
True love - i meet my soul mate in dream.

this book true love- i meet my soul mate in my dream is about a girl named ember .she is a college girl in his nineteen . one day , she go to sleep and when she wake up she find her in different room and the person standing near her bed was a real gentle man his voice is sweet like honey.he asked me who are you why i found you fainted near my house ? his tensed face seeing me making me curious who is he , his soft attitude towards me make my heart beat fast . i don't know how to answer but i want to say something and reply him but i also don't know what to say .i asked him i don't know about what are you saying iam sleeping in my room and when I wake up i am here ... do you all want to know what happened to her and how she reached at different places ? who is that person? what is happening in her life ? just read this book and you will know about her life ... . .. i write this novel in easy way that you can understand what is happening.. . please give me comments about my writing.. . i want you to love my book as i love with this book.. . #sweetlove ,# love in dream, #real v/s dream, # romantic,# romcom, # pure love ....

The_Mahek_Khan · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Your jealousy Your Jealousy ...

I know he is staring at me but I don't care what he had done. he need to feel sorry for that.after I finished my breakfast without any eye contact with him " I am done "and stand up from the breakfast table and walking to the stairs. I suddenly turn around and see Dylan mouth is open that he is about to say something but stop with a reason . I don't want to hear so I said " dylan " he reply as fast as he can " yes " with an excitement in his face. I say " can you ask the driver to drive me to the library. I need some books ". I can see the disappointment in his face after hearing my words . " can I drive you there ". he said making puppy eyes " no need you must be busy with your work ".

he reply " I have no work today so I can accomplish you there ".

I say " okay ". he said " please let me drive you.... wait you said yes right! "

I nodded my head and said " I am going to change and then we go ".

he said " I will be waiting for you? ".

" did you make her angry? ". Nana asked

he said " I made a big mistake this time ". " what is that? ". she asked in curious that she want to know every thing . " I will not tell you that because that's my personal matters "Dylan said.

" personal hah " Nana reply . " I am busy now i have take my girlfriend to the library . bye bye ".

when I came outside of the house I see Dylan was standing at the door of the car. when I step closer to the car he open the door ' so, he is being a gentlemen . nice ' I thought and sit in the car with a smile. he said, "let me help you in putting seatbelt while he sitting in the car. when he move his hand closer . he see I put the seatbelt on my own. ' you think you are smart. ' I am controlling my laugh that time by seeing his face turn in smile to pout . he is too cute .

we reached at the campus . he said, " stay here. I am going to park the car ".

I don't say I single word and leave when he leave. I reached at Library and start checking the books I need. " hello! long time no see ".i turn my face to check who and see it was Adrien " yeah! long time ". " are you alright." I said" yes I am ". " actually I am having my exam so I am here for issue some books. " " exam for what? ".

' I almost forgot that he don't know . ' I thought and " in am preparing for exam earlier so it not burden me ". is say. he said " that's great. let me help you to find you the books. " " thanks ". I said.

after lot of fun talks he help me with finding books . " actually I am. really glad that I meet you today thanks for that " I say. " you can thank me by buying me coffee " he reply. " actually , I don't have money ". I am not contact with is eyes because of embarrassment and I don't want to answer any questions now. " so let me take you to coffee. you can give me next time " he say.I am about to answer but... " actually, we are going on a date today so, she cannot come with you ".

from the voice I know who was he " DYLAN" I whisper .I turn back and see him with my raced eyebrows ' date ha haa ' I thought and smile came at my face . " no we are.... ".he intrupt me and place his hand on my waist and pull me closer " are you angry baby. sorry for being late ". and kiss my forehead. I can't remove his hand because of his outstanding strength. " are you alright ember "Adrien ask me. and turn my face to Dylan by seeing his cold aura " I am .. so ,sorry that I forgot about the date but it's on me now to take you for coffee next time. " I reply. he tell me " okay. when we meet time. there is not going back ".

" okay okay ." with a smile...

"we are getting late bye ". Dylan said .

and pull me out the library and he drive back to the home at an high speed...

I can tell he is jealous and angry too.

when we reached . he pull me in his room and close the door and locking it. " what are you doing? ". I asked him. but he don't reply... he push me on the bed " Dylan stop doing " I shout but he don't say anything.. he put is hand back on my head pull me closer to him our head is just a inch of distance. I am really scare by is behaviour and say " stop it! ". in slow voice.. he placed his lips above mine to convert that into a kiss. that soft kiss . I kiss him back but in few second it become hard and I am just using my strength to pull him .. he stop and placed my head back at the bed and say " why are you doing this? " . at stand at the side of bed make is back visible to me. ' by his words my eyes widen. I can't understand what he is say I am doing this or he is ' I thought and sit on the bed.

" why did you talk to everyone like that ". he say . I reply , " like what ? " " you are making me uncomfortable by taking to them in this way "." Dylan can you explain which way I am talking . can you tell me. can't understand your word ".

he turn his face towards push me and push me back to the bed " ouch! it hu... ". before I express my emotions. he kiss me and he lock my hand with his one hand from stop moving . he place his one hand on my shirt trying to unbuttoning . I am trying the best to remove his hand and when he was unbuttoning my shirt I can control and tear roll down from my eyes." stop it ". the word came from my mouth in between that kiss and the tears and my body is trimble in fear .i closed my teared eyes in fear and stop struggling.