

Few days ago...

Yuki and sousuke were sitting together in a park when a paparazzi took picture of them sitting togather and kissing.

In few hours the news spread like fire about the President of Fukuyama industry having a mistress.

The headline was ' President of fukuyama industry with his mistress '

Sousuke hid the news from yuki. Cause he never told her that he was married. But didn't happend. The news of her being called "mistress" got to her.

As she saw it she couldn't believe her eyes. She ? Mistress? how could that be ? .

Sousuke was dealing with the matter when his phone rang "hello?" he said "s.. sousuke" she said sobbing "Yuki ? what happened?" he asked he didn't knew that she the news he was trying to hide from her has already reached her. "Why ? why people are calling me a mistress?" she asked him " Are you married? " she added. There was silence. He couldn't answer this.

He hid about his marriage from her for almost 3 years. "Yes I'm married" he said , he knew that he had to tell her sooner or later but he didn't wanted to tell her like this . There three words broke Yuki from the core. She couldn't believe , the man she loved was married to someone else and he was hiding this from her and now people are calling her a mistress.

She couldn't bare the feeling . Her phone fell from her hand and she fell on the floor . Her heart was shattered into pieces.

"Hello? Yuki? answer me ?" sousuke said in a worried tone . He was calling her but she couldn't hear his voice. Her world was spinning. He was worried so he left and went to Yuki's apartment.

She was not in her senses, when a girl came to her. She had short brown hair, long legs , fair skin and was wearing a beautiful long pink dress. When Yuki heard the footsteps she got back to her senses and saw a girl standing in front of her.

Yuki got up "who" before Yuki could say anything the girl slapped her hard making Yuki fall on the floor. Because of hard hit Yuki spat out blood , the hand was printed on her face "You bitch you are the one who stole my husband from me" the girl said angrily.

The minute the girl said word "husband" Yuki knew that this girl was sousuke's wife. She didn't mind that she slapped her cause she knew in her eyes she was the one who stole her husband. "I'm sorry I didn't knew he was married , if I knew I would never had loved him" she said while crying " Shut up you slut lying to me after stealing my husband" she said and hit her with her heel.

When she was hitting her sousuke came " What are you doing?" he asked in a cold voice, she turned and saw her husband "darling" she said with a hoarse voice . But he ignored her and went to Yuki "Yuki are you okay ?" he saw her face was swollen and had some blood on her lips "stay away from me" Yuki said and pushed him away from her "you are a lier , y -you lied to me" she said while crying " I'm sorry I lied to you , but I had a reason I love you and I knew if you knew about my marriage you will leave me and I was gonna divorce her and tell you after that " he said " darling how can you say that ? what about our son? " the girl said " I don't care" sousuke said.

When Yuki heard him say that she slapped him " how can you say that ?" she said in an angry tone "Yuki this marriage and child I didn't wanted them , my family forced me to marry her and have child , I never loved her " he said " Even if it was forced the fact is that you have a wife and child how can you say that you don't care about your child ? " she said .

The girl was just standing there she couldn't believe this girl had some guts to hit him. "How dare you hit my husband?" she said in a cold voice "She can hit me all she wants I deserve it , you get out of her it's a matter between us" he said in a cold voice.

" No, Mr fukuyama this matter is her's too" Yuki said In a cold voice. " Yuki why are you calling by that ?" he asked hearing her address him that way he felt a stabbing pain.

"Sorry , Mr fukuyama it's not my place to call you by your first name and Mr fukuyama I wish you will leave me alone and get out from my house" she said coldly. " Yuki" his words were cut by Yuki "Mr fukuyama it's Miss okamoto don't call me Yuki" she said .

He was stunned by her cold voice. " Now please leave my apartment" she said "Yuki" "Mr fukuyama it's Miss okamoto" she said with a cold expression she didn't had any emotion in her eyes. He got up and left the apartment. Sooner her wife left too.

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