeared before us.

- Oh! Glorious heroes! Court Mage of Camelot, Mentor of Kings, Mage of Flowers...

- And a pervert! Fou! - I interrupted him, and Fou flew off his foot and into his face like Superman.

Merlin flew back from his blow and slammed into the wall.

- My face! You stupid animal again?! All my concern for you is just an empty sound in your head? Aggh! Stop hitting me, damn it!

- Heeheeheeheehee... - I giggled madly as I saw what was happening in front of me.

Live, the scene of a legendary mage being beaten up by a small beast was even funnier than I expected. Oh! Is that a Mortal Kombat-style uppercut from Foe?! I even thought I saw some sort of x-ray of broken bones.

- I think he's done for the day, hairball. You can take your fight with him another time. We have yet to summon the rest of the Servants.

- Fou! - he barked as he let go of Merlin, walked over to Tiamat and sat on her head.

- Merlin, are you all right? - I asked, looking interested.

He stood up and shook himself off. He didn't look so bad. Heh. I guess I'll fix that. I used 1st magic and corrected him. Merlin widened his eyes, but quickly regained his composure.

- Caster-class servant, Merlin Ambrosius. Who is my Master? - He asked and made a slight bow.

- That would be me," I replied.

- I apologize, Master, but I just saw you using 1-magic? And why are there other Servants here?

- That's right. Although, I can use 3rd magic as well. And the other Servants are your coworkers for the foreseeable future. Heh.

- Emiya, Archer class. / Enkidu, Lancer class," they introduced themselves.

He nodded and looked around the room. Seeing Tiamat with Foe sitting on her head, he was wary.

- Master, may I ask what the Beasts are doing here?

- Oya. You call this caring Primordial Goddess and a completely harmless white clump of fur Beasts? How insensitive.

- Since it doesn't bother you, you can forget my question," he muttered with a twitching eye.

- Heh. You adapted to the current situation rather quickly,'' I replied with a smirk. - Now, get back to Emiya and Enkidu. I need to summon the rest of the Servants.

He raised an eyebrow, but stepped back. Fou's gaze had not left Merlin's since his summoning. Well, we can leave it to him.

I activated the circle once more and, this time, a certain woman in blue and silver armor appeared.

- A servant of the Saber class, Artoria Pendragon. You are my Master?

- I am. And Artoria, you might want to say hello to some old friends," I said and pointed my hand at the fleeing Merlin.

She looked in the direction indicated and her fist came across his face. Again.

- Merliiiiiiiiin!

- C-calm down, Artoria. This is how you meet your mentor?! And why are all the punches aimed at my face! - he shrieked, rubbing the spot where he'd been hit.

I wasn't the only one laughing this time. Emiya broke out into giggles as well, and his shoulders, now and then, twitched. The others had their own reactions to what was happening, Enkidu shrugged, Tiamat was still smiling, and Fou was nodding.

- 'If you're done, I'll continue the invocation,' I said, looking at the duo of teacher and student.

Artoria had the conscience to blush. She nodded and stepped aside, dragging Merlin behind her.

I wonder if Emiya really recommended summoning him just because of his magical knowledge? Maybe it was an act of revenge? I looked at him, and he looked away. How vindictive we are, Emiya's mom.

After another summoning, Rider appeared with his long purple hair.

- Rider class servant, Medusa. Dispose of me as you wish, Master," she said in a monotone.

Oh, God. God. The waifu of all waifu. The dress, the hair, the face... And she was called a "monster"? I grinned.

- Okay. Step aside, please. There will be an explanation a little later.

She nodded and walked towards the rest of the group, greeting Emiya and Artoria. I assume she remembers something from the Fifth Grail War?

Right. Only Assassin and Berserker left. I think we should speed things up. I'm calling out both classes at once.

I pumped a large amount of mana into the circle, and it lit up brighter than the previous times.

As the light faded, two male figures appeared in front of me.

- Arghhhhhh," Hercules growled.

Well, the Berserker is clear. But the second Servant... I know him very well. No, you don't. Everyone here knows this particular Servant very well. A huge sword, metal armor and a skull mask with blue lights burning in it.

- Put your fear aside, summoner. Assassin class. I have no name, but I was once called the Old Man of the Mountain. Are you my Master? - he said in his deep voice.

Oh, my God! I really was able to summon him! He looks so cool! My inner fan can't contain himself anymore.

- Yes! It's really nice to meet you, Grandpa! - I shrieked.

The people present were wary, some of them even drew their weapons. Tiamat growled softly and glared threateningly at the summoned Servant.

But I didn't look at the people around me. I didn't give a damn. How could I NOT focus my attention on the coolest Servant in the entire Nasuverse!

- Hmm. Grandfather? I've never been called that before," King Hassan said in his awesome voice.

- Yes! I mean... Yes?! Then you don't mind if I call you that, do you? - I asked excitedly.

- Hmm," he thought and rubbed his chin. - I can accept it. You can call me 'Grandpa', Master.

О! I won't deny that I screamed like a Sasuke fan from a certain anime. Absolutely not.

- Well! Let's go to the common room and I'll explain all the details! - I said, still happy about King Hassan's call, and headed towards the basement exit.

The others followed me, still wary of the Great Servant's call.


Emiya's residence. Common Room.

Once everyone was seated, I began to explain the structure of this world and its details. It took about half an hour, and during that time, no one tried to interrupt me, and everyone listened attentively.

- Any questions?

The first to ask a question was a frazzled Merlin.

- Master, are you saying that there is no Alaya in this world, and Gaia is not the same as in our original world?

- Uh-huh. After all, this world hasn't had the Age of Man. And you may have noticed that the concentration of mana in the air here is quite dense. And you may address me without formality. That goes for everyone else as well.

He nodded, and Artoria, who was standing too close to Emiya, took the floor. Eroge Protagonist Rank EX rank is at it again.

- You mentioned the Pendragon family. Can you elaborate on that?

- Hmm. Hmm. I don't know the exact details, but I can definitely mention two people from there, Le Fay Pendragon and Arthur Pendragon. These brother and sister ran away from their family, taking Excalibur Ruler with them.

- Excalibur Ruler? What is that?

A look of indignation appeared on Artoria's face. Oops.

- Uh. You better be prepared,' I said and paused. - In a nutshell, the Excalibur of this world was shattered and forged into seven separate swords that were labeled "Excalibur" in their names.

By now, Artoria's indignation had been passed on to the others, and her own had turned to rage.

- How?! How can it be broken?! It's simply impossible! - she shrieked and grabbed me by the collar.

- Whoa, whoa. Calm down. I can't understand it either. And given the logic of this world, I'm not trying to. Maybe if we get them together, you can make him look like his old self again," I said quickly and held up my hands.

- We'll do it! - Artoria shrieked, and the others nodded, especially Emiya and Merlin. - We can't let a sword like that stay in this state any longer!

- Well, not that I don't already have such plans, but I understand your zeal in this matter," I reassured her.

I looked at the others and noticed Medusa's frown even through her mask.

- Hmm? You don't have to worry about the Greek gods, Medusa. You don't think they'd be stronger than certain individuals here," I said.

- No. I apologize, Master," she apologized and bowed.

- Good. Since there are no other questions. Grandfather, do you want to look around? - I asked.

He nodded and disappeared. Damn, even I, who possesses two True Magics, couldn't sense anything. How cool!

- Well. Gentlemen. What do you want for dinner?

When does the story start in there? Uh, soon, I think.


Kuoh Academy. Medical room.

- Sensei! I got a girlfriend!

Wow. Murphy's Law seems to be working well.

It's definitely going to be noisy soon.


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