
True Magician (FatexDxD)

Waking up in the body of a Romani Archiman is acceptable. Getting 3rd and 1st True Magics is nice. Getting Beasts as pets - delightful. The world of DxD is unforgivable. It's a world where some teenagers who aren't even two decades old somehow mystically defeat the descendants of legendary heroes, ancient demons, powerful dragons, etc. Why does this happen? Simply because! Simply put, this world only makes sense because it doesn't. And now, I have to put up with the fact that I live here. Such pain. (DxDxMulti)

Tiir_Rumibul_3715 · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 18

Emiya Residence.

- Akeno-san. What an unexpected visit. Did you want to see Issei? - Looking at my companion, I asked.

- Who is the cutest animal? You, of course," Akeno cooed, playing with Fou, who was lying on her chest.

My eye twitched. Why did that rascal wake up at this very moment? As soon as Akeno crossed the threshold of the house, he immediately jumped to her and started making himself cute. And of course, no one in the damn world knows that this furry monster can kill them in a second.

Besides, where is everyone else? Not even Ophis and Tiamat were in the house. Where the hell did they go?

- Akeno-san?

- Ahem," Clearing her throat, she pulled away from the bastard. - I apologize for that, Romani-sensei. Yes, I came to check on Issei.

- Well, I'm glad to hear he's making progress. But he's resting now. Shall I call him?

- No need. I trust you," she shook her head. - And you promised to answer a few questions, didn't you, Romani-sensei?

- Suppose so," I shrugged.

- Ara-ara. You're reneging on your word?

- Let's say.

- It won't work on me, Romani-sensei," Akeno said with a sweet smile. - I'm very patient.

Oya? So they know about Sirzechs and I? I wonder what he was thinking sharing that information with them. Or did he want to give Rias and her entourage some leeway?

- Оh? Then I think you should take Rias-san's brother's place. His patience wore thin rather quickly.

- Perhaps you two are simply incompatible?

- Suppose so," I repeated in a relaxed tone. Although she said she was patient, I still noticed the tiny corner of her mouth twitching.

- Anyway, I'll get started," she made herself comfortable and even put away Fou, who didn't hide his displeasure.

- Fou, Fou! - He squeaked and jumped onto my shoulder and started poking me on the cheek.

- What do you mean, it's my fault? - I asked him, grabbing his ear.

- Fou, kyu.

- I don't know what you mean.

- Fou! - He yapped, and jumped to the floor and went upstairs with a haughty look on his face.

- Good riddance," I shrugged and turned to Akeno. - Finally, that hairball was gone and we could get down to business. Ask your questions, Akeno-san.

- I... got it," still in shock from the scene, she muttered. - My first question. Why are you helping us?

- It's an adult's duty to help children, isn't it?

- Ara-ara. Please stop talking nonsense, sensei. In all your time at the academy, you never crossed paths with us unless necessary. And all conversations have been limited to greetings, questions about work, and goodbyes," Akeno raised an eyebrow. - Even a blind man could tell that you weren't particularly interested in helping the students. Which is in keeping with your fickle nature. So why are you helping us? What's on your mind?

- How flattering. You've done a great job on your homework. But. I'm very interested in Issei's success.

- But why?

- That's a second question, Akeno-san. Be more careful next time," I smirked and shook my finger in front of her.

- 'I... understand,' she nodded. - 'Then, my second question. Why do you hate us?

Hate? Heh. Very interesting thoughts.

- Hmm? Us?

- Rias and her entourage. In all your time with us, you've treated us with the utmost condescension.

- Heh. I don't hate you, far from it. I just don't like you.

- Why? - She asked sadly, staring at me intently. - We haven't inconvenienced or outright hindered you, have we? Well, why?

- Why the interest?

- Maybe... maybe I'm winding myself up, but it seems to me that you're... lonely.

- Hmm? Is that so? - I raised an eyebrow at her words. To be honest, I don't feel lonely. At least not lonely enough for anyone to feel that way. Yes, sometimes I remember my past life, but nothing more than that. Whoa. Who was I in my past life? Why... Why can't I remember my face? It's... not a good feeling. I'll have to... deal with it. Somehow.

- I understand.

- And I don't like you for your inaction. Has anyone in the entourage ever once considered the possibilities at your fingertips? Have any of you ever compared yourselves to Sona's entourage?

- No? - Akeno replied doubtfully.

- Hehe. Then please do it right now. Compare yourself to Tsubaki. And I don't mean your personalities. But your backstories," I said crossing my arms. - 'No, wait a minute, though. I'll explain it myself. Tsubaki Shinra was born into the ancient Shinra clan, which was famous for purifying evil spirits. But because she was discovered to have the Sacred Gear, she was isolated from the others. And then Sona turned her into a demon. What do we have in the end? An ordinary person, albeit from an ancient clan, with a not-so-strong Sacred Gear. Are you still with me?

- Yeah... I think so," she nodded, but then quickly came to her senses. - Wait, you're not...

- Yes, yes. I know about you and your family. Now, do me a favor, be quiet and listen. Whether you want to or not, you MUST listen to what I'm about to say," I said and immobilized her.

- And now, we have you. Born into the Himejima clan, one of the five Great Clans of Japan. Daughter of Barakiel, one of the Deputy Governor-General of the Fallen, who has the strongest attack power among them and refuses to use his full potential just because he didn't come to the rescue. Not the most pressing problems with "Daddy" that I know of. That honorable first place is held by someone else. Well, or someone else, to be more precise.

- Mm-mm!!! - she mumbled, trying to prove something to me.

- Now let's think about why he didn't come. Suppose. Let's just assume that someone had him in custody. Someone with a grudge against your family.

- М? - she stopped kicking and made a surprised face.

- Really, how could a family like yours have enemies, couldn't it? Who could it be? Let's think about it," I stood up and started pacing back and forth across the room. - Uh-huh. Nothing comes to mind. It can't be someone from the Himejima clan, can it? Or anyone else who had a grudge against Barakiel or Shuri Himejima personally, could it? And of course, no one would think to detain the ten-winged Fallen while someone else got rid of his family, would they?

She froze, mulling over the words. Damn it, you never once thought about it, did you?

- Mm," she mumbled quietly after a moment, and tears started to come out of her eyes.

I snapped my fingers, giving her back her freedom of movement. Akeno slowly lowered her gaze and began to cry, covering her face with her hands.

Did I start to comfort her? Nope. Yes, I felt sorry for her to some extent, even considering the fact that this was all under the world's control and necessary. I might have been able to save her mother, but I wasn't thinking about it at that moment. I wasn't even planning on interfering with the plot, at least not too much.

Besides, I had no ambition to help everyone and anyone like Shirou Emiya did. He was a fool, which I agree with Archer on. Just like his father, though. To save everyone? Bullshit. You save one, you don't save the other. Balance, so to speak.

And where did Emiya Shirou's dream lead him? Archer. Who's killed more than all the local demons combined.

- Counter-Guardians are either stupid or desperate. Emiya Shirou was both," I heard Goetia say. - But among the versions of that man, there were those who accomplished the goal. And I somewhat... admire them.

- Oya? You know about the version of him that merged with Sengo Muramasa?

- I met him a couple times.

- And how did you get on with him all - Oh? The Temple of Time?

- That's right.

- Heh. I see.

- His Noble Phantasm was strong. Very strong. I think I even have a scar from it," Goetia grinned.

- 'Well, Tsumukari Muramasa is the second strongest sword in the entire multiverse,' I said, remembering the wiki. - Us...

Our discussion was interrupted by Akeno, who, seeing no one else, threw herself at me and hugged me, still with tears on her face. Did I hug her back? No. Such closeness only made me feel... uncomfortable. As if it had happened before and only caused... pain.

- Himejima-san, I'd rather you let me go," I said and tried to pull her off me. To which I received an even tighter hug.

- Please. Just a little more," Akeno mumbled in a tearful voice, hiding her face in my chest. - Please, Sensei.

- Tsk," I tsked and lowered my arms.

And we stood like that for quite a long time, which was obviously more than "a little bit". It felt like ten minutes.

- That's it, that's enough," I declared, and unhooked Akeno from me. - If you're looking for comfort, I'm not the one to talk to.

- Thank you, Sensei. Even if you dislike me," Akeno said, showing me her smile. An overly beautiful smile that made me feel uncomfortable. Again.

- I don't dislike you," I shook it off and looked at her. - I'm not uncomfortable with this kind of closeness. At least, that's what I think.

- I... understand," she said, but now with sadness. - Thank you, though, sensei.

- Uh-huh, now go and check on Issei," I said. - Second floor. Fourth room on the left.

- Okay. I will," she made a small bow and headed upstairs.

I sat down on the couch and, unable to find my pillows, lay back on it, closing my eyes.

I... I need to think.


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