
The Underworld Walkers (2)

Alexandre holds Anna in his arms. Anna closes her eyes and sleeps. The two of them are silent. The sound of each other's breathing could be heard as Alexandre looked at Anna, touched her frozen face and looked at her small, plump lips. Unable to suppress his heartbeat, he pressed his lips to hers.

In that second, Anna opened her clear eyes and looked at him tenderly. Although the kiss could not be felt, the moment their eyes met, their souls seemed closer together. What a journey it had been, and what awaited them in the future.

After a while, a canoe did come. Alexandre handed the money given by the dark figure to the ferryman. So they got into the boat without any trouble.

The river flowed and the boat passed over a thousand hills.

After turning a bend in the river, we saw a stone arch bridge over the river from a distance. The bridge was very old, with unknown black vines tangled around it. The way the vines were wrapped around the bridge was so dense that it was creepy.

Alexander patted his shirt and said, "Black Shadow, get up and see if this is the bridge you are talking about?"

The black shadow swished out and rubbed itself against Alexandre's collar. It was as if a man had just woken up and was rubbing his sleepy eyes. He opened his eyes reluctantly and said, "Why so soon? I haven't slept enough." As he said this, he spat a ring out of his mouth and handed it to Alexandria.

The sapphire embedded in the golden ring glowed with an eerie blue light that dazzled Alexandria's eyes. "What are you giving me this for? It's worth a fortune."

The dark figure smiled and said, "Why are you so nervous? I'm just lending it to you. When we get under the bridge, you must show the ring, or we won't get through."

Alexander asked, puzzled, "Why?"

"You'll see in a minute ... I'm sleepy and want to go back to sleep." The black shadow yawned as he said that, and lazily shrank into Alexander's clothes.

The boat was really fast. In the blink of an eye, he was at the bottom of the bridge. On the old stone arch bridge, the vines that had been tangled in a mess when we looked at it from afar were gradually coming into action. Some of them even poked their heads out, but they were not vines, but snakes. They were not vines, but snakes, each occupying a corner of the bridge. The bridge was so densely packed that it was impermeable.

Anna held her breath and drew close to Alexandre. Alexandra was shocked. A snake would be fine. The black shadow was not scary. But when countless snakes appear in front of him, it is still a feeling of unspeakable fear.

Suppressing his fear, Alexander put the ring the shadow gave him on his hand and put his hands over Anna's head as the canoe headed for the stone arch bridge. He put his hands around Anna's head as the canoe headed for the stone arch bridge and showed the ring as far as he could. A snake with a mouth full of sharp teeth was about to strike at Alexander's long fingers. Instead, it stopped when it saw the ring.

In an instant, all the snakes turned into black vines. Just like the ones we had seen earlier.

"Wow, it's amazing!" Anna sighed as she saw the magic of the ring.

Alexandre patted his clothes and shook the sleeping snakes awake. "Here, you can have the ring back."

"I'm sleeping, why not give it to me later?" The dark figure muttered from within his clothes.

"Your ring is not only valuable but also magical, so I think it would be safer to keep it with you." Alexandre said seriously.

"So be it." Dark Shadow poked his head out and took the ring, ready to go back to sleep.

"Dark Shadow, will you stay awake? I have a question for you." Alexandre said sincerely.

"What is it? Go ahead." The dark shadow said lazily from inside his clothes.