
Chapter 2- Keatsian Romance 2

Aura's mom started throwing things here and there again. She checked whether her mom was taking all the medicines in due time or not. After the confirmation, she returned to her mom.

"Hey mom, mom,mumma please listen to me you can explain me things. I am listening. " She said, "I want your dad back...I just want him back, how could he consume poison and die without any prior information and I being his wife could do nothing?"

Aura tried to calm her down. She said,"But mom dad had depression. Please don't worry so much. I know that you are excited. Let's take a little dose of Lithosun SR come." "Aura darling, you are just trying to calm me down right cause you love me. Your dad never loved me so he left me." " Mom, he left me too. He left us."

The messenger clicked a ting in Aura's phone. She saw a 'Hi' from the ever awaited person 💗Ben. Her heart throbbed hard but right now she did not know what to do. Her mom becomes uncontrollable at times. She suddenly texted Ben " cannot control my mom..she has Bipolar Disorder." Ben immediately texted back " Oh! Am so sorry, but you can try to let her sleep. It works always. I actually read in books. " " But how?" "Just play some light music and pat her back ." "You mean no medicines?" "While patting her back, feed her the meds." " Okay ".

Aura did as told. She said her mom,"Mumma come let's sleep a little." Aura's mom didn't refuse cause she was extremely tired by then crying and throwing things.

Hence, Aura played a light song and patted her back as Ben told her.

Slowly and steadily, her mother fell asleep. She took a spoon, some water and mixed the Tablet and fed her the mixture in sleep.

Everything was quiet now. Aura returned to Ben. She said," All okay now. Do you know some magic?" Ben replied, "Not me. Magic done by my Authors. " "Authors are yours?" "Yes, they are mine." "They are everybody's Ben." "Yes,of course they are yours too now cause I shared my Authors with one of the best girls I know. "

Aura was lost. She didn't reply back.
